YouTube is one of the most influential new media technologies that has emerged in the social media sector. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have extended their functions as users increase. Specifically, YouTube has grown at an extraordinary speed since its establishment in 2005. “YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small.” In recent times, YouTube is being seen as the radio of the modern era. Its' ability to reach millions of people and users at the same time is astounding. Thanks to the internet and the availability of data, it is also easier to have access to YouTube on the go than radio stations. [1] It became successful within just one year of its creation. The intelligence behind YouTube also uses the advantage of the psychological effect of videos to build its future by bringing the online community closer to politics. In recent years, YouTube has gained enough influence to be legitimately considered a competitor for traditional television broadcasts and on February 28, 2017, Youtube announced the launch of a brand-new subscription service, Youtube TV, where TV channels are easily accessible.
In order to examine the impact of this powerful sharing site, it is important to understand its historical background that led to YouTube’s success today. Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim who were former PayPal employees all founded YouTube. According to a story that has often been repeated in the media, Hurley and Chen developed the idea for YouTube after they had experienced difficulty in sharing videos that had been shot at a dinner party at Chen's apartment in San Francisco. Karim did not attend the party and denied that it had occurred, while Chen commented that the idea that YouTube was founded after a dinner party "was probably very strengthened by marketing ideas around creating a story that was very digestible." [2]
YouTube was officially launched in December 2005 and generated only 8 video views in its first day. In less than a year, however, there were 100 million video views and 65,000 videos uploaded per day (“Website Monitoring,” 2010). In February of 2006, YouTube proved to be the driving factor behind successful new media technologies when it struck a deal with NBC in June 2006. After this deal, YouTube was able to help the traditional media company enter the new digital age when NBC requested YouTube to use a clip “Lazy Sunday” from SNL. YouTube had the power to attract more users to its site, and it launched its Content Verification Program to help content owners like NBC locate and remove a video that infringes on their copyrights. Another major turning point for YouTube was when Google acquired it for 1.65 billion dollars in October 2006; at the time Google called it "the next step in the evolution of the Internet" (Dickey, 2013). The historic timeline has blatantly shown how YouTube can grow into a ubiquitous site in less than 2 years. Although YouTube has grown at an impeccable speed, it has not stopped creating innovative ways of engagement with its users.
On February 14, 2005, just a little over 10 years ago, YouTube's domain name was activated. Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim who were former employees of PayPal decided to create YouTube. When watching YouTube videos, it is not often when one thinks, how did this start or why did it start. Yet, something that seems so natural to us took some time to come about. Interestingly enough, Karim thought of YouTube back when Janet Jackson's role in the 2004 Super Bowl incident occurred. He could not seem to find a place to watch this incident after it occurred. The idea of sharing videos then came about and that is how the idea of YouTube appeared. In today's society, it is so easy to just type whatever you are looking for, and finding it on either Google or YouTube (which is currently owned by Google). There is a YouTube video for everything. The other day I needed help figuring out how to change out my iPhone's cracked screen, my first thoughts were not to call Apple, nor was it to visit RadioShack, or to a phone repair place. My first thoughts were to search it on google, or search YouTube and see what I can do first. Not only has YouTube change society but it has created a whole new form of technology and has shifted what Technology was/is.
YouTube is an American online Video sharing platform which has its headquarters in San Bruno, California. YouTube, which is currently owned by the parent company Google LLC, is also considered the big five technology company in the United States when comes to the information technology industry. The current CEO of the company is Susan Wojcicki, who was also played a very curtail role in finding Google and then became Google’s first-ever marketing manager, she has been the CEO of YouTube since 2014. She played a very important role and was the one who suggested that Google acquire YouTube in 2006. Google bought YouTube in November 2006 for about $1.65 Billion Dollars, therefore making Google the parent company of YouTube. YouTube is a video hosting service with a market/ fan base all over the world. YouTube was originally founded by Chad Hurley, Steven Chen, and Jawed Karim- who started YouTube in February of 2005. YouTube lets all its user’s free of cost to upload videos, rate videos, share, like, comment, etc. on other videos. For all content that is uploaded to YouTube, the uploader of the specific content holds the copyright for the subject content. YouTube lets people watch video clips, TV shows, music videos, movie trailers, etc. and the list keeps on growing day by day. YouTube is almost available in almost all parts of the world, making YouTube the second most popular website in the world, after its parent company Google, which is number one. YouTube is a website that is almost recognized in all parts of the world because when someone says’s “Let’s look at this video” the first thing that comes to my mind on YouTube. As we move forward with this paper and the importance of YouTube in today’s world is a very strong subject when it comes to new media. YouTube is a type of new media which lets all its users be creative and create appropriate content, with that being said I think it is very important for us to look into YouTube with depth and how it is playing such an important part in today’s media and how YouTube is changing the world of media.
There are striking statistics on the top video sharing site. According to Jeff Bullas, more videos are uploaded to YouTube in one month than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years. YouTube is not only popular in the U.S. but also internationally. 80% of YouTube traffic comes from outside the US. YouTube is localized in 39 countries and across 54 languages, 60 hours of video are uploaded every minute, or one hour of video is uploaded to YouTube every second. About five billion videos are watched every single day in which one billion of those views are mobile video views.
YouTube’s primary features are sharing, conversations, groups, and reputation. There are other various data that account for social media usage and effectiveness for individuals worldwide. Some of these statistics research done by shows that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. In four minutes and 26 seconds, 100+ hours of video will be uploaded to YouTube. Since its creation in February of 2005, YouTube has been able to grow and revolutionize the world of New Media.
According to Google’s chief business officer, Omid Kordestani, YouTube is bigger than individual US cable network providers from people of age 18-49. The number of times people visited YouTube has increased three times year over year. The watch time has increased 60% year over year. YouTube now has over a billion users a day, which represents a third of Internet users around the world. People watch up to hundreds of millions of hours and generate billions of views per day. In addition, the average watch time for YouTube on mobile devices is 40 minutes. According to an article by Forbes, Miner & Co. determined 57% of parents interviewed agree that their child prefers to watch YouTube to traditional television. 58% of children have their own mobile device with Internet access. [3]
As new media plays more of a role in our daily lives, we see many companies skewing statistics to make it seem to like videos and their website are receiving more hits and impressions than they actually are. This is a problem because these metrics are key to determining whether or not the company is getting the same traction and sustaining continuous and healthy growth. Competitors in the industry have been fined and called out in the media for stunts like this, hopefully, Youtube doesn't follow the same fate.
New Media has transformed the way people view YouTube and other social media from being just different platforms of communication to becoming a global community of different users. In today’s media, there is a growing participatory nature in the global community where it allows people to share their opinions on everyday issues and to share videos with other friends. The “comment” and “share” functions on YouTube condones user participation on other media platforms and allows people to voice their own opinions, whether they liked the video or not. With the various backgrounds and cultures from the incoming traffic, YouTube videos overflow with opinions from different cultures – which ranges from being irrational to being extremely cooperative. YouTube has different new functions that help support different languages such as video captions available in different languages, which makes communication across the globe even easier. According to Wired, YouTube supports about fifty languages in video captions. This encourages an increase of video uploads and participation in the YouTube community which would bring more people into the “global conversation” [Wired].[4] Other features on YouTube include "Watch Later" and "Trending". YouTube users who might not want to watch a video and right away and don't want to forget about the video can add the video to the "Water Later" playlist so that they can remember to watch it later. "Trending" videos allow users to see what videos are currently popular in the world.[5]
One feature that is widely applied and commercialized is broadcasting. It breaks the traditional value of television and the ways people looking for entertainment that bilaterally beneficial. YouTube is the media that makes almost dominated enterprisingly business into individual specialized creativity. Broadcasting on education, entertainment, life hacks is highly welcomed by its followers. The broadcaster is a new word that comes out with new media. In the past, people need to obtain relevantly education and experience or even more, some licenses to be qualified as a broadcaster. With new techniques and convenience of YouTube, it’s only a simple process, record and upload. Certainly, gaining a good name requires knowledge and concrete factors that apply goodly to what people looking for. Broadcasting life hacks, it must be really handy and applicable so that people will follow and expect more. Educational programs, on another hand, require professional knowledge in that specific field. For instance, if the broadcasting is about math, then the host must be an expert in mathematics so that he or she can assist watchers to get through problems. YouTube beautifully opens the door of individual talent and makes true talented people have a better chance to be valued and appreciated. However, this feature is abused when uploading getting easier and kind of “crowded”. [6]
New Media/Technology & YouTube
Although YouTube has grown to become one of the most popular options for video, entertainment, streaming, and television, its carriers have tried to challenge it by creating alternatives such as the On-Demand option. Networks such as HBO, CBS, ABC, and so forth have created apps to be used for their viewers to have similar options as YouTube would give when wanting to re-watch an episode or to watch one because he or she missed when it aired. These are all options and different ways the competitors try to stay on top as YouTube consistently keeps its audience. Another huge part of this is Netflix and Hulu. Similar to the HBO app, NetFlix and Hulu have created a way for viewers to watch movies they have seen before and have never had the chance to see. As well as creating their own series, it has drawn a whole new audience to its network. Although these all seem to be in the same category, YouTube is still free, easily accessible, and a platform anyone in society can be a part of. This makes Youtube stand out and be unique with a huge impact on technology structure.
Many television carriers are beginning to embrace YouTube and make it a part of them. It reminds me of phones with Google. Hence why YouTube is owned by Google now. Google and YouTube are the two things technology can't get away from. Something like Apple with phone carriers. Fios (Verizon) now has a feature where you can go straight to YouTube and watch YouTube channels while you are using your Fios box. In 2005, technology changed tremendously. YouTube altered the structure of the industry and programming forms. Although television is still a huge part of today and will always be, YouTube is joining the force and taking some attention away from the television. At one point, television was the only visual one had. The option to broadcast and express oneself was not offered through television for everyone. It was almost as if this dream of being famous was unreachable, YouTube made it reachable. YouTube challenged many by allowing streaming without permission, although one can report a video and so forth, it was still something unheard of when one was able to view Iggy Azalea's fall on a concert on YouTube seconds after it happened. YouTube was and still is the go-to for these types of situations and more.
Viral Videos
"Ain't Nobody Got Time For That"
On April 8, 2012, an Oklahoma City NBC affiliate station, aired an interview with Kimberly "Sweet Brown" Wilkins, after escaping from a house fire. In the original clip, Wilkins says, "I got bronchitis, ain't nobody got time for that," when describing the incident and the latter part became a popular catchphrase at the time, with the original video garnering 1 million views in 48 hours and more than 65 million views to date.[7]
In 2013, Wilkins sued a radio station called The Bob Rivers Show, for using her likeness and voice in one of their broadcasts, without seeking Wilkins' consent and Apple for allowing users to post samples of the interview in iTunes songs for profit, without her consent.[8]
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge became a popular trend that got almost everybody involved; from celebrities, politicians, parents, high/college students took part and it stayed on YouTube for quite some time. The challenge began on social media to raise awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The challenge involved one person sitting down or standing up, while another person pours a bucket of ice-cold water or multiple buckets on the person standing or sitting. At the end of the video, the person getting soaked would nominate their three friends to complete the challenge, and if they did not do so within 24 hours, they had to donate to the ALS association. More than 17 million people worldwide participated in the ice bucket challenge to support ALS and other diseases. The money raised in the United States by the ice bucket participants was $115 million. In 2015 ALS association re-introduced the ice bucket challenge to continue to raise money and awareness, in hopes that the Ice bucket challenge will become an annual tradition.
There has been a lot of controversy with this challenge as many were saying it was all done for games and not for the awareness.
Companies such as Blink Fitness and Nike contributed to this, however, you may have individuals being a part of the challenge and not doing it for support but for the excitement.
It has also caused injuries. Many are hoping this challenge steers away from the negative.
Antoine Dodson
Antoine Dodson is a native resident from Huntsville, Alabama. He was recently interviewed by NBC affiliate WAFF-48 News in a news clip about the local police searching for a man who broke into the Dodsons’ home and then tried to assault one of his sisters in bed. On July 28, 2010, an intruder had broken into the Dodson home and attempted to rape his sister. He fended off the rapist who left his t-shirt and fingerprints. A reporter was sent to interview Dodson and that is where it began. During his interview, he stated "well, obviously we have a RAPIST in Lincoln Park. He’s climbin’ in your windows, he’s snatchin’ your people up, tryin’ to rape ‘em. So y’all need to hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband cause they’re rapin’ everybody out here,” this phrase became a viral hit. The original video has over 57 million views. Although, the video did gain criticism because it reinforced a negative stereotype and perception of African Americans. Additionally, many felt that even though the video was funny, no attention should be paid to the sexual assault attempt. Dodson gained, even more popularity when an auto-tune version of his interview was released. On July 30, 2010, the Bed Intruder Song was released. It would rise to popularity as the 25th most-bought song on the main iTunes charts when it was released, selling more than 10,000 copies in the first two days of its availability. Currently, this video has over 120 million views. Dodson's fame would spread leading to interviews on NBC. On March 14, 2014, Dodson launched a Kickstarter to fund a reality show based on his life titled The Antoine Dodson Experience. Unfortunately, only $766 was pledged by backers, whereas he needed $38,000.[9]
BeanBoozled Challenge
[BeanBoozled-challenge] is the Russian Roulette of candy games. Each box is filled with both delicious and strange flavors. The catch is that you cannot tell what you're going to get until you eat it!
There are ten differently styled Jelly Belly Jelly Beans in each box. Each style has both a tasty flavor and a downright strange flavor. For example, you'll never know if you're going to get caramel corn or moldy cheese; licorice or skunk spray; coconut or baby wipes.[10]
Charlie Bit My Finger
YouTube's most viewed video of all time is an unlikely champion. Seen more than 170 million times since its posting in May 2007, "Charlie Bit My Finger" was never meant to be anything more than a family flick. But the Internet's hive mind saw something it liked and catapulted the clip, which depicts a laughing British baby gnawing on the finger of his crying brother, past "Evolution of Dance" as YouTube's views champ by the fall of 2009. [11]
Children Interrupt BBC News Interview
In March of 2017, as Professor Robert Kelly was being interviewed live on BBC News, his children accidentally came into the room. You could tell it was quite nerve-wracking for the professor but he remained his cool and calmly continued the interview. Not one, but both of his children came into the room and his wife was forced to quickly snatch them out and close the door - hoping no one had seen them. This viral video has around 24 million views on Youtube and has been shared throughout many forms of social media. [1]
Cinnamon Challenge
The Cinnamon Challenge is an internet challenge where people would take a spoonful of cinnamon without drinking water in under 60 seconds. This challenge rose in popularity in 2012 when huge YouTubers like Glozell and David Dobrik decided to take on this challenge over the internet. According to many different health doctors, the cinnamon challenge raises many different health hazards like stimulating a gag reflex that is created by a blockage between the inside of the mouth and throat. This creates the "dragon breath" that is infamous throughout the video. The "dragon breath" happens when the participants blow the powder out of their mouths while gasping for water. [2]. Many people believe that because cinnamon is considered to be healthy when taking moderately, this challenge shows little to no health hazard. But they couldn't be more wrong. The cinnamon strips away the moisture inside the mouth making it hard to breathe and swallow.
Yet cinnamon itself is quite beneficial when taking moderately. Cinnamon contains 245% manganese and 28% calcium. A little goes a long way, this means about 1/2 of a teaspoon of cinnamon will do the trick when benefiting digestion, and immunity. Taking larger doses can improve heart disease and diabetes risk. [3].
There are several instances of people that have lost their lives while doing the cinnamon challenge. A Kentucky 4-year-old boy named Matthew lost his life after doing the cinnamon challenge. Matthew choked to death after ingesting almost a whole container of cinnamon powder while trying to do the Cinnamon Challenge. After ingesting almost a container full of Cinnamon, he nearly collapsed from the lack of oxygen and trouble breathing. Radar, Matthew's mother, rushed Matthew to the hospital to find out that he was pronounced dead only an hour and a half after in the incident. [4]. Now Radar is trying to spread awareness of the issue. She hopes this accident doesn't happen to anyone else and will continue to raise awareness in the name of her lost son.
"Chocolate Rain"
This viral video was created in 2007 by singer-songwriter, Tay Zonday, gaining more than 110 million views and is one of the first viral videos on YouTube. The video features Zonday singing the song he had written with an extremely deep voice for a young man and wearing a white t-shirt. Adding to the comedic value of his unexpectedly deep voice, a sentence scrolls across the screen at one point in the video that says, "**I move away from the mic to breathe in."[12]
Shortly after "Chocolate Rain" was posted, the video was featured on different tv shows, such as Jimmy Kimmel Live!, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and Last Call with Carson Daly. On April 22, 2017, the video celebrated its 10 year anniversary. Since then, Zonday is doing commercial voice work. In an interview with the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Zonday offered advice to future viral video creators by saying,"Just be authentic and be yourself. And find the audience that loves the authentic version of you."[13]
Shortly after "Chocolate Rain" was posted, the video was featured on different tv shows, such as Jimmy Kimmel Live!, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and Last Call with Carson Daly. On April 22, 2017, the video celebrated its 10 year anniversary. Since then, Zonday is doing commercial voice work. In an interview with the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Zonday offered advice to future viral video creators by saying,"Just be authentic and be yourself. And find the audience that loves the authentic version of you."[14]
Chubby Bunny Challenge
The Chubby Bunny Challenge is another classic YouTube challenge. The rules of this challenge are pretty simple; to put chubby bunnies or marshmallows in your mouth and say ‘Chubby Bunny’. If you can properly pronounce ‘Chubby Bunny’, then you keep adding an additional chubby bunny or marshmallow in your mouth. This is repeated until one of the players cannot say ‘Chubby Bunny’ anymore. There is no limit to the number of people that can participate in this challenge.
This challenge has been around for a long time but has recently become very popular when YouTubers integrated it into their channels. This challenge can get messy and it can become a choking hazard. On June 4, 1999, a 12-year-old girl named Catherine Fish died after choking on four marshmallows while playing Chubby Bunny. There was a contest occurring at her elementary school but Casey and some of her friends started playing the game while the teachers weren't looking. Another person, named Janet Rudd, also died from this challenge on September 12, 2006. She was 32 years old and it happened during a Chubby Bunny competition. So although this challenge can be a way of entertainment among a group of people, everyone needs to be careful to not go over their limit. [5]
Damn, Daniel!

Damn Daniel is another viral phenomenon of the Internet and its ability to find humor in almost any subject regardless of its content. This video has skyrocketed in views within the course of a week features the cameraman, Josh, recording his friend, Daniel, and commentating on Daniel's various outfits throughout the school week. The biggest takeaway from this video, however, is the fact that Daniel is consistently wearing all-white vans which have now become iconic as a result of the trend. Within a few days of its upload on February 15th, "Damn, Daniel" has garnered over 230,000 retweets on Twitter and counting and has been parodied several times through social media [6].
After a couple of years of not releasing new music, Spanish Pop-Artist, Luis Fonsi, released this hit that moved everyone around the world. By making a song that had a nice rhythm to it along with a comfortable melody, Luis Fonsi was able to capture the attention of billions around the world. That's right, billions. This song, which was recorded with Reggaeton sensation Daddy Yankee, was made available to the fans on January 13th, 2017. There was no question that this song would become a hit. Despacito became the fifty-fourth video to reach 1 billion views by April 20th, doing so in just 96 days[16]. One year later, by April 5th 2018, this video reached 5 billion views, the first and only video on youtube to do so. It currently sits on Vevo's most viewed video with over 5.1 billion views, and it is currently Youtube's most liked video with over 27.7 million likes as of May 2018. There is no question that this song was indeed a hit, and will forever be remembered as the song that moved people's hips in the summer of 2017.
Drunk Doctor and Uber Driver
A video of a drunk doctor who claimed to be going through emotional distress went viral after attacking an Uber driver. The video showed the young women by the name of Anjali Ramkissoon, 30, yelling, cursing and getting violent with an Uber driver. Ramkissoon was heavily intoxicated and got in the wrong Uber car when the driver denied taking her home because he was waiting for his customer, Ramkissoon began yelling. A looker who witnessed the incident, recorded and posted the video on social media; within split seconds, it went viral and she was placed on administrative leave with immediate effect. According to a reliable source, she was later fired from the job after an investigation. Ramkissoon went on Good Morning America apologizing for her behavior and explaining she acted out because she had a rough day due to her father being placed in the hospital and her boyfriend breaking out with her. The apology did not help Ramkissoon because she was fired and will be having a hard time finding another job since this story went viral and her name is now out for the world to know. No charges were pressed against Ramkissoon.[[7]]
Elliot Rodger
Recently Elliot Rodger, a 22-year-old man, posted a video which was titled "Elliot Rodger's Retribution" about his upcoming attack and the reason behind it to YouTube. Social isolation, female rejection, and sexual jealousy were his main motives. He expressed how he felt life was unfair in the almost seven-minute video. He felt that people who were of his age should have sexual experiences, but he had never had one. It made him angry at women who rejected him and men who have sexual activity, and so he decided to act out violently to punish them. The next day, on May 23, 2014, in Isla Vista, California, near the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara he killed six people and injured thirteen people before committing suicide.
People can share their feelings and ideas with others through new media. This young man shared his anger and loneliness, even though he also shared his violent plan which he planned to carry out within 24 hours. If somebody had seen this advance notice before it happened, and did something about it, it might have been prevented. On the subway, we see the poster saying "If you see something, say something". This is the same thing we can say about new media. There are YouTube guidelines, and they remove those threats of violent videos when they find them. YouTube removed Elliot Rodger's video from his account, but it was copied and re-posted by other users. There are so many users and people can upload videos anytime and anywhere with YouTube. It is difficult to control everything. Elliot Rodger uploaded his video and emailed family and acquaintances a lengthy autobiographical manuscript. It is available as the document called "My Twisted World" on the Internet. This event proves new media also has a dark side, and that people who are unstable can use YouTube to promote unfortunate ideas and activities.[17] Without YouTube, no one would have known about Elliot Rodgers or his motive behind his actions.
Gangnam Style
"Gangnam Style," the unlikely smash hit by South Korean rapper Psy, has surpassed Justin Bieber's "Baby" to become the most-watched YouTube video of all time. [8]
The video--featuring Psy's meme-ready dance moves--has racked up more than 2.66 billion views since it was uploaded to YouTube on July 15, 2012. Bieber's "Baby," which has been watched more than 1.46 billion times since it was posted in February 2010. "#GangnamStyle just became the most-watched video @YouTube!" Psy (real name: Park Jae-Sang) tweeted on Saturday. "#History." "Gangnam Style" already holds the title for "most liked" video in YouTube history with more than 10 million "likes," according to the Guinness Book of World Records, which officially recognized the achievement in September. The video for LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem" is a distant second with more than 3 million "likes." Bieber's "Baby" is no. 3 in that category. But true Beliebers, fear not: The 18-year-old pop star is not taking the "most viewed" loss lying down, tweeting a shirtless picture from the gym for his 30 million Twitter followers. [18]
After Gangnam Style, Psy released a new single called "Gentleman". It set the record for the most views ever in a single day with over 38 million hits on April 14 alone. The Gangnam style also inspired people from all over the world and made ads in "Gangnam Style". The song also has many different versions and has been translated into several different languages. “Gentleman” was seen 100 million times in less than 4 days worldwide, a milestone that took “Gangnam Style” nearly two months to achieve. [19] As of May 11, 2016 "Gentleman" has been viewed over 956 million times. [20] However, "Gentleman" was not as successful as "Gangnam Style" and did not have as many views as "Gangnam Style" did.
Harlem Shake

In February 2013, this song inspired various dance videos that begin with a masked person slowly dancing within a group of others standing there. Once the bass drops the whole group breaks into dance like a crazy dance party. The dances are all improvised dances and one popular dance featured in most of these videos is twerking. The original video was from a video blogger Filthy_Frank featuring people dressed in latex suits dancing to Baauer's "Harlem Shake." The viral video has spawned hundreds of parody videos all across the United States.
"Here In My Garage"
Tai Lopez, one of the world's most influential social media names, made his debut in 2015 when a YouTube video entitled "Here In My Garage" went viral when people saw a guy and his black Lamborghini. The video debuted on YouTube on September 2nd, 2015 and has since gone on to get over 68 million views. The video received over 20 million views in the first week and became an instant hit for people who like enjoy cars and social media. [23] Since then, he has gone on to create his website and make countless programs for young entrepreneurs looking to do something with their lives. He is constantly showing off his 'toys' on his Instagram and Snapchat accounts, and even hangs out with celebrities like Chris Paul, DeAndre Jordan, and Jimmy Fallon to name a few.
Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris
In July 2010, Justin Bieber's music video "Baby" featuring Ludacris turned out to be the most viewed video in YouTube history. The song received positive compliments on lyrics and chorus and the part from Ludacris’. It was on the top ten charts in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Australia, Norway, Hungary, Belgium, Slovakia and New Zealand. The music video has over 1.3 billion views. It held the record for the most viewed video on Youtube, until the end of 2012 when Gangnam Style by Psy pushed Baby by Justin Bieber to second most viewed on YouTube.
Kony 2012
With more than 100 million views in six days, "Kony 2012" became the most viral video as of 2012. The video is a documentary that sought the arrest of Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army.
Joseph Kony is depicted as being particularly cruel in that he kidnaps and raises young Ugandan children to be ruthless child soldiers. In some cases, the children would be made to kill members of their own families. The video was made by Jason Russell, who was arrested later in 2012 for public drunkenness and lewd behavior in California.[10]
Leave Britney Alone
Leave Britney Alone is a video that was posted by Chris Crocker on September 10, 2007. This video featured Crocker crying and pleading to viewers to stop ridiculing celebrity Britney Spears. She feared for her mental state due to Spears's wild and erratic behavior at the time, which the media's depiction was not helping. Crocker later uploaded a "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!" (part 2) which is the better-known version of the video. It was posted to Youtube and Myspace and quickly became one of the most talked-about videos online and in pop culture media. This video led to many people creating parodies of it, one of the most famous being Seth Green's Leave Chris Crocker Alone video.
Look Up
"Look Up" was posted to YouTube on April 25th, 2014. The short film became viral and garnered more than 21 million views in two weeks. The video’s director Gary Turk, who was virtually unknown prior to the posting, has only one video on YouTube but has already accumulated over 23 thousand subscribers. He is featured in this 5-minute video reciting a poem about the negative effects social media has had on interpersonal interactions.
Turk conveys his message through portraying alternative stories of a man and woman. In one scenario, the man is lost and asks the woman for directions. This random encounter sparks a love story that concludes with marriage, children and eventually grandchildren. The alternate story is less touching and shows the same man preoccupied with his cell phone in the same setting. The woman he had fallen in love in the previous story with walks by him and he misses an opportunity to meet her because of his fixation with technology. [24]
Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat is a Youtube video that was released in April of 2011, it gained much popularity and became an internet meme. Originally the video was just a hybrid of a cat's head with a Pop-tart for a body. On April 2, 2011, Christopher Torres created this GIF animation for his website LOL Comics. Torres explained in an interview where the idea for the animation came from: "I was doing a donation drive for the Red Cross and in-between drawings in my Livestream video chat, two different people mentioned I should draw a 'Pop Tart' and a 'cat'." As for the design of the cat, it was inspired by his cat, Marty. On the other hand, the music was titled Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya, sung by a Vocaloid and created by Japanese artist Daniwell-P. On April 5th, 2011, YouTuber saraj00n posted a video titled Nyan Cat, by combining the GIF animation and the music: created a viral hit. In its first two weeks, the video had more than 1 million views. However, the video was taken down on June 27, 2011, because Youtube stated that there had been a copyright claim to the video from the original creator, Christoper Torres. Torres has stated that he did not file a copyright claim. Nyan Cat's impact is still felt as games have been created to honor it, with hardcore fans creating a 24-hour loop of the video and customized progress bar.[25]
The Power of Makeup
The Power of Makeup is a challenge that was created by NikkieTutorials to address people who shame makeup wearers. The video was posted on May 10, 2015, with over 40 million views and over 840 thousand likes. This challenge shows NikkieTutorials applying makeup to only half of her face, leaving the other bare. Over the course of the almost 7-minute video, Nikkie speaks about the reasons she wears makeup and how it empowers her. She also speaks about the makeup shaming culture of people finding reasons to make fun of people who enjoy and wear makeup or degrade people for their choices of makeup. This video sparked a huge conversation in the beauty community and its meaningful message was spread among millions of people and viewers. Although it was posted 4 years ago, many beauty gurus and influencers still take part in the challenge. Two years later in 2017, Kim Kardashian teamed up with NikkieTutorials to recreate The Power of Makeup challenge on her. This particular video has over 12 million views which shows its lasting effect and interest in the challenge and message.
Rick Rolling is a bait-and-switch practice that involves providing a web link supposedly relevant to the topic at hand, but actually, re-directs the viewer to Rick Astley’s 1987 hit single “Never Gonna Give You Up.” Someone would share a link with a hidden URL promising one thing, and when the victim clicked, he or she would instead land upon Astley’s YouTube video. Whenever someone clicked the link and unintentionally summoned Rick Astley’s song, he or she is was said to have been "rickrolled". This practice gained popularity somewhere around 2007. This was said to have originated from a forum called 4Chan. According to the owner of 4Chan, the idea of rickrolling was based on something called the duck roll, where an external link with an exciting title would bring one to a page with a duck with wooden wheels. The first video of rickrolling was reported to have been released in May 2007 on 4Chan. A user had posted the preview of Grand Theft Auto IV as a facade to bait and switch many viewers, thus many people got "rickrolled" as demand for the game was very high. To be "rickrolled" was kind of considered a coming of age for every child of the internet. This video has been used in pranks and even much larger plans such as for April Fools in 2008, Youtube made it so every video on the front page would bring the users to the video and thus be "rickrolled."[26] Today, the video has nearly 80 million views.
Running Man Challenge

The Running Man Challenge, the internet's most recent viral sensation has seen its peak in popularity starting late April 2016. The challenge was popularized by two basketball players from the University of Maryland, Jaylen Brantley and Jared Nickens [11]. The challenge features dancing to the 90s hit song "My Boo" by Ghost Town DJ's while performing the "running man" dance. The challenge has become so catchy it has spiraled into athletic groups around the country, from PSAL(Public Schools Athletic League) to professional sports teams. The Running Man Challenge is just another instance of how easily a trend can go viral with the help of some publicity through athletes and celebrities.
Whisper Challenge
The Whisper Challenge is a game that has become very popular through the internet. The game consists of one player listening to loud music through noise-canceling headphones while another player whispers a phrase to them. The player with the headphones has to guess what the other player is saying. This is very challenging because the player with the headphones shouldn't be able to hear anything the other player is saying and unless they are very good at reading lips, they should have a hard time to guess the phrase. This game makes for a great laugh because the player that is guessing usually says some random words the probably have nothing to do with the phrase. This is similar to a game of Telephone where a phrase gets passed around players and the final "translation" is said out loud, usually incorrect from the original phrase. One way to change up the game is when two people try to decode the Whisper Challenge at the same time in which one of them often gets it before the other one.
This game was invented by Jimmy Fallon's writers and he plays it with celebrities for some great entertainment. YouTubers then adopted this challenge and that's when it became very popular. It is the first challenge in a long time where bodily harm isn't required and it is mess-free. [12]
Originally starting off in the country of Korea, this viral video idea has taken over YouTube. So many YouTubers and content creators have been adopting these types of videos. Essentially, it is a type of online video where a host would eat a substantial amount of food at once while engaging with their audiences. Popular food items that can be seen consumed by them are pizzas, ramen noodles and sushi. These videos can either be live where the interaction is instantaneous or recorded beforehand and posted onto sites such as YouTube. Some of these videos are simply “silent” where the host would make eating sounds only and not talk at all. The other main type is where the hosts would tell stories. This type of mukbang helps them better engage with their viewers. [28]
Sandstorm is a trance techno song produced by Darude in 1999. It gained a lot of popularity due to content creators on Youtube using this song especially in montages or highlighting clips. It first started with a Youtuber and his video of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare gameplay with the song in Darude Sandstorm in the background. A post was submitted to the League of Legends subreddit of an ex-pro player of called TheOddOne playing the song while completing a highlight play, which then led to it becoming a meme where if someone asked for the song name it would always result to people telling them Darude Sandstorm. The search for Darude Sandstorm peaked during 2014.
Censorship and filtering
Several countries have blocked access to YouTube.
- Morocco shut down access to YouTube in 2008.[33]
- Thailand blocked YouTube between 2006 and 2007 due to offensive videos relating to King Bhumibol Adulyadej.[34][35]
- Turkey blocked access to YouTube between 2008 and 2010 after controversy over videos deemed insulting to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.[36][37][38] The block was lifted briefly but reimposed in November 2010.[39]
- On December 3, 2006, Iran temporarily blocked access to YouTube, along with several other sites, after declaring them as violating social and moral codes of conduct. The YouTube block came after a video was posted online that appeared to show an Iranian soap opera star having sex.[40] The block was later lifted and then reinstated after the Iranian presidential election, 2009|Iran's 2009 presidential election.[41]
- On February 23, 2008, Pakistan blocked YouTube because of "offensive material" towards the Islamic faith, including the display of the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy|Danish cartoons of the prophet Muhammad.[42] This led to a near global blackout of the YouTube site for around two hours, as the Pakistani block was inadvertently transferred to other countries. Pakistan lifted its block on February 26, 2008.[43] Many Pakistanis circumvented the three-day block by using virtual private network software.[44] In May 2010, following the Everybody Draw Mohammed Day, Pakistan again blocked access to YouTube, citing "growing sacrilegious content".[45]
- On January 24, 2010, Libya blocked access to YouTube after it featured videos of demonstrations in the Libyan city of Benghazi by families of detainees who were killed in Abu Salim prison in 1996 and videos of family members of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi at parties. The blocking was criticized by Human Rights Watch.[46]
- In September 2012, several countries with a large Muslim population, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sudan blocked access to YouTube following controversy over a 14-minute trailer for the film Innocence of Muslims which had been posted on the site.[47][48][49][50][51] Russia also blocked access to YouTube over the same controversy.[52] The trailer was blamed for 2012 diplomatic missions attacks|violent protests in Libya and Egypt. YouTube stated that "This video – which is widely available on the Web – is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube. However, given the very difficult situation in Libya and Egypt we have temporarily restricted access in both countries."[53][54]
- Departments of education in some regions have blocked student access to YouTube, with some state education departments in Australia citing the inability to determine what sort of video material might be accessed.[55]
Censorship and Video Monetizing
Recently there have been more and more articles on Youtube turning of advertisements and video demonetizing without letting the creators know. The issue was brought to the public eye when Philip Defranco addressed the issue on his popular Youtube channel[13]. Youtube started this issue when advertisers brought up the fact that their ads were being played before videos that are not in line with their ideals. [14] Youtube's parent company, Google, reacted by apologizing and promising to take more care and attention into how their advertisements are played. On the other side, Youtube creators realized that many of their videos were being flagged and can only be shown in "restricted mode" which means that schools, children, and certain public entities were not able to view the videos. Many creators saw this as an attack on their freedom of speech because it restricted videos that spoke about current events and big news stories[15]. Another issue was the fact that a large amount was LGBT-related videos, even if the videos themselves were not inappropriate. Being tagged as LGBT was enough to rid the video into restricted mode.
On the note about demonetization, this itself is also a form of censorship because Youtube is not allowing creators to profit off of their work to fund future works. Philip DeFranco himself looked through his own videos and found multiple videos that had it's advertising feature turned off without his knowledge (12 to be exact). Reading through the Youtube guidelines, it shows that "Controversial or sensitive subjects.... even if the graphic imagery is not shown" can be flagged. DeFranco points out that proper news related to commentaries and videos would not be able to be made without speaking about it. Youtube did end up responding by saying they will now email creators when their videos have been turned off for advertisements. However, another issue that has been brought up is the fact that this means for months before this person have been losing out on advertisement money without their knowledge[16].
YouTube Services & Payments
Paid Subscription Channels
In May of 2013, YouTube introduced a paid subscription service that allowed users to pay a monthly fee for a content channel subscription. This was very much expected and was an attempt to compete with other video media streaming sites such as Hulu and Netflix. The program started with 53 participants and featured genres such as comedies and live sports. The prices for these paid subscriptions start at 99 cents per month and go up to $6.99 per month depending on the content. Users are offered a 14 day trial for all subscription channels, and some channels may provide a discounted rate if the user signs up for a full year of content upfront. Paid subscribers can access their content from multiple devices like their computers, phones, tablets, and TVs after initially subscribing through the desktop YouTube site. [56]
Video Monetization
When YouTube users upload videos using their account they are given the option to monetize their video. This means allowing YouTube and AdSense to put ads in the beginning, inside, or near the video. Eligible videos for earning are uploaded by users that must own worldwide commercial usage rights to everything in the video. This means the music playing in the background, pictures, and other content may not be owned by another person. However, if users choose to do so they must have written consent from the original owner. Earnings vary from video to video. The type of ads and the pricing of ads appearing with the users' video determine how much you earn. The more viewers you have the more likely it is to have more expensive ads appearing in/near your video. [57]
YouTubers are able to apply for and be a part of the YouTube Partner Program, which is a program where selected YouTubers are able to earn shared revenue through ads that are placed on the same pages as their videos. Partners make money through the use of Google's advertising platform known as Google AdSense. Partners earn money only when viewers click on the ads found on their videos, which equates to a few cents or dollars per click. The price earned depends on how much advertisers bid to get their ads out.
YouTubers are able to apply for the YPP but not everyone is accepted. In 2012, YouTube opened up the Partnership Program to everyone, allowing all YouTubers to upload content and immediately earn money on their videos. However, problems rose where people would create accounts and re-upload content that belonged to others.
As a result of the ease of earning money through the YPP using other people's content and using software that inflates viewership, YouTube began to impose stricter criteria for users to qualify for partnership. In order to be accepted, YouTubers must have clear evidence that their content is (a) original (b) created on a regular basis (c) all rights to the content is owned by YouTuber and (d) videos are experiencing substantial growth in popularity. Additionally, YouTube announced in 2017 that they would require partners to hit 10,000 organic lifetime views on their channel before they are allowed to earn money. After this requirement is met, creators will be subject to reviews of their activity to make sure that they are following YPP and advertiser policies and are growing consistently.
YouTube Gaming
With the popularity of, YouTube also tried to capitalize on video game streaming becoming a bigger platform. They first launched the standalone YouTube Gaming app in 2015, however, in 2018 it was discontinued and the gaming platform was brought back to the main app to reduce user confusion. On YouTube Live, anyone can stream themselves. And unlike Twitch, anyone can make money off of advertisements on YouTube. It also allows anyone to stream in 1080p high definition quality while new Twitch streamers are limited to 720p. One of the biggest streamers on YouTube is Ice Poseidon, a former Twitch streamer who was banned from the site for being swatted multiple times. He streams himself doing everyday activities things like going to restaurants and taking Uber rides. He also does more silly activities that his subscribers in the live YouTube chat will ask him to do. Although many call his stream one of poor taste, he has amassed over 500,000 subscribers, and he gets around 25,000 viewers on his live streams [60]. YouTube has started going on the offensive, by trying to poach streamers from Twitch and bringing their audiences over to YouTube. In 2019, they signed CourageJD to an exclusivity streaming deal, having him and his "Courageous" fans leave twitch in favor of YouTube. [61] In 2020, they signed Pewdiepie, who already has over 104 Million subscribers on the platform, to stream exclusively on YouTube. [62]
YouTube Red
YouTube Red is the latest subscription service from YouTube. Originally started as YouTube Music Key it recently changed its name in October 2015. YouTube Red is the latest paid subscription service that allows users to get ad-free access to videos, exclusive "Red only" videos, offline playback of certain videos, and YouTube Music benefits. YouTube Red's exclusive content is called YouTube Red Originals, which is only accessible by paying the monthly price of $9.99. It is currently only available in the US and they are offering a 1-month free trial to onboard users. The exclusive shows are made with famous and successful YouTubers such as Lily Singh, PewDiePie, and PrankVsPrank. YouTube Red also gives premium access to Google Play Music, reducing subscription costs for the end-user. Red will allow YouTube to compete against paid-subscription companies such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Video. [63]
In 2018 YouTube's parent company, Google, eventually split up YouTube Red services into two new offerings: a YouTube Music streaming service, available either for free with ads or a paid subscription that eliminates the ads and YouTube Premium for original video content, also only accessible through a paid membership subscription. [64]
YouTube Black
In March 2016, YouTube had their very first rare event called #YouTubeBlack. This event has gathered a hundred African-American creators in Los Angeles, California to celebrate their content but also critique racial unfairness within the platform. Black creators weren't promoted as much on YouTube and the algorithms ignored their media causing their subscribers not to see their videos. YouTube became one of the first major social platforms to address the lack of diversity publically. This event has gathered creators of different fields, with celebrity guest appearances and interviews of how to become a better content creator. Certain creators that have attended are Jackie Aina, Dearra & Ken, Swoozie and many more. This was YouTube's first step in becoming more inclusive. During the 2020 pandemic, YouTube has committed to putting millions into magnifying the art of black artists and creators. The YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki goal is to help creators with more opportunities due to the racial injustice African-Americans face whether on social media or in person. It's very important these creators have a company who supports them and stand by them socially. YouTube commits $100 million to ‘amplify’ black creators and artists</ref>
YouTube Premium
YouTube Premium had originally debuted as ‘Music Key’ in 2014 but was eventually rebranded as ‘YouTube Red’ in 2015 and eventually morphed into YouTube Premium in 2018. However, YouTube Premium isn’t a dedicated music streaming platform, which is why YouTube also offers YouTube music for an additional subscription fee. Rather, YouTube Premium still offers many of the same benefits as YouTube Red but as a multifaceted offering service it boasts a number of extra and small benefits to improve YouTube users experience, including original content and ad-free YouTube streaming.[65]
YouTube Premium still offers much more than what is offered through the free YouTube version by removing ads that are sometimes as long as the videos users watch. Additionally, subscribers can open another app on their mobile device and YouTube videos will continue to play in the background (though this feature has now become available on most newer cellphone models). Furthermore, subscribers can download videos to watch offline at a later time, and on different devices such as cellphones, tablets or laptops to name a few. YouTube also offers exclusive original content featuring celebrity stars and collaboration with the site's influential creators that are only available through YouTube Premium.[66]
YouTube Premium's current subscription costs are $11.99 per month. For an extra $6 per month, you can add as many as five family members to your Premium subscription. [67]
YouTube Music
YouTube Music was launched in 2015, and like Apple Music, Spotify, or Pandora, it allows subscribers to stream a wide library of music and explore new releases.
With YouTube Music, you can listen to official songs, albums, playlists, artist radios, remixes and live versions of songs.[68] However, some YouTube music features are free to use but with ads. If users instead want an ad-free experience they can subscribe to A YouTube Music Premium that removes all ads and gives subscribers background listening where they can exit the app and continue listening and also download songs for offline playback.[69] If YouTube Music doesn't have the song subscribers are searching for, the app can find that particular song from the entire YouTube app and send subscribers there to play it.[70] Unfortunately, Youtube Music subscribers can't watch ad-free videos, for that they will need to also subscribe to a different YouTube service called YouTube Premium.
YouTube Music basic streaming service is available for free with ads or through YouTube Music Premium service for a fee of $9.99 per month without ads and offline listening and playback.[71]
YouTube Unplugged
YouTube Unplugged is a paid subscription service to stream live TV channels online. This service is said to be launched this year and YouTube is in talks with NBC, Viacom, Twenty-First Century Fox, CBS, etc. YouTube already has YouTube Red as a paid subscription service, which allows users to watch videos without advertisements. However, YouTube Unplugged is different. They are in such a dominant position that they are negotiating with the largest TV network Behemoth to show their content on YouTube. As such, this will diversify YouTube’s revenue base instead of just advertisements. This should also be alarming to other stream providers such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. The price is also very competitive as it is more than Netflix, however, significantly less than cable, at $35. YouTube also plans to reel in viewers by providing second-tier channels and less-watched shows. This allows YouTube to offer cheaper rates and allows a more diverse selection base. YouTube has less fixed costs than traditional larger cable network providers, so YouTube is able to explore more films. There is also another option called skinny bundling. In this option, YouTube might just bundle a few popular channels together that viewers will actually want to see. However, major media companies want to charge Unplugged a lot for their major shows and network. As such, the groundwork is still being laid out, but Unplugged will definitely be a disturbance in the entertainment industry. [72]
YouTube Originals
During YouTube's 2017 annual Brandcast event, an announcement was made regarding the introduction of seven heavily-funded YouTube channels. It was deemed YouTube Originals, YouTube's answer to free, premium content. It works by partnering with big companies looking for large audiences as a financial means of pushing YouTube stars to produce exclusive, meaningful content. The stars announced for ad-supported content included Ellen DeGeneres, Kevin Hart, Demi Lovato, Ludacris, Katy Perry, The Slow Mo Guys and Rhett & Link, all of whom are heavily subscribed by millions around the world. And with this experimental line-up, YouTube Originals hopes to push for an international buzz without the monthly subscription barrier like YouTube Red. They'll be working with top production teams, directors, and more to help these creators push out content that couldn't have been possible without large financial backing. It is also, by no means, similar to YouTube Red. These channels will still be majority unscripted, which is the main attribute by which audiences turn to when looking for natural, daily content.[73]
In perspective, Rhett & Link's popular morning talk show Good Mythical Morning will be expanding to 4 episodes that accumulate 22 minutes worth of content, similar to a full-length TV show. [74]Their previous format honed on 10-15 minute episodes per day, with no noticeable difference in what they produce. It's more content without the price tag of a monthly subscription.
YouTube Mobile Development
As the popularity of mobile devices connected to the internet grew, and as bandwidth provided by wireless carriers become faster and faster, YouTube has increased its popularity and become and mobile viewing became 25% of YouTube’s global watch time, with over a billion watches of videos via a cellphone or a tablet [75].
Since the opening of Apple’s AppStore YouTube for iOS was at the top 10 most downloaded applications. In May 2013, was the second most downloaded application worldwide [76]. YouTube's popularity is not limited to iPhone users. The Android mobile operating system, which is made by Google, comes with a YouTube app pre-installed on all devices.
However, unlike as it did for iOS and Android, Google didn’t publish an official application for Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8 operating system. In August 2013, this matter has resulted in a conflict between the two technology companies, Google has refused to provide Microsoft with the coding line in order for Microsoft to self-published an application for YouTube. As a response, Microsoft’s software engineers have detoured YouTube’s policies and created a YouTube app for Windows Phone 8. The Microsoft published YouTube app enabled users to save clips on the mobile device, and also bypassed YouTube’s commercials, allowing users to immediately watch any video with no interference. The app was working for several days before Google requested Microsoft to remove the app, and later on, blocked access to YouTube thru the app as Microsoft refused to remove it until Google will collaborate on creating a new app [77]. To date, there is no official YouTube app for Microsoft’s OS which now holds over 9% of the world’s smartphones [78].
In addition to mobile viewing based on wireless providers' internet or Wi-Fi connection, YouTube has announced it will be rolling out a new application that will allow users to watch videos while the device is offline. By saving the video before disconnecting from a network, the device will be able to play it while it in not connected to the internet. However the video will be available only for 48 hours from the saving time, afterward, the user will have to connect to an internet source again in order to re-save it. This new feature comes to help those who spend long times commuting by planes or subways, where no internet connection is found. The offline viewing feature is expected to become available on all official YouTube mobile apps in November 2013 [79].
YouTube Kids
YouTube Kids is an app that is a safer version of Youtube for children created by Google. This gives children the opportunity to explore endless amounts of videos suitable for their age group. There are family-friendly videos, educational clips, and even channels on this app made specifically for children that are automatically filtered for safe content. Some clips on this app include Peppa Pig, Sesame Street, Thomas and Friends and plenty of more. The Youtube Kids app has an easy interface so kids can browse through different sections making it easier to pick shows. Also, sections that include kid-friendly videos, music where children are able to sing and dance too like nursery rhymes. The popular music video section teaches children to learn language arts, science, ABC’S and even 123s! The last icon to explore allows them to develop new hobbies, and explore the topics they are interested in. This app has parental control which is a great ability where they are able to control what they do not want their children to be watching. You are able to turn off the search control where your children are not able to search for new content and even create a custom passcode, only the ones that are recommended and similar to the videos they have been previously watching shows come up. There is also a built-in timer where parents are able to limit the time their children use YouTube Kids by letting them know when it's time to stop watching videos. Although this is a great version of YouTube for children, there have been complaints from parents wanting stronger parental control settings. It has been said that there are certain videos that are not appropriate for the ages of their children and wish to exclude those videos so their children will not watch them, including inappropriate ads that pop up during the next video.
Evan Tube HD
Evan is a 12-year-old who creates videos that feature unboxing, pranks, toy reviews, food challenges, and video games. The channel started when he was 8 years old. As he got older the channel has started to incorporate his sister and the entire family. His mom or dad will conduct the recording and direct. The videos are well put together and very informative, especially when they do product reviews. They currently 4,183,204 subscribers and 2,793,691,237 views have on their main channel. These videos mostly target little kids and tweens. [80]
Ryan's Toy reviews
Ryan is a 7-year-old who has been creating videos with the help of his mom since he was 4 years old. His mom directs, records and edits the videos. In the videos, Ryan is seen playing with toys and giving his own commentary. He loves cars, trains, Thomas and friends, Lego, superheroes, Disney toys, surprise eggs, and Play-Doh. These videos get millions of views each time a new one is released. These videos attract mostly preschoolers and little kids. Ryan's current subscribers are 7,632,364 and total views are 12,277,549,899. Ryan's Toys Review features tons of products, including some that are very expensive. The family donates a lot of the toys to charity, but the "reviews" give companies lots of publicity. They have recently expanded with a second youtube channel called Ryan's Family Review where he reviews larger household items that are fit for the entire family. Ryan's Youtube Channel [81]
YouTube has become a platform for brand marketing. YouTubers have become marketers for brands from many varieties, such as beauty, gaming, sports, etc. For marketing, brands endorse YouTubers by the use of sponsorships. Companies prefer to use this form of marketing because it costs less to do compared to hiring a marketing firm. The most common way of sponsoring is by providing YouTubers with a promotion code to provide their fans with. With the use of a code, the company hopes to attract consumers with a discount. Brands may also provide YouTubers with a script so that they know what to tell their audience. Most times, the YouTuber dedicates a whole video to the brand in which they use only their products in the video.
Companies choose which YouTuber they want to promote their product by looking at factors that they believe are essential. One of these factors include the YouTuber's credibility. Their credibility is measured by the influence the creator has on their viewers. If the creator is unable to have that positive relationship with their viewers, it is unlikely that they will be able to convince them to buy a product that they are promoting. Companies also want to ensure that the creator as well as their viewers fit the brand. [17] A successful collaboration is Bretman Rock [18] collaboration with Morphe [19], inspiring his future collaborations with Wet & Wild [20], Colourpop [21], and Dime Optics [22]. Rock's collaborations have been successful due to his authenticity and connection with his fans.
Impact on Consumers
YouTube is the second largest leading search engine with 3 billion searches on a monthly basis. Due to this, marketing on this platform is most useful for companies as people will most likely be searching for things such as tutorials. Marketers have access to tools that allow them to see a viewer's search history on YouTube and how ads are generated based on those searches. This helps cater advertisements to specific audiences so that they actually click on the advertisement rather than skip it. [23]
Brands Who Use YouTube Influencer Marketing The Most
Sprint is a wireless phone company in which has now merged with T-Mobile. They had a campaign named #LiveUnlimited, in which YouTubers such as Lele Pons and other influential stars promoted the brand in a video. [82]
Audible is a way in which you can listen to a book rather than read it. [83] They have collaborated with YouTubers such as Grace Helbig, Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa, iJustine, etc. To market their brand, YouTubers' followers were given access to a free first audiobook.
Adidas is a sportswear brand. They aim to target the younger audience, which is why feel influencer marketing is effective. They have collaborated with YouTubers such as Ninja, who was allowed to create his own shoe with the brand.
Blue Apron
Blue Apron is a delivery service in which they send you a meal kit, which is a recipe along with the ingredients. They have sponsored YouTubers such as Anwar Jibawi, in which they allow them to promote their brand in any creative manner.[84]
YouTube Stars and Culture
Since the inception of YouTube, there have been many users that have become popular from their content. They became the stars of YouTube who have gained millions of views on their videos and the most popular ones have over millions of subscribers. As of 2019, the top ten most subscribed channels are PewDiePie (102M subscribers), Dude Perfect (47M subscribers), Whinderssonnunes (37.3M subscribers), JuegaGerman (37M subscribers), elrubiusOMG (36M subscribers), Felipe Neto (34.8M subscribers), Fernanfloo (34.1M subscribers), Vegetta777 (27.8M subscribers, VanossGaming (24.9M subscribers), and SMOSH (25M subscribers). [85] Many of the popular YouTube stars belong to all sorts of categories. These categories consist of gaming, vlogging, sports, comedy, and much more.
YouTube has become such a popular channel of media, that many people or "YouTubers" have turned it into their full-time profession. Some of these stars are now full-time YouTube artists and get paid from advertisements inputted on their videos. Not only do these stars receive a portion of the revenue from the advertisements on their videos, but some have signed multiple endorsement deals such as the case with the toy line "Tube Heroes", which has turned YouTube stars into action figures[86]. It is estimated by Business Insider that YouTube star JennaMarbles make $350,000 a year. Currently, the highest-earning YouTuber is Felix Kjellberg or better known by his channel name PewDiePie. PewDiePie made an estimated $7.4 million in 2014. While Kjellberg has received criticism for the amount he makes, he has defended himself that he isn't going to lie, and just like everyone else finances matter. However, he goes on to state that he was just as happy as he is now with his wealth as he was 5 years ago when he had nothing and was selling hotdogs. [87].
In 2016 a report done by 60 minutes found that major advertising brands are paying social media influencers millions to persuade their audience what to buy. The influencers have turned what once was a hobby into a multibillion-dollar industry, reports Whittaker. According to Captiv8, a company that monitors online advertising, influencers with 7 million followers can charge up to $300,000 for a YouTube video.[88]
Top 5: Most popular YouTube channels (based on subscribers)
1. T-Series (164 million)
2. PewDiePie (108 million)
3. Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes (99.7 million)
4. SET India (90 million)
5. 5-Minute Crafts (69.9 million) [89]
Other Popular YouTubers
Nabela Noor
Nabela Noor is a beauty influencer and Youtuber who is an American Bangladeshi that incorporates desi looks into her makeup tutorials. She has gained recognition and popularity from different types of content. She creates fun-to-watch tutorials, funny videos about her "Brown" parents, what it's like to be married to an American guy in her culture. She also promotes body positivity and love and spreads love to her fans in different ways. She also discusses different topics and moments in her life with her fans. She currently has 960K subscribers, and her most popular videos have gained over 1-2 million views. Influencers like Nabela Noor are really fostering creativity in new media.
Crystal Breeze
Crystal Breeze is a YouTuber who rose to popularity quickly within the past year. Around a year ago, she posted a video of how she lost over 100 lbs within a year which reached over three million views. Since then, the main focus of her channel has been weight loss, weight maintenance, and makeup. She has been following a hardcore Ketogenic diet for a year which leads to an enormous amount of weight loss. She has mentioned her struggle after weight loss because of loose skin, and her experience with a tummy tuck.
iiSuperwomanii, also known as Lilly Singh, is a Canadian YouTuber who began making YouTube videos in October of 2010. Since then, she has accumulated over 12.6 million subscribers. She also has a vlog channel, called SuperwomanVlogs, with over 2 million subscribers. She creates comedic content and inspires her viewers, especially girls, to dream big. Lilly was ranked third in Forbe's highest-paid YouTubers of 2016, earning around $7.5 million annually. [91] She also received multiple awards for her content, such as the Teen Choice Awards, People's Choice Awards, MTV Fandom Award, and YouTube's Streamy Award. She collaborated with Smashbox to produce a lipstick color called "BAWSE" in 2016 and along with that, she released a book called "How To Be A Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life". The book teaches people how to survive and conquer life and talks about her experiences and how she went through hardships in her life to get to where she is today. [92] Lilly has participated in numerous charitable acts such as partnering with ME to WE in which she hoped people would purchase GirlLove Rafiki bracelets where all the proceeds fund children's education in Kenya. She was also named UNICEF's Goodwill Ambassador in 2017 where she advocates for children's rights and plays along with her GirlLove campaign against girl-on-girl hate. [93]
Kaushal Beauty is a famous blogger and you-tuber based in England with over 2,000,000 subscribers. She is known as a beauty guru as well as a DIY, beauty, and fashion content creator. She was born in 1988 in England to an Indian family. Her mom worked at Avon, where she got her inspiration for makeup. She launched her YouTube channel on July 5, 2010 and deleted several of her early videos due to poor quality. One of her most viewed videos became a "Kylie Jenner Inspired Makeup Look," which accumulated more than 5 million views in seven months.
Faze Rug
Faze Rug, also known as Brian Awadis, is an Arabian-American 24-year-old who makes YouTube videos. He is a Co-Owner of Faze Clan and his channel has over 17 million subscribers. He joined the YouTube scene on July 11, 2012, and has created 1,600 videos since. He started off as a gaming channel, specifically Call of Duty trick shotting, but started to shift it over into a lifestyle YouTube channel as the years went by. Not only is he making videos but also his entire family, including his brother, his mother, his father, and his cousin. As a family, they have more than 24 million followers. A fun fact about Brian is that people used to call him Rico from the popular show, Hannah Montana, in middle school.
NigaHiga, also known as Ryan Higa, first came onto the YouTube scene in 2006. His claim to fame started with lip-synching videos he created with his high school friend, Sean Fujiyoshi.[94] Since the inception of ‘’’Nigahiga’’’, the channel as drawn over 19.8 million subscribers and an aggregated view count of over 3 billion.[95] Ryan Higa’s videos have received national recognition as one of the most popular channels on YouTube. The videos have even attracted the attention of producers Dillon Francis and Doctor P, who used the audio from one of Nigahiga’s videos in their song “Music is Dead”. [96] Ryan has grown so big in YouTube and recognition that he has publicly listed his starting rate as $75,000 per appearance[97]
Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, also known by his YouTube channel name "PewDiePie", is a Swedish video game commentator on the platform. Felix attended the Chalmers University of Technology with a major in Industrial Economics and Technology. He is especially known for his horror playthroughs, but he also records his gaming sessions with other players for his subscribers to view. His channel is the fastest growing of those on the site. Namely, PewDiePie officially became the most subscribed channel on YouTube in 2013 after going from 3.5 million subscribers to 19 million by the end of the year, making him one of the fastest growing channels in the history of the video platform.[98] He is also one of the highest earning YouTube stars with a net worth of $20 million.[99] PewDiePie had the most subscribed channel on YouTube with over 90 million subscribers until April 2019 when the channel T-Series surpassed him. The race to become the most subscribed channel between the two has grown into a viral sensation amongst the Youtube community. His popularity has garnered him mainstream media attention where he has appeared on late night talk show host such as Conan. [100] As of December 2019, the channel has about 102 million subscribers with over 24 billion total views.[101]
Ingrid Nilsen
Ingrid Nilsen, known on YouTube as Missglamorazzi, offers beauty, fashion, and health advice to her 3.8 million subscribers with over 375 million views.[102] What had started off as a way to share her feelings and to push herself to overcome her fear of public speaking, Youtube now has become her full-time job for her.[103]. Her YouTube channel features a daily GIY (Glam It Yourself) video in which she offers beauty and fashion tips. On June 4th, 2014, it was announced that Ingrid Nilsen will be a judge along with Christian Siriano, Gina Kelly and Jasmine Snow on a new fashion designing show on Lifetime called Threads hosted by Vanessa Simmons.[104] On June 9, 2015, Ingrid posted a video coming out to the world announcing that she is gay. After three weeks, the video has over 9.6 million views. The video lasts a little short of 20 minutes long, explaining her life as a lesbian and how she tried to hide it in order to receive love and acceptance from others. On January 15, 2016, Nilsen interviewed President Barack Obama at the White House where she asked questions about the future of terrorism in the United States, taxation on feminine hygiene products, and discrimination against the LGBT+ community.[105]. Due to her activism in March 2016, Nilsen was named one of the United Nations Ambassadors to the intergovernmental organization which focused on the fight for gender equality.[106] In addition, Nilsen was later named one of the SuperSoul100 by Oprah Winfrey on OWN's list of people who were moving humanity forward.[107] With Nilsen's numerous partnerships and activism she is increasing her social presence and has used technology for the better by advocating for equality by continuing to push boundaries.[108]
Michelle Phan
Michelle is one of the pioneers of the YouTube beauty community. She is a well-known beauty guru who makes videos on make-up tutorials. She started uploading YouTube videos in 2007 but already had loyal followers from her Xanga blog under the name Ricebunny. Throughout the years, she continued to build her YouTube career and made a name for herself in the beauty community by racking up over 7 million subscribers. Not only does she create content on YouTube, but she is the founder of both Ipsy and Em Cosmetics. Ipsy is a beauty box subscription service and an online community for consumers to share their thoughts on their favorite makeup products. As for Em Cosmetics, it is her own makeup line she created and can be found on or on Amazon. [109] Although YouTube was what made a kick start in Phan's career it has recently created problems for her. She has recently been sued by Ultra Records for using Kaskade's music in her makeup tutorial videos. [110] Within the past couple of years, starting from early 2016, Michelle has removed herself from Youtube. She started to distance herself farther and farther away, causing her to stop posting videos all together. There are rumors saying that Youtube has caused her to be depressed, due to the constant eyes and lens on her every move. Yet, no one really knows for sure.
Lindy Tsang
Lindy Tsang, a beauty expert on the YouTube channel Bubzbeauty, has videos from beauty to lifestyle tips for her viewers. From Hong Kong and Ireland, Tsang has over 2.9 million subscribers and 384 million views of her channel. On her channel, she provides makeup, questions and answer videos, hairstyling tutorials, nail art tutorials, tips for mothers, being a mother herself, and more. Tsang also has another channel, Bubzvlogz, for her daily video logs, also called blogs, where she films and shares her daily life activities with her audience. She started selling her own printed shirts shortly after starting her YouTube channel and now sells her own makeup brush line. [111]
Hye-Min Park
Hye-Min Park, more widely known as PONY on the YouTube channel PONY Syndrome[112], provides quality content on beauty for her viewers. Based in South Korea, Park has over 5.3 million subscribers and over 299 million views on her channel. She brings viewers behind-the-scenes of getting ready for events and more down-to-earth videos such as her Globetrotter series, encompassing the vibe of a vlog. Her most popular video "Taylor Swift Transformation make up" [113] has since garnered over 21 million views as viewers applaud Park for her skills and techniques. In her most recent endeavors, Park travels overseas for her collaborations with MAC Cosmetics, L'Oreal Paris, and Karl Lagerfeld. While working on collaborations, Park owns her own beauty brand PONY EFFECT which is widely used by her colleagues on YouTube.
Roman Atwood
Roman Atwood started his Youtube career by creating low quality, homemade videos. Roman's channel started to pick up when he began to do prank videos and uploaded them onto YouTube. Some of his notable prank videos include, Crazy Plastic Ball Prank!!,[114] with 81.14 million views, Killing MY Own Kid PRANK!![115] with 49.43 million views, and Stealing Peoples Gas Prank!![116], with 39.79 million views. His most famous and most viewed pranks is "The Anniversary Prank which now has over 84.89 million views.[117] Other than entertaining the 10.1 million subscribers he has on his channel and the rest of the world with his pranks, he also creates a community which he sees them as "family". He does this by blogging- taking viewers with him on his day to day life and showing them what his daily routine is. Many know him by his funny pranks, and his slogan to "Smile More".[118]
Old Spice Campaign
During Superbowl Sunday in February 2010, old spice launched it's "The man your man can smell like" campaign. It aired on YouTube rather than on national television like most Superbowl Sunday ads. The []old spice man is played by actor Isiah Mustafa, who takes on the role of a manly shirtless man who without breaking a store delivers a message about old spice body wash. That message is the man your man can smell like. The campaign was about the old spice guy, soliciting fans for questions, and dishing out personal response videos, 180 response videos in total that are. [119] The old spice man became an overnight sensation. The statistics speak for itself. The ad Received 5.9 million Youtube views the first day it aired. On the second day of the campaign, 8 of Old Spice’s videos were named the most popular out of 11 on the web. A week after the campaign launched, their Youtube videos received over 40 million views. Old Spice’s Twitter followers increased by 2700%. Facebook fan interaction went up 800%. Traffic to increased by 300%. Branded as #1 most viewed branded Youtube channel of all time. Old Spice sales are up 107% making them the number one brand for men’s body wash. [120] The man your man can smell like the campaign is now viewed as a blueprint for social media marketing strategy. Marketing companies looking to produce content for their clients that goes viral by mirroring this particular approach by old spice. [121]
Casey Ho
Casey Ho, of Blogilates on YouTube, provides free workout videos and fitness tips for many viewers. Her videos allow the audience to fit some exercise routines into their daily lives and allow them to work out at their own homes at any time. He joined YouTube in 2009 and her channel now has over 3 million subscribers with over 331 million views. Her channel has POP pilates and boot camp sculpting workouts. [122] Ho also has a second channel, BlogilatesTV, where she talks about how to eat a healthy diet, live a healthy lifestyle, and even includes daily vlogs. She also answers questions that her viewers send to her and give them lifestyle tips. Casey also launched her own app and fitness apparel line.
Justine Ezarick, or known as iJustine on Youtube, was a freelance graphic designer from Los Angeles, California, makes videos on technology including reviews on devices and technology products, especially Apple products, since she was a big fan of Apple Inc. She has over 6.15 million subscribers and over 1,094,552,450 views. [123] iJUstine's Youtube channel is based on blogs and product reviews, where she is able to get a hold on items that are not released to the public and has acquired a technology-based audience. She also has another channel called, iJustine Gaming, which has videos of her playing video games and showing her reactions to them. Justine also wrote an analog memoir in 2015 called "I, Justine". [124] iJustine's channel is a place where technology fans are able to get reviews and a perspective from a YouTuber from an expert who has been reviewing for more than a decade.
Casey Neistat
Casey Neistat is a Youtuber, filmmaker, vlogger, and co-founder of the social media platform, Beme. Neistat started his YouTuber career as a filmmaker with the intention of crafting videos that he enjoyed watching and making. Neistat had an eight-episode HBO series called, The Neistat Brothers starring his younger brother, Van Neistat. [125] After his HBO series ended, he started crafting videos and using YouTube as a medium. One of his earlier works was a three-minute video called iPod’s Dirty Secret and posted on YouTube. The video was about how poor the iPod’s battery was and how it only lasted for approximately 18 months. It also highlighted the difficulty of changing the battery and the lack of Apple’s warranty. This video gained instant recognition and Apple revised its warranty program. Neistat turned back to YouTube in 2010 and made a series of successful short films. Such films included pulling the emergency brake on a train, as MTA is very unclear about the instructions. Another major hit was a video about the dangers of riding a bike on bike lanes, as Neistat received a ticket for riding out of the bike lanes.
His most notable videos on Youtube are Make It Count and Crazy German Water Park which both received over 18 million views and Bike Lanes By Casey Neistat which received 16 million views. He has some other notable videos such as Snowboarding With NYPD which received a whopping 13 million views. [126] On September 19, 2016, Casey Neistat achieved his most viewed video, THE $21,000 FIRST CLASS AIRPLANE SEAT[127] with the current view count of 26 million. Following his success, Neistat started a daily blogging career which jump-started his YouTube channel and subscribers. During this time Neistat held a camera to his face every day for over 700 days and has continued to post periodically through months. Unlike other major filmmakers, he is not using any crazy special effects. He is not showing elaborate movies with crazy plots. He is simply showing snippets of his life and talks about subjects that everyday people can relate to. He paved the way for many other vloggers on Youtube. As of 2018, Neistat has over 10 million subscribers and 2 billion views. Time ranked this video top 8 on their Top 10 Creative Video of 2011 list. In 2016 he won the “New Media Star” GQ award. He also won numerous YouTube awards for his creative films.
In July 2015, Neistat revealed through his vlog that he had been working with Matt Hacket on building an app for video sharing called, Beme. [128] Competing with other major social media, the app-enabled users to create unedited 4-second videos and share it with their community. Users could then respond back by sending reactions to the uploader. Neistat's intentions were to create an app for authenticity. Beme released the first version in late July of 2015 and gained popularity. Within the first eight days of the release of the app, Beme had shared over 1.1 million 4 second videos and 2.4 million reactions. [129] On November of 2016, CNN acquired Beme for $25 million.[130] After the acquisition, Hackett announced that the app would be shutting down later that year to create a news media outlet. [131] Later it was revealed that Neistat had frustrations working in a team environment and as a manager which lead him to remove himself from a supervisory role. In January 2018, Neistat revealed that Hackett and he have severed their ties with CNN. Neistat stated that CNN and he have come to a mutual agreement to no longer work together.
Following Beme, Neistat announced a new project called 368 which is named after its address, 368 Broadway, New York. 368 is a creative space for content creators to collaborate. Neistat envisions all types of creators using this space for editing, recording, podcasting, or for any creative matter. [132] Neistat's visions for this creative space was revealed when he started his podcast called Couples Therapy alongside his wife Candice. Later, he premiered his documentary that followed Vine star turned pop singer Shawn Mendes. [133] Neistat opened the doors of 368 to the public for this premiere and hints at the other interesting projects coming out of 368's venture in the future.
Following Neistat's rise to fame, he has shoot commercials for Nike, Google, Mercedes, J. Crew, and Finn Jewelry and is invited to speak at many schools and events. In an interview by Fstoppers, Casey Neistat stated, “Creating a new movie every 24 hours and releasing that movie to an audience of hundreds of people is an evolution in filmmaking. Our job as creative’s is to further define any medium and also define a new cliché and not to adhere to generations past. To suggest that this is anything but filmmaking is to highlight some preconceived falsehood of what filmmaking is.” As such, he is partially crediting his success to YouTube’s large user base, and the ability to evolve from the traditional filmmaking techniques.
Wong Fu Productions
Wong Fu Productions is an Asian American filmmaking group with three founders, Philip Wang, Wesley Chan, and Ted Fu, editing videos in their dorm rooms in UC San Diego to editing quality content in their office in Los Angeles, California. They recently celebrated their 10-year anniversary on YouTube in June 2013. [134] As of 2019, they have 3.26 million subscribers and 557,918,823 views on YouTube. They are known for being one of the pioneers for Asian Americans in the media industry and increasing diversity in the YouTube community. They have collaborated with many popular YouTubers such as Nigahiga, David Choi, and Kina Grannis. Some of their work has been featured in film festivals such as the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, San Diego Asian Film Festival and the Cannes Film Festival. Some of their notable works include two short web series where they collaborated with AT&T on their YouTube Channel, "Away We Happened" and "When it Counts", where they let the audience decide the fate of their characters, giving the audience more creative freedom and input. In 2014, they used Indiegogo, a crowdfunding website, and asked their fans, friends, and family to help fund their movie "Everything Before Us", which was released in 2015 on Vimeo and Netflix. [135] In 2016, Wong Fu Productions released their short web series "Single by 30" featuring Harry Shum Jr. and Kina Grannis available on YouTube Red. From romance shorts to comedic shorts to blogging, they appeal to their audience for having relatable content. They have a website [136] where they sell their merchandise from their "Just a Nice Guy" line and plush toy line of awkward animals as well as accessories, t-shirts, and DVDs of their work.[137]
JustKiddingFilms is a comedic phenomenon known to unabashedly tackle social, contemporary, and cultural issues, while ingeniously capturing and playing to universal sentiments. They strike a remarkable balance between stimulating and entertaining, garnering them an international fan base of 320 million views and 1,630,000+ subscribers on YouTube.[138] The channel was founded in 2015, by Bart Kwan and Joe Jo, who wanted to promote cultural unity with comedy as a medium. The founders, Bart Kwan and Joe Jo, possess exceptional chemistry given their similar experiences growing up in the streets, while also excelling in higher education, thus making their approach to comedy refreshing and revolutionary. Excitement and demand for JKF have attracted numerous invitations to perform internationally, speak on panels at film festivals, headline events at prestigious universities, and collaborate with award-winning directors, producers, musicians, and other comedians. JKF has dominated new media platforms while making tremendous strides into traditional media.[139] Over the years, their channel now consists of over 30 members who have come together in filming, editing, and just being part of their family through YouTube. Many of the members have their own private channels, where they post their personal Vlogging videos and travel videos. They have also expanded onto subchannels such as JustKiddingNews, where they discuss their opinions on current events and share interesting stories with their audience,[140] and JustKiddingGamer, where they share their experiences of playing new video games.[141] JustKidding party where they have a fun and chill time hanging out and playing games with the other members of JustKiddingFilms .[142]
During recent times, the group has started to slowly concentrate more of their efforts into Justkidding News. When the company originally started, they wanted to diversify into many channels so that they can hopefully reap success and benefits from multiple sources. They did not want “all their eggs to be in one basket” so to speak. However, as time went on, they came to the realization that they were not able to handle all the tasks, they began to slowly size down. The first two channels to see the effects of this were Askthefeels and Justkidding Gamer, [143] two quite popular channels at the time. The biggest turning point was when they announced that they would no longer be making skits. Being a channel that was once mainly known for their skits and small comedic routines, this came as a big shock to their fans. After being asked by many fans to not give up the channel, they simply insisted saying that they were busy making a movie and has much bigger plans in mind. After that, Justkidding Party, also a very well recognized channel followed the same path. Ever since then, they have been in the works of producing their own feature film. Furthermore, each of their cast members has also branched out and created their own channels and brand. This also helps the group maintain more of their original fan base. Some of them, have even diversified and delved into industries completely unrelated to film. Bart and Geo, [144] two of the original founders of the company started their own gym called Barbell Brigade. [145] Two other cast members, Tiffany and Casey, [146] along with a couple of other original members started their own matcha tea company originally known as Sip Matcha and eventually rebranded to become Junbi. [147]
Dude Perfect
Dude Perfect is a successful American sports entertainment channel on YouTube. The channel was founded by five college roommates at Texas A&M, Cody Jones, Tyler Toney, Garrett Hilbert, and twin brothers Coby and Cory Cotton. Dude Perfect[148] is rank top 26th for most subscribers on YouTube. Dude Perfect currently has 18.1 million subscribers and total views of 2.9 billion. These five college roommates started their YouTube success when they were putting off studies for their finals in college and decided to do some outrageous basketball trick shots. They recorded all these shots and uploaded them to YouTube, little did they know that changed their lives. Most of their trick shot video became viral such as Ping Pong Trick Shots[149] with over 100 million views, Bowling Trick Shots[150] with 62 million views, and Pool Trick[151] Shots with 49 million views. Another viral series is Stereotypes for Pickup Basketball[152], Gym[153], Movie Theater[154], Fishing[155], Driving[156], Golf[157] and Restaurant[158] all earning over 8 figures in view count on Youtube[159]. As a result of their continuously growing popularity, it landed them a tv show on Nickelodeon and CMT with 13 episodes and more to come. [24] [25].
How to DAD
How to DAD[160] is a YouTube channel revolving around a father by the name of Jordan Watson, residing in New Zealand. It is primarily a comedy channel consisting of videos showcasing himself and his kids doing activities together. This channel was created on January 20, 2007, and as of December 2019, it has over 404 thousand subscribers and 48,566,691 total views. A few of his top videos include "How to Hold a Baby," which has 3.5 million views, "How to Wash a Car With a Baby," which has 2.7 million and "How to Get a Baby to Clean the House” that obtains 2.2 million. Jordan's channel continues to grow and produce quality content that viewers enjoy.
Adam LZ

Adam Lizotte Zeisler, best known as Adam LZ, has gained his YouTube stardom through the “vlogging” of his exciting, yet relatable 21-year old lifestyle. His most noted hobbies expressed through his vlog[162] include building and drifting tuner cars, practicing and participating in BMX events and exploring new adventures with his wife, Nicole Frye. As of October 2019, his channel noted 2,580,000 subscribers and 596,676,826 views, which both continue to grow rapidly.
Most dominantly, the vlogs of Adam LZ involve the maintenance, upgrading, and drifting off his Japanese-inspired cars. These include a 1989 Nissan 240sx, 2008 BMW 335i, S550 Mustang GT350, Mitsubishi Evo 5, Porsche GT3RS, R32 Skyline Sedan, and his wife’s cars; 1995 Mazda Miata, and 2015 Mini Cooper S. Adam’s involvement in the car scene began in an empty garage, which has since been transformed into one which includes a rotary lift, a full Saber cabinet set with tools, and various spare parts. All of this has allowed him to participate in and document several drifting events around Orlando, Florida. With his fame on the rise, he has also been able to collaborate with other car-famous YouTubers, such as TJ Hunt and Tanner Fox.
Adam’s passion for the BMX-scene has grown from a simple hobby to participating in events and building an array of ramps in his own backyard. Since the growth of this hobby, he has created his own website[163] where he sells merchandise and bike parts, which can be used to help individuals build and customize their own bikes. This has been an interesting technique of growing his fan base, providing yet another area of interest.
An additional area Adam LZ has found success in is the inclusion of his wife, Nicole Frye in his blog. The videos take us from their days of dating, up to Adam’s proposal, and their actual marriage ceremony. Through each stage, they jointly created videos involving couple challenges, their progression towards a house of their own, and collaborated car upgrades. Nicole’s supportiveness towards Adam’s passions has easily made her a fan-favorite.
Daniel Middleton, better known as "Dan TDM" from his YouTube channel, has gained fame by posting videos of himself playing popular video games, mostly "Minecraft" and "Roblox". Since starting his channel in 2012, he has amassed a subscriber base of almost 15 million people, mostly children. Daniel has used his YouTube fame to expand his business into other areas of entertainment. He has written a children's book and he is currently on a world tour in which he brings to life many of the characters he has in his videos[26]. He is also portrayed as an action figure in the toyline "Tube Heroes"[27]".
Mo Vlogs

Mo Vlogs[165] is a famous vlogger who resides in Dubai. He started his channel off in September of 2013 uploading videos of himself playing video games but then shifted his video content towards daily vlogging. Mo’s energy coupled with his consistency has made him successful. As of April 2017, Mo Vlogs has 8.35 million[166] subscribers and 2,125,243,563[167] video views, and is still continuing to grow at a consistent pace.
Although Mo’s channel is predominately daily vlogging, his car blogs, in particular, is what he is most famous for. In fact, Mo’s most famous video is “Rich Kids of the Middle East – The Most Expensive Car Event in the World !!!”[168] racking up 14.6 million views[169]. It is videos like these that make Mo so popular on YouTube. Not to mention, Mo himself owns a Mustang, Rolls Royce, and a Ferrari (that he sold).
Because of his popularity and his presence at many car events, Mo has connections with Saygin Yalcin[170] (billionaire and CEO of, Money Kicks[171] aka Rashed Belhasa (an extremely wealthy individual in Dubai), Deals on Wheels[172] (a famous car dealership in Dubai), and many other individuals. These connections have led him to many other great opportunities including meeting famous people like Rihanna.
Besides all the car events, Mo’s spends most of his time with his mom and sister. Like Mo, his sister Lana also owns a supercar. They spend most of their time in malls where Mo finds cool gadgets and buys them. He then presents them on his blogs for his viewers to see. Although many of these gadgets seem cool in the store. Many of them don’t end up working giving and this helps give his channel an almost comical side.
Mo Vlogs is still a growing channel and Mo is doing a great job of attracting new viewers and followers every day by consistently blogging every single day, going to car events, meeting new and famous people, and just showing us his life.
Unbox Therapy
Unbox Therapy[173] is a YouTube channel, founded and hosted by Lewis Hilsenteger, that reviews, and critiques, unusual gadgets and new technology through a series of unboxing videos. The channel mainly began to grow in popularity with the release of the video, "iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test," in September 2014, which now has over 69 million views alone. The YouTube channel was created on December 21, 2010, and as of October 2019, the YouTube channel has a total of 15.6 million subscribers and 3,250,509,069 views on the videos collectively.[174] In addition to Unbox Therapy, Hilsenteger also explores, and compiles, unusual real-life facts in another channel, More Top 5[175], and he pursues music production in his third YouTube channel, Lew Later[176].
The content on Unbox Therapy mainly allows for viewers to experience and learn about new, unique products without having to acquire such products themselves. In several of Hilsenteger's most popular videos, the host showcases exceptionally expensive products such as a $20,000 mobile phone, $1,000 earphones, and an $8,000 robot. In addition, Hilsenteger reviews a variety of different types, and brands, of phones, phone accessories, computer accessories, and electronic devices for everyday use. Hilsenteger has also created two series of videos, "3 Cool Gadgets Under...", where the host recommends products in specific price ranges, and "Does It Suck?", where the host reviews, and critiques, individual products. The channel continues to grow with over a million views on each video release.
Vitaly Zdorovetskiy is a Russian Youtube personality whose videos have amassed over 1.2 billion views and with over 9.2 million subscribers.
Vitaly received his first significant success, with the video "Miami Zombie Attack Prank!" Inspired by the cannibal attack of a homeless man in Miami in May 2012, Zdorovetskiy dressed up as a zombie and traveled to some of the poorest neighborhoods in Miami to scare random bystanders. The "Miami Zombie Attack Prank!" had been viewed more than 30 million times. A sequel video prank was produced in Columbus, Ohio. The video got five million views within a week on YouTube.
In one of Vitaly's videos, named the "Russian Hitman Prank" he approached a Boca Raton man and informed him they had 60 seconds to get away from a briefcase he placed on the ground. After Vitaly revealed the whole thing to be a prank and that there was a hidden camera nearby, the man started attacking him and his partner and called the police. Vitaly was arrested by Boca Raton police department, on charges of threatening to detonate a bomb. At the time of the prank, Vitaly's YouTube channel had only about 100,000 subscribers, but after the incident, his channel grew to over four million subscribers within just over a year.
Vitaly released the video "Extreme Homeless Man Makeover", in which he befriends a homeless man named Martin and provides him with new clothes and a hotel room. The video posting resulted in a job offer that Martin accepted. He was also reunited with his wife. The project also included an attempt to raise money to have Martin's teeth fixed, for which Vitaly was able to raise about $10,000 online. The fundraising campaign was canceled before it was completed, because of Vitaly's criminal history. However, Vitaly received several offers from surgeons to do dental work for free. The surgery and the video story were featured on television newscasts including the Good Day LA Fox morning show.
Yousef Erakat, better known as FouseyTube is a Youtube vlogger, actor, and prankster who comes up with original content weekly on his vlogs. He produces sketch comedy, personal stories, pranks, and parodies. [178]
Yousef has had multiple YouTube channels in the past that were typically focused on fitness; completing a workout routine such as P90X and giving a before and after review. However, it wasn't until he started making Middle Eastern videos that his popularity grew. He would typically mock or parody the culture and certain themes that he either grew up with or has seen personally. These videos would be quite funny for people of the same culture since they can relate to him and the stories. However, one of the reasons he has become so successful is that you don't need to be Middle Eastern to laugh at his videos. He makes his videos relatable to all audiences and has branched out entirely from that theme. One of his most successful videos is one in which he is wearing yoga pants and passerby's mistake him for a girl thus creating an awkward situation which is funny to watch. He has amassed millions of views on his Youtube Channel.
His Youtube fame would lead him to many more lucrative opportunities. He has starred in Tyler Perry's Boo! A Madea Halloween for example. Crossing over from Youtube to the silver screen is a major accomplishment as many Youtube stars would wish to do so, however, earn a negative stigma for being a Youtube personality instead of going through the typical channels or route to becoming a distinguished actor. Yousef has also been able to go on tours solely and also with other Youtube stars which increase his fan base and his earnings potential. He was even invited by Quest Nutrition to unveil their newest protein bar flavor by allowing him to prank other popular YouTube personalities. However, Yousef does face hardships that prevent him from growing his Youtube account. Specifically, he suffers from being bipolar which causes him to not be able to be consistent with his content preventing him from keeping a stable amount of views and growing as quickly as he could
Jenna Marbles

Jenna Marbles is one of the most recognizable female YouTube stars with over 20 million subscribers and 3,359,174,666 video views.[180] Born as Jenna Mourey, she assumed the pseudonym 'Jenna Marbles', deriving Marbles from her dog's name, shortly after creating her channel in 2010[181] Jenna's channel content consists of mainly satire involving her 3 dogs(Marbles, Kermit and Peach), impersonations, pranks and comedy skits based on beauty tutorials and other YouTubers.
Jenna Marbles is responsible for many viral YouTube videos including ["How to Trick People In Thinking You're Good Looking"] in 2010, ["What Girls Do In The Car"] and ["How to Avoid Talking To People You Don't Want To Talk To"] both posted in 2011. All three of these videos have gained over 65 million, 36 million, and 35 million views respectively. [182] Creating videos is her career and main source of income, earning revenue from advertisements on her videos through the "YouTube Partners Program"; however, prior to making videos full-time, Jenna earned a bachelor's degree from Suffolk University in Psychology and a master's degree from Boston University in Sport Psychology and Counseling.[183] Her partner and boyfriend, Julien Solomita, assists in creating Jenna's latest videos and is also a YouTube star [Vlogs By Julien]. In 2014, Jenna Mourey and Solomita formed the "Jenna and Julien Podcast," where they discuss current events, personal life stories and YouTube news.[184] Jenna is currently part of the Twitch community where she streams gaming online with Julien along with other notable streamers. In her main channel, after becoming famous, she makes videos mostly about her dogs, trying new things and does reaction videos to fan compilations of herself.
itsJudysLife is a youtube channel that follows the life of a family called the Travis Family. The Travis family consists of a wife and husband, Judy and Benji Travis, and their kids Julianna, and twins, Miya and Keira. Judy has a separate channel that she uses at a beauty channel where she creates videos that range from "first impressions" and different reviews of beauty tutorials and products, called itsJudyTime. On ItsJudysLife, they share their lives by vlogging every day. Just recently, Judy had the opportunity to work side by side with a famous makeup brand called Pixi, where she created her own line of products. She created two palettes for both the lips and eyes, all found at Target locations. [28]
Logan Paul
Logan Alexander Paul was born April 1, 1995 and is an Internet personality. He first gained fame through videos shared on the internet social media platform Vine, in which Paul engages in making short clips [185] Paul later branched out into acting in television films. His television work includes guest-starring on dramatic series such as Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and comedies such as Weird Loners. His film work includes the dystopian science fiction YouTube Red film The Thinning, and the adult comedy Airplane Mode in which he was one of the writers[186]
Logan has several YouTube Channels. His primary and biggest channel called "Logan Paul"[187] has 20 million subscribers and 4,753,329,567 views. His other vlog, "TheOfficialLoganPaul"[188] has 5.27 million subscribers and 577,006,643 views. The last one which he shares with his brother, Jake called "Jake 'n Logan"[189] has 622 thousands subscribers and 9,916,855 views.
Youtube recently dropped Logan Paul after the star posted a very disrespectful video of a dead body hanging from a tree in a Japanese forest which was known as a destination for suicides. [190] He took down the video after and apologized for what he called a "misguided" decision. He has not posted a vlog since this incident occurred. Since his controversy, Logan Paul has announced he will be creating a documentary addressing all his mistakes of 2018. The documentary will also go over his childhood upbringing. On August 25, he and his younger brother Jake will have a boxing match against other YouTubers KSI and Deji.
Jake Paul
Jake Joseph Paul was born on January 17, 1997 and is an actor, writer, popular Social-Media Influencer, and YouTuber. [191] Jake Paul also amounted the fame and success through his videos shared on a previous social media platform known as Vine. He is the younger brother of another famous YouTube Star, Logan Paul. Jake Paul has amounted to over 19 million social media followers and accumulated over 4 billion video views. His YouTube channel is one of the fastest growing channels, having nearly 19.7 million subscribers and 6,258,974,236 views on his channel titled, ["Jake Paul"]. Jake also has a distinguished acting career, as he starred as "Dirk" on Disney channel's Bizaardvark, "Lance" in a YouTube Red Original Movie Dance Camp, and “Dugan” on Fox Digital’s new movie Mono. [192] Jake Paul is a social media entrepreneur as he has a prominent business role in his social media endeavors. His rapid success on social media paved way for many social media influencers to come. With his social media company, "Team 10" he recruits many other social media talents and he's got some notable investors such as Gary Vaynerchuk, that invested in his social media company. Jake Paul's social media following is quite impressive that even his self-released song, [It's Everyday Bro], peaked at number 2 on the iTunes chart. [193]
Notable awards that Jake Paul received over the course of the year of 2017 are Radio Disney Music Award for Social Media Star [194], Teen Choice Award for Choice YouTuber, and Teen Choice Award for Choice Web Star: Music [195].
Juanpa Zurita
Mexican YouTuber who has accumulated over 5 million subscribers to his self-titled channel [196] Juan Pablo Zurita was born in Mexico on March 29, 1996 and is best known on YouTube for his challenge videos and comedy sketches.
Additionally, he appeared in the YouTube Red feature Alexander IRL and will next be seen in Airplane Mode — written and starring fellow online star Logan Paul. Zurita also walked the Dolce & Gabbana fashion show in Milan earlier this month alongside a slew of other social influencers including Cameron Dallas and Marcus Butler. Zurita is also involved in philanthropy, serving as an ambassador for Liter Of Light, which provides sustainable solar light to people with limited or no access to electricity. And he has received several accolades in his career thus far including, Latin GQ’s 2016 Digital Star Of The Year Award.[197]
Lele Pons
Eleonora Pons Maronese also known as Lele Pons was born on June 25, 1996 [198]is a Venezuelan and American internet personality and actress most notable for her Vine videos. [199] Because Vine's success didn't last long as the six seconds streaming app shut down in 2017 [200], Pons was still successful on other social media platforms like Instagram and Youtube. Her videos were mainly practical jokes on her friends, classmates, and family. She now runs her own self-title YouTube channel called Lele Pons. There she posts weekly comedic skits in collaboration with other people.
Her YouTube channel has over 15.3 million subscribers as of Nov 2019 and growing at the rate of 10,000 new subs a day, while accumulating 3,302,957,740 views so far. It gets an average of 1.9 million views per day from different sources. This should generate an estimated revenue of around $3,500 per day ($1.3 million a year) from advertisements.[201]
Bryan Le a.k.a RiceGum was born on November 19, 1996. He first started out recording himself playing Call of Duty or Modern Warfare 3. He quickly surpassed 1.5 million views as a Twitch streamer. He then took his recordings to Youtube. Bryan is best known as RiceGum, as he is a famous YouTuber who has inspired the latest trend of YouTube in creating "diss-tracks" or YouTuber music content. RiceGum first created his YouTube channel in late November of 2012. RiceGum's content also mainly revolves around comedy and in his earlier days of YouTube, he also posted gaming-related content. His channel, [RiceGum], has over 10 million subscribers and 2,063,019,240 views. His most popular videos include diss-tracks and also his hit series of "These Kids Must be Stopped." Today RiceGum, being the famous YouTube personality he is, formed a YouTube Group known as "Clout Gang." This group consists of other social media stars and prominent YouTube personalities such as Alissa Violet and Faze Banks aka Ricky Banks. In November 2017, RiceGum ranked number 25 on Billboard Emerging Artists charts. His single "It's Every Night Sis" was certified platinum in March of 2018. [202] His channel also features many other famous social media celebrities including names like Sommer Ray, Jacob Sartorius, Loren Gray, etc. He was also featured in a Super Bowl Commercial for Monster headphones. His channel is the 200th most subscribed channel on Youtube overall. [203]
Jenn Im
2010 was a monumental year for YouTube fashion gurus. Jenn Im, the founder of the channel Clothesencounters [[29]], created the channel in 2010 as an outlet for fashion and lifestyle vlogging. It didn't take long for Jenn's channel to take off. Currently, Jenn has over two million subscribers on YouTube and over 264 million lifetime video views. Im's videos range everywhere from fashion and makeup advice to travel and festival vlogging. Her large following has given her the opportunity to establish her own clothing line. Jenn launched her first clothing line, Eggie, in 2017. Jenn said that the support and influence of her YouTube subscribers are what has given her the motivation to follow through with her own line. The clothing line is very true to Jenn's Korean heritage and ties in with her "American upbringing." [204]
Tyler Oakley
Tyler Oakley is an American YouTube creator who accumulated over 7 million subscribers. He began making YouTube videos in 2007 while he was still attending Michigan State University. He creates comedic and lifestyle content and was listed in Forbes' 2017 "30 Under 30" list under the category "Hollywood & Entertainment". [205] Tyler is also an LGBTQ+ activist and often partners with The Trevor Project, an organization that prevents suicide among the LGBTQ+ youth. He was initially exposed to the organization through his internship for them in 2009 and later co-hosted their annual red carpet event, TrevorLIVE, in 2011. For his birthdays in 2013 through 2015, Tyler created fundraisers in which the donations would go towards The Trevor Project. [206] In 2013 he raised approximately $29,000 and in 2014 and 2015 he raised over half a million dollars. He was awarded the Trevor Youth Innovator Award for his hard work and generosity towards the organization in 2014. That same year, Tyler launched a weekly comedy podcast called "Psychobabble" with his friend, Kory Kuhl. [207] The year after that, he released his first book, "Binge", in which he talks about personal aspects of his life and how he came to where he was. Tyler started his own show in 2016 called "The Tyler Oakley Show", which features numerous celebrities and airs on Ellen Degeneres' "ellentube" platform. [208] He signed with WME (William Morris Endeavor, an American talent agency) in 2017 as he prepares the launch of his production company. [209]
Complex Networks is an American New York-based media and entertainment company[210] for youth culture which was founded as a bi-monthly magazine Complex by fashion designer Marc (Ecko) Milecofsky[211]. Complex Networks reports on popular and emerging trends in style, sneakers, food, music, sports and pop culture [212] Complex Networks reached over 90 million unique users per month in 2013[213] across its owned and operated and partner sites, socials and YouTube channels.
YouTube has become a platform that fosters trends, viral videos, internet celebrities, pop stars, fashion, and genres continue to expand. One of the most prominent YouTube channels that provides a weekly focus on the latest pop culture trends is a channel known as [Complex]. Complex's YouTube channel revolves around content that includes anything from music, fashion, sneakers, sports, pop culture, current events and news, and Complex's unique news segments. Complex even features some notable celebrities in their YouTube videos.
Complex provides news in a different way that caters to the youth. Complex is a media platform that collaborates with a large community of content creators, curators, social media personalities, where they voice out opinions and news that revolve around modern culture today and what's currently being evaluated in pop culture trends. Complex currently has 4.85 million subscribers and over 1.3 billion total views on YouTube[214].
Complex is categorized as an Entertainment Channel, and the Webby Awards nominated the Complex YouTube channel as a 2016 honoree in Online Film and Video. This award category is under Entertainment where it was defined as a "Personal or branded video channels and networks centered around the entertainment world, including, movies, television, and events." [215]
4YE Media
4YE consists of Jae & Trey Richards. They are based out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada and are two brothers who make YouTube videos. They are known for their sketches and skits alongside vlogs of their daily lives. They have more than 929,000 subscribers, and more than 76 million views across six of their channels[216]. They have very detailed editing in their videos and this has caused them and their lengthy and entertaining vlogs to become very popular nowadays. They have teamed up with Drake to produce videos for their channel and also were featured on Drake's album More Life[217]. They are among one of the newer vloggers to come out of Toronto, previous notable ones were JusReign, IISuperwomanII & LaurDIY. They are a part of the entertainment company MUCH which is based out of Toronto, Canada.
Olajide William 'JJ' Olatunji, also known as KSI or KSIOlajideBT, is a British YouTuber who gained popularity with his unique and comedic FIFA videos. Unlike other FIFA YouTubers, KSI has branched out and diversified his entertainment to his fans. On top of an occasional FIFA video upload, KSI is a song artist, vlogger, pranker, and boxer. As of April 2018, KSI reached over 4 billion video views and has 18 million subscribers. KSI also is a member of the "Sidemen" which is a group of FIFA videos that include Wroetoshaw (Harry), Behzinga (Ethan), Zerkaa (Josh), Tbjzl (Tobi), Miniminter (Simon), Vikkstar123 (Vik). The sidemen gained popularity through FIFA videos but they now post real life soccer videos together, vlogs, and other forms of entertainment. Although highly controversial, KSI released multiple diss tracks that were aimed towards the other members of the Sidemen, stirring up drama. After each Sidemen member responded, and gained millions of views in the process, it was largely labeled as a publicity stunt.[218] [219].
More recently, KSI stirred up drama with Joe Weller, another YouTube personality and had a boxing fight in London. KSI eventually won the fight in the third round and claimed the "YouTube Boxing Championship". The fight was watched live by over 1.5 million viewers and the official match on YouTube (posted by both YouTubers) had over 20 million views. After KSI's victory over Joe Weller, he challenged multiple other YouTubers, including the Paul family. After various click-bait videos and racking up millions of views, KSI officially boxed Logan Paul twice, the first fight took place in Manchester on August 25th, 2018 and the second fight took place in the United States on November 9th, 2019. The first fight ended in a majority draw and the second fight ended controversially with KSI winning. [220] [221]
Harry Christopher George Lewis, also known as wroetoshaw or W2S, is a YouTuber from the English Channel with over 12 million subscribers. W2S, at 21 years old, is the youngest member of the "Sidemen" group. W2S gained popularity through his energetic and aggressive personality while playing YouTube as well as his extremely lucky pack openings. Harry is often known as the YouTuber who overreacts to getting a good player, smashes chairs, destroys controllers, and screams. Most recently, W2S has begun to embrace real-life football (soccer) videos and has had multiple videos of him playing soccer with Cristiano Ronaldo. W2S was also part of the rap video diss tracks that brought a lot of controversy and confusion to fans. [222]
Mike Korzemba
Mike Korzemba is a YouTuber from New Jersey with over 1.65 million subscribers and 328,581,403 views. Mike tends to focus on a lot of NBA videos and statistics of players. Often known for having "click bait" titles to videos, Mike has a solid following and generates interesting content for basketball fans all around the world. Most notably, Korzemba uploads videos called "What if..." and uses NBA 2K18 to simulate scenarios as well as uploads various NBA conspiracies. Most recently, Mike uploaded a video titled "Why the Warriors KNOW Nico Mannion is the STEAL of the NBA Draft" [223], in which he analyzes why Nico Mannion will be a great pick for the Golden State Warriors. Mike also does various predictions for the NBA playoffs as well as suggest who he thinks will be the best players in the next few years. [224]
Angry Joe Show
Jose Antonio Vargas, also known as Angry Joe from the Angry Joe Show, has over 2 million subscribers on YouTube. Angry Joe often times uploads video game and movie critiques, reviews, and opinions. He has a large following on YouTube and many gamers go to his channel in order to see his review/opinion on a game before purchasing. Joe's reviews are extremely helpful for people as he discusses the overall game as well as any flaws, glitches, or problems he encountered. These reviews usually have a comedic element to it but Joe overall is a harsh grader. In all of his reviews, he has only given 6 games a perfect 10/10 while most other games fall less than a 6/10. Additionally, if the publisher/game has controversial aspects such as a DLC or microtransactions, Joe dresses up as "Corporate Commander" to show a greedy publisher who disappointed him, oftentimes representing Microsoft or EA. Joe's success has also led to the creation of a clan across various games called "Angry Army". [225]
Ali Kabbani, also known as Myth, has over 2.2 million subscribers on YouTube and 2.3 million followers on Twitch. Myth is only 19 years old and is the captain of Team Solo Mid (TSM) Fortnite team. Myth is largely considered one of the best Fortnite players in the game and has held the #1 rank in the game. Myth is well known for his intricate and complex build designs that confuse players as well as his kind and funny personality. As Myth is so young, fans feel like they can relate to him and ask him for advice on life issues. Because of this, he has given multiple fans his opinion on their issues. [226]
Myth recently participated in the Las Vegas Fortnite tournament held by Ninja. Although Myth did not win and largely disappointed his fans, his overall presence and personality made the event much more enjoyable. By the end of the event, Myth was the center of a bunch of memes. [227]
HowToBasic is an Australian YouTube channel with over 11 million subscribers. The identity of HowToBasic has never been confirmed as the creator does not speak or ever show his/her face. Although slightly misleading, HowToBasic videos are entitled "How To ..." and are intended to attract people interested in learning how to do something or cook foods. With this being said, however, no food is actually made in these videos and rather it is a visual gag that contains an arrange of items being thrown, smashed, and mixed to create a gross mess. [228]
On March 24th, 2018, HowToBasic uploaded a face reveal video, which ultimately was a parody that had dozens of YouTubers claiming they were HowToBasic. HowToBasic's true identity is still a mystery today. [229]
Trainer Tips, also known as Nicholas Oyzon, was born on November 21, 1989. He is a YouTube creator whose channel is focused on a mobile gaming app, Pokemon GO. He started posting these videos in February of 2016. His videos include news, tips, and gameplay from the popular mobile game. Nicholas Oyzon has been an avid Pokemon fan since the concept was started more than a decade ago. When the Pokemon Go mobile game was released during the summer of 2016, Everyone was crazy about the game but Nick jumped on board and found himself in the midst of a world crazy about Pokemon by creating a YouTube channel. He was able to rack up a huge amount of subscribers and followers and he was able to create a community of Pokemon fans through his channel. He has one of the top Pokemon Go YouTube channels and it's due to the fact that he uploads daily Pokemon GO videos. Trainer Tips has over 650k subscribers and over 160 million views for his videos. [230]
MYSTIC7, also known as Brandon, was born in California, USA on October 11, 1997. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California, USA. He is an American YouTube creator whose channel is focused on mobile gaming apps, such as Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, and Pokemon GO. His channel was created in February 2013. He was known for his extensive Clash of Clans history. His old videos consist of Clash of Clans world records, Clash of Clans insane attacks, Clash of Clans trolling, and even some Clash of Clans Clan Wars. He has also been involved in the Clash Royale community, but now he has been uploading all Clash Royale and Clash of Clans to his second channel. On his main channel, he is currently uploading Pokemon Go content including Pokemon Go rare catches, Pokemon Go evolutions, Pokemon Go gym battles, and attempts to clean the Pokemon Go community from hack videos. He also shoot for live-time reports on any Pokemon Go news, Pokemon Go Events, and Pokemon Go updates. He plans to travel the world playing Pokemon Go. MYSTIC7 has over 1.6 million subscribers and over 430 million views for his videos. [231]
Bradley Martyn
Bradley Martyn is an online fitness coach and a fitness guru who has a YouTube channel. He was born on May 22, 1989 and he currently resides in Los Angeles, California, USA. In late 2014, he started his YouTube channel which focused on fitness. He began his fitness journey by going to the gym when he was 15 years old. He is also the Co-founder of Zoo Culture Gym and he created his own fitness program, which was called BMFit. On his YouTube channel, he posted videos of himself helping out other YouTubers, celebrities, and models on their weight loss journey. He has over 1.4 million subscribers and over 200 million views. He also has a website, where he sells his own clothing brand and supplements. [232]
Jeffree Star
Jeffree Star is an androgynous male beauty guru on YouTube known for his fabulous lifestyle. He was born on November 15, 1985 and is originally from Orange County, California. He started his career on the popular social networking site MySpace. He built a fanbase through his music and drag-esque make-up looks. He then started a Youtube channel in 2006. Some of his videos consist of doing make-up line reviews, "get ready with me" make-up tutorials, car tutorials, and luxury good hauls. Jeffree has 16.6 million subscribers on YouTube and earns millions of views on his videos. He owns three Pomeranian dogs with his boyfriend Nathan Schwandt in Calabasas, California. Currently, alongside YouTube, Jeffree owns his own make-up line Jeffree Star Cosmetics based in Los Angeles, California. He has created makeup items like liquid lipsticks, matte lipsticks, glosses, highlighters, and eyeshadow palettes. His eyeshadow palettes are called Beauty Killer, Androgyny, Blood Sugar, Thirsty palette and recently, the collaborative collection with Shane Dawson known as Conspiracy. He is a controversial Youtuber because of his past, being accused of saying racist, vile things, but fans have forgiven him after his lengthy Youtube video that addressed his mistakes. Additionally, he constantly incorporates his opinions of other celebrities and brands and, unfortunately, this has cost him to lose many subscribers for this matter. For the fans that have gotten past his imperfections, they have seen his business build from the ground up. He's a great beauty guru because, for someone that owns their own brand, he lives by the truth and gives brands praise and criticism when they deserve it and doesn't just focus on his own products. His video ideas have also made him different than what's already out there. Whether people love him or hate him, his products have sold out every time he puts out a new launch. In his recent collaboration with another fellow Youtube, Shane Dawson, they worked on a project showing the entire process of makeup creation and manufacturing. Through this documentary series, it became one of the greatest marketing efforts as the launch lead to the crash of the internet platform Shopify, the host of many retail sites. Within hours, the entire collection was sold out and this project alone has proven the power of influence Youtube has on consumer purchases. [233]
Christian Guzman
Christian Guzman is an American bodybuilder and fitness guru on YouTube. He was born on February 20, 1993 in Houston Texas. In 2012, he began his fitness journey and his fitness vlog. His YouTube channel incorporates both his personal and fitness life. The success of his YouTube channel is due to the daily upload of videos and the authenticity of his videos. He has over 930k subscribers and over 180 million views on YouTube. Because of his YouTube success, Guzman started his own fitness company, Alphalete Athletics, where he sells fitness and lifestyle apparel. He also opened up his own gym, Alphalete gym, in Houston, Texas. After maintaining his businesses, Christian has kept to his true entrepreneur, Christian lost a new energy drink called 3D Energy. Being in the fitness industry Christian was able to use his following and knowledge to redesign the modern-day energy drink with better taste and better results. [234]
Maxx Chewning
Maxx Chewning is an American powerlifter, Youtuber and social media influencer. Maxx, originally from Richmond, VA has built its brand in various cities such as Washington D.C. and Houston, TX. Chewning has used his youtube channel to grow and built his brand, Chewning is the owner of EverForward which is a modern-day lifestyle brand with clothes to wear to the gym or out to dinner. [235]
Chris Heria
Chris Heria is a fitness instructor and a calisthenics athlete. He was apart of the Calisthenics movement group called Barstarzz. He was featured on the Barstarzz youtube channel[236] for a while, which has 743 thousand subscribers and 159,308,398 views. Soon after, he started his own YouTube channel[237] where he created tutorials and guides for the public to learn more about calisthenics and to be able to build muscle with calisthenics. Chris currently has about double the amount of the channel he first appeared on, sitting at 1.4 million subs and 66,672,993 views. He would also occasionally feature other calisthenic or other fitness people onto his channel, while also vlogging occasionally. He is also the founder and CEO of his fitness program ThenX which consists of calisthenics and weight training. He also introduced his apparel relating to his fitness program ThenX. In addition, Chis founded a gym called the Calisthenics Academy which is located in Miami, Florida.
Peter McKinnon
Peter McKinnon is a Canada-based photographer who turned to Youtube to educate viewers about photography and video. Before Youtube, he was a successful photographer who has been featured in Magic Magazine, Popular Photography Magazine, and many more. He was born on October 28th, 1985 and lived in Toronto, Canada his whole life. He first created his profile a little over a year ago but didn't amass a large following until recently. In just a little over a year though his channel has racked up over 2 million subscribers and pulls in more than $13,000 just in ad revenue. He originally started Youtube as a typical vlogger but his large knowledge about photo and video is what made him so popular and as successful as he is today. As of end 2019, Peter has 4.11 million subscribers[239] with 282,532,675 views and continues to grow. [240]
EverythingApplePro[241] is a YouTube channel, founded and hosted by Filip Koroy, that predict, review, test, and give tutorials of different apple devices mainly iPhones. The channel started focusing on how to install new tweaks and updates to current iPhones, but it wasn't until two years after his jailbreak video "How To Jailbreak 4.1 iPhone 4/3Gs iPod Touch 4th/3rd Gen and iPad 3.2.2 - Limera1n For Windows/Mac" was published that he began to grow in popularity and getting more views. Filip Korey created this Youtube channel on January 27th, 2009. As of today, the channel has a total of 5,488,263 subscribers and over 30 million views in one single video.[242].
The content on EverythingApplePro allows viewers to learn and experience the use of an apple device before buying it. It focused on giving early released information on how the next iPhone will be like and what to expect. EverythingApplePro focuses on reviewing and testing the newest apple device to let his subscribers know what to expect and what is the device capable of. EverythingApplePro also focuses on new updates to the devices and warning iOS device owners of new threats such as "The Black Dot of Death Crashes iPhones! Beware" [243] EverythingApplePro also does different drop test to check the capability of an iOS device. Although EverythingApplePro mainly focuses on Apple product, Koroy has another page for Android users, it was created with the intention to share experience and review Android devices, but it has been offsite for the past year.
BuzzFeedVideo is the main YouTube channel for Internet news media company BuzzFeed. BuzzFeedVideo has over 15 million subscribers and over 12 billion total video views. In 2006, Jonah Peretti & John S. Johnson III founded BuzzFeed in New York City. Back then, it focused on tracking viral content. Before Buzzfeed, Peretti was the director of R&D and the OpenLab at Eyebeam, Johnson’s New York City-based art and technology non-profit. There are many different BuzzFeed channels, while BuzzFeedVideo serves its role as the flagship channel that produces original content. The following is a list of other BuzzFeed channels on YouTube: As/Is, BuzzFeedViolet, BuzzFeedBlue, Tasty, BuzzFeed Celeb, BuzzFeed Nifty, BuzzFeed India, Pero Like, BuzzFeed News, and Ladylike. As/Is was known as BuzzFeedYellow and Boldly which shared videos that are "fun, inspiring, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed crew". Now, as "As/Is", they mostly create videos targeted to the female audience. [244]
The Needle Drop
The Needle Drop is the popular Youtube music review channel created by Anthony Fantano, who is the self-proclaimed, "internet's busiest music nerd". He originally created the now-famous Youtube channel back in 2009, but it wasn't until 2011 when he started pursuing it as a full-time job. Although it is quite out of the ordinary for an independent music critic to be so popular and recognizable, Fantano has been successful as a result of creating well-thought-out music reviews in a variety of different music genres. As a reviewer's job, it is impossible to please everybody, but he elaborates his opinions and ratings in a way that most fans who disagree with his opinions can still respect them. In an interview back in 2016, Fantano said that he chose to pursue vlogging instead of television due to the intimate interaction between Youtube creators and their audiences.[245] His most famous album reviews are predominantly hip-hop, ranging from Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp a Butterfly to Kanye West's The Life of Pablo.
Shane Dawson
Shane Dawson, born as Shane Lee Yaw, has been on Youtube since shortly after it started in September of 2005. Throughout his 14 years on the site, he has amassed over 23 million subscribers and over 5.4 billion views.[246] Due to his popularity on the website, he has received the opportunity to produce a movie titled "Not Cool", as well as write books titled "It Gets Worse" and "I Hate Myselfie". Throughout his years on YouTube, Shane has used his platform to talk about his struggle with identifying as bisexual, issues with body image, growing up in poverty, and his strenuous relationship with his absent father.
He originally was known for his goofy and short skits or videos such as "Trying Dumb Summer Life Hacks"[247] and "Tasting Weird 99 Cent Store Candy"[248]. However, over the course of 2019, Shane has done a complete 180-degree turn in regards to his content, as he now produces lengthy and more serious videos. These videos are structured as multiple-part, documentary-style series. Shane enlists the help of his editor and now close friend, Andrew Siwicki, to create his content. Shane's fiancé, Ryland Adams, as well his future sister in law, Morgan Adams, often appear on his channel. Some of his well-known series include, "The Mind of Jake Paul"[249] and "The Truth About Tanacon".[250] His various conspiracy theory videos have also received a lot of positive feedback and are held in high regard.
In 2019, Shane released a series called, "The Beautiful World of Jeffree Star" [251], in which he explored the beauty industry and what it requires to leave a successful mark on it. He partnered up with Jeffree Star Cosmetics to release a new product line, including merchandise, lip products, and 2 palettes. He filmed and shared the whole process with his audience in hopes of revealing to the public how the makeup industry runs. Shane responded to the controversy in the beauty community, particularly how challenging it is to be paid fairly for your collaboration with brands. He used Nikki de Jager, a well-known beauty influencer, as an example, as she had been cheated out of her deal with Too Faced Cosmetics. Additionally, he recorded his reactions to problems he and his team encountered along the journey. Namely, there was a robbery of products from the warehouse of Jeffree Star Cosmetics during this period. From these series he has done over the last year, Shane has left a huge mark on the platform encouraging and inspiring others to partake in investigative content.
In the summer of 2020, Shane had been involved in a number of scandals that have branded him a "canceled" influencer. Shane's biggest scandal was between YouTube influencers James Charles, Tati Westbrook and Jeffree Star in a scandal now named "Dramageddon". Shane's involvement in this scandal was his link to Tati, who said he and Jeffree pressured her into uploading the now deleted, infamous video, "Bye Sister". Following this scandal, Shane's old videos and "jokes" had begun to resurface. These videos contained racist stereotypes and remarks, pedophilia remarks, as well as blackface.
Shane has been called out for his past by many YouTubers, news outlets and celebrities, including Jada and Jaden Smith. Shane has since apologized for his offensive content in a video titled "Taking Accountability"
[252] (June 26th, 2020). The video was negatively received and Shane has since turned off the dislikes and comments on the video. As of October 2020, Shane has not uploaded or posted on any of his social media platforms leaving many to wonder if he will return to the platform. An overwhelming majority of YouTube viewers are ready to see his channel come to an end. A once idolized and worshipped YouTube "King" has now met his downfall.
Yes Theory
Yes Theory is a Youtube channel founded by 4 friends, Ammar, Thomas, Matt, and Derin; over the past few years, their channel has grown increasingly popular. Their message and goal for this channel is to “Seek Discomfort”, in which each of their videos highlights an extraordinary adventure for them. This journey all started back in 2015 when they met as strangers in Montreal Canada, they originated from all different countries with only $500 to their names, but they shared one common goal to overcome their fears and seek discomfort [253].
However, Yes Theory was not always the name for the projects among these four creators. Before Yes Theory came Project 30, which was aimed to push the group to its limit by doing 30 challenges in 30 days. After one successful year, the group decided to aim to share more positive messages with their audience, and so, with this, they rebranded themselves to become what is now Yes Theory. [254].
Only a couple of years later since then, their channel has grown to great heights featuring amazing journeys and collaboration with some of the biggest names. Currently, they have 5 million subscribers to their Youtube Channel.[255] One of their most popular videos shows the group challenging Will Smith to seek his discomfort by jumping over the Grand Canyon. To their surprise, Will Smith accepted their challenge, and the event took place on September 25th, 2018. The jump was live-streamed on Youtube, in addition to the video on Will Smith’s channel getting close to 20 million views. As of today the Yes Theory group is living in Los Angeles and remains active on their platform, posting 2 videos a week. To name some of their major projects, one of them would be a documented adventure with Wim Hof, learning how to bear freezing cold temperatures through mental preparation and breathing techniques. Another popular video produced was their "The Lost Pyramid" video where they go on a journey into deep the Guatemalan jungle with some of the greatest digital creators of a generation to Climb the Largest Lost Pyramid in the World. These Projects cost the team $70,000 and many viewers became inspired by this content. [256]
The Try Guys
The Try Guys started off as a part of Buzzfeed back in 2014. The group consists of Keith Habersberger, Ned Fulmer, Eugene Lee Yang, and Zach Kornfeld. Their content is as their name suggests: they try new and different things. For example, The Try Guys created a series based on what it was like to be pregnant, from having special diets, wearing a pregnancy belly simulator, and going through a labor simulation. Through Buzzfeed, they were able to create a huge name for themselves and were able to achieve millions of views per video. The Try Guys were one of Buzzfeed's most successful YouTube series.
On June 21, 2018, The Try Guys officially launched their independent production company, 2nd Try LLC. Yang was the first to leave in February of 2018, followed by the other three that April. The group left Buzzfeed in order to pursue greater things, though they did not completely sever ties with their former employer. Buzzfeed will continue to support The Try Guys by helping with their advertising and branded content sales. Since then, The Try Guys independent YouTube channels have garnered over 5.7 million subscribers, still racking up millions of views per video. They currently upload videos every Wednesday and Saturday. [257]
David Dobrik
David Dobrik is an American YouTube personality known for his vlogs and being the creator of the “Vlog Squad”. He is originally from Slovakia and began making videos in 2013. He began his career on Vine where he gained about 1.3 million followers before the platform shut down. Afterward, he moved on to YouTube[258] where he now has 14.4 million subscribers and 6,123,346,302 views. He posts two vlog-style videos a week with each video only lasting 4 minutes and 21 seconds long. He also has a second channel called, David Dobrik Too, where he sometimes posts longer videos and behind the scenes of his main channel videos. His second channel is also very successful with 6.45 million subscribers and 547,284,953 views, although he posts a lot less on that channel.
His main channel vlogs are seen as unique because of their unpredictability and how much they differ from the majority of vlogs. His vlogs are not about his daily life but more about the very exaggerated parts of his life. He’s described his vlogs as a “highlight reel” of his life. The vlogs include are very comedy based including crazy pranks, jokes, dares, skits, and as of more recently, giving gifts to his friends and family such as cars. David Dobrik is seen as the pioneer for this type of vlog style. His vlogs are many different comedy clips put together which include many of his friends as being the main entertainment of the videos. His group of friends has been labeled as the “Vlog Squad” because most of his friend group are also vloggers with a similar style of vlogs and most of them also got their start on Vine.
David’s most viewed video has a whopping 52 million views but his average amount of views is about 8 million per video. His most viewed video is about his breakup with his ex-girlfriend, Liza Koshy[259], which is another very successful YouTuber with 17.7 million subscribers and 2,300,565,176 views.
Miss Dorita
Miss Dorita is a Peruvian YouTuber that has created her channel to share her knowledge on how to makes designs using a special, microporous material known as "Fomi" or "Goma Eva". On her blog Miss Dorita, she shares her different designs to create a variety of products such as bags, notebook covers, frames, and pencil cases. On her blog, she provides free and easy access to download her molds for the different products she has shown users how to create on her channel. She explains and teaches her audience how to work with the model to perfect the final result. Most of her audience is people who enjoy creating handicrafts for children such as teachers, pediatricians, and child-psychologists. Miss Dorita enjoys making and sharing unique and creative designs that her audience can use to decorate rooms for baptisms, birthdays, and baby showers. Her channel has not only been growing nationally but internationally as well. With this international expansion, Miss Dorita is planning to start using subtitles for her Spanish-speaking videos.
Tana Mongeau
Tana Mongeau [30] is a 20-year-old Internet personality who became popular on YouTube in 2015[31]. From filming videos in her room in Las Vegas, Nevada, the YouTube star instantly went viral for uploading videos such as, “My Stalker Broke into My House”[32], “How I Did My Makeup in Highschool”[33], “I Got My Sexist Principal Fired”[34] and many more. Since then, Mongeau moved to California and collaborated with other big YouTuber stars such as Gabbie Hanna a.k.a. “The Gabbie Show”, James Charles, Jeffree Star, Jake Paul, and others. Due to her popularity and fame, Mongeau began getting herself into controversies over racism, deception, and her biggest controversy, TanaCon. TanaCon was said to be an event like VidCon and Playlist Live held during the same week in June 2018. These events are conventions held by YouTube and other media corporations, where creators and fans can go and have meet-ups. TanaCon became a disaster as expectations were not met[35]. Since then, Mongeau has steered clear from controversy as she now uploads content about fashion reviews, makeup looks, and daily vlogs. Through her often controversial content, she was able to pitch an idea to MTV to make her life a reality show. And so, in the summer of 2019, her team was able to launch, "Tana Turns 21", a reality show portraying her influencer life. [260] In July 2019, she and another Youtuber, Jake Paul became newlyweds as they had a $500,000 controversial wedding in Las Vega. [261] From this alone, she has seen huge growth within her subscriber count. She currently holds a subscriber count of 5 million. [262]
Emma Chamberlain
Emma Chamberlain[36] is an 18-year-old girl from San Francisco, who joined YouTube[263] in June of 2016. She uploads content such as daily vlogs, that are relatable to others. This and her age has helped her gain a lot of followers and subscribers fairly quickly and at such a fast rate. She is known for videos such as "How to Prepare for Coachella"[37], "Why I Left School"[38], and her "Cooking with Emma" series. Her social fame made a huge growth to where she almost grew hundreds of thousands of followers over the course of a month. Her engagement on social media also increased where it was said to be bigger than Kim Kardashian[39].
Chamberlain’s entertaining personality became a big hit. Her editing technique and overall personality became a huge trend. She later moved to Los Angeles and started collaborating with other YouTubers such as James Charles and the Dolan Twins. In addition, she started to work with famous brands such as Hollister, Dote and Curology, who have sponsored some of her videos. Chamberlain currently has 8.52 million subscribers on YouTube with 920,362,992 views and continues to go. [40].
FBE (The FineBrothers Entertainment), originally known as just TheFineBros, is a popular Youtube channel with over 7 Billion views and 18 million subscribers. FBE now has two subchannels, one dedicated to React videos and another named FBE2. FBE are popular for their React videos and their multiple challenges such as they try not to laugh and try not to sing challenges. Not only is it a youtube channel, but FBE is also now an award-winning next-gen media company, studio, and new breed of a TV network that creates innovative programming for a global audience across both owned and operated and partner channels. The company started 14 years ago and is now comprised of over 70 full-time employees. FBE currently produces 20 serialized shows a week and averages 300 million views a month. As a production company, it has created and produced shows for television networks and premium SVODs including TruTV, Nickelodeon, Freeform, YouTube Red, and Facebook. It has also released its first film, "F#!& The Prom" in December 2017 and it is now available to stream on Netflix.
Fung Brothers
The Fung Brothers is a Youtube channel with 2.05 million subscribers. The two individuals behind this channel are Andrew Fung and David Fung, two Chinese-American brothers who share a passion for Asian culture and strive to spread their love of the culture through Youtube videos. They both spent their childhoods in the suburbs of Seattle but eventually moved to Los Angeles to pursue their Youtube careers. Their videos consist of food, fashion, sneakers, basketball, and comedy.
Strictly Dumpling
Strictly Dumpling is a Youtube channel with 2.83 Million subscribers and is focused on the joy of eating food. The man behind the channel is 38-year-old Mike Chen. Mike Chen is a huge foodie who grew up in China and immigrated to New York and eventually moved to Seattle in 2019 for a change of scenery. His Youtube channel features himself traveling all over the world eating the most delicious food that different countries have to offer. His favorite foods include noodles, burgers, steak, dumplings, and rice dishes.
Tj Hunt
TJ Hunt is an automotive enthusiast who instantly became a popular YouTuber through his exciting yet relatable vlogs. These vlogs consist of himself along with his close friends working on their cars, while also creating a personal connection with his viewers. He does this through occasional Q&As but mostly through his ability to take his viewers everywhere. From his home to the shop, Tj shares a lot of insight on what his day to day life looks like. He started his channel in late 2009; however, as of October 2019 he has 1,510,000 subscribers and noted 383,608,578 views.[265]
Most of Tj’s vlogs consist of the maintenance and improvement of his cars, along with an occasional drifting session. Some of his most popular cars are the Ferrari 458 being fitted with a rare GT3 body kit, mk4 and mk5 Supra, RX-7 FD, Subaru BRZ and a 2JZ 350z, which is his drift car. Tj started his channel with the Subaru BRZ, he named Miley in his friend’s garage doing “how to’s” and going to car shows. Today he moved up to a big garage which he shares with other YouTubers named Throtl and is sponsored by big companies like Meguiar’s.
In addition to working full time on YouTube, Tj also owns his own clothing line, Hunt and Company.[266] With the help of his girlfriend, Sabrina Leamo and friends Calvin, Kevin and Alisha, Tj is able to send out his merchandise in a quick and efficient manner. Through this platform, Tj was able to give away his Mustang GT to one lucky customer who bought a product as a way of giving back to his subscribers.
Showcasing his girlfriend Sabrina and his friends, Tj has created a formula where it allows viewers to feel closer to him, making his life more relatable. He takes his subscribers with him everywhere, from date nights to vacations, game/movie nights, and to the purchasing of his own home. Tj lives by the quote, “keep moving forward,” and that is what he will do.
Throtl is an automotive YouTube channel/online classifieds platform built by a small team of experts, most notably, Evan Beckerman, Mickey Andrade and Rick Beckerman. Their platform is built by car enthusiasts for car enthusiasts, giving people the ability to modify their cars, grab ideas and many more. Their YouTube channel is an extension of their company to which they produce “vlog style” content of a variety of car builds.
Throtl started with Rick and Evan Beckerman at Evan’s bachelor's party. Rick had been working on an old Porsche 911 build and had been searching through forums for parts, while also selling some. He believed that the way people were buying and selling things these days was a real problem because of how dated, slow and time consuming it was. They created Throtl[268] as a one-stop shop for people to come and get what they need in an efficient manner.
Their YouTube channel[269], which now has 600,000 subscribers and 58,030,490 views are known for their ability to build top quality cars and giving them away to a subscriber/Throtl VIP member, while also working on their own cars. Some of the cars they’ve given away are a 2005 Mazda RX-8 widebody, 2005 Subaru WRX, 1989 Nissan 240SX widebody, and most recently a 2012 BMW 335i. They modify these cars to another level while giving the new owners a template to improve.
Mickey Andrade, the primary content creator has a lot of experience in the car industry working as a Supervisor of Motorsports at Falken Tire, and for HRE Performance Wheels, along with many more companies. His two biggest cars are the JDM Honda Civic SiR-S hatchback EG, and a Mazda RX-7 FD. He brought the RX-7 to life on the channel through an extensive restoration and engine rebuild.
Evan and Rick Beckerman are both into the Euro scene. Evan owns a BMW e36 M3, BMW e46 M3 and a Toyota MR2. Rick owns a 1968 Porsche and a Mercedes CLS AMG. Both work on their cars on the channel; however, Evan and Mickey along with another friend/coworker Rickie are the ones producing most of the content on YouTube.
Throtl is a team that produces their content in their shop that they share with another big YouTuber, Tj Hunt. They use YouTube as a way of influencing others to work on their own cars and promote their business.
Larray's real name is Larri Merritt. He is currently 21 years old. He rose to fame with his videos on Vine years ago. After the app was discontinued, he moved on to make Youtube videos. He has made collaboration videos with other YouTubers like Twaimz and James Charles. Some popular videos feature him playing online games like Roblox and Club Penguin. In his videos, he references popular YouTubers and trending memes. Larray currently has 3.75 million subscribers. Many viewers find that Larray is true to himself and are drawn to his videos for that reason. [270]
Jose Zuniga started this Youtube channel[271] in 2014 with the intention of teaching men how to dress and live properly. He has over 4.35 million subscribers and views totaling 589,803,015. As an entrepreneur, he has been expanding his business by establishing 5 brands from clothing to skincare. He has become very popular amongst high school and college students because many of his videos are centered around guys perfecting their outward appearance in order to boost self-confidence around the opposite/same gender. He also has other similar channels that he appears in with his brother Juan Zuniga and they both collaborate on many similar topics such as fashion and their daily tasks.
Jose’s lifestyle has been his tool of attraction. His fancy Lamborghinis and Porsches, his beautiful million dollar house, and his sense of style is all a part of his brand image. It all comes together to show his viewers that he is the real deal when it comes to the question “How do I become successful and fashionable in life”. In the near future, I am sure he will launch larger brands and take on much more to be more successful.
[272] RDCWorld1 is a youtube channel made up of Mark Phillips, Leland Manigo, Desmond Johnson, Affiong Harris, and Dylan Patel. Their content consists of skits, vlogs, short films, and much more. They strive to make fans laugh and keeping them entertained by creating content. As of April 2020, they were estimated to be worth $2 million according to Thir most popular to date video with 21 million views is "When People Take Anime Too Far (Full Version ORIGINAL CREATORS) SupremeDreams_!." RDCWorld1's channel currently has 4.28 million subscribers and is more likely to grow since they're getting recognized by celebrities who comment on their Instagram posts. RDCWorld1 also hosts a gaming channel, RDCWorldGaming, where they release videos of them playing a variety of video games.
Daily Dose of Internet
Jason Gryniewicz is the owner of the YouTube channel Daily Dose of Internet. He was born on December 3, 1992 and his content consists of posting theww minute long videos of a variety of intriguing and shocking videos. They usually consists of interesting locations, cute animals, and innovative creations. He uploads to the channel about every 3-4 days despite the name of the channel. He got his first million subscribers on March 8, 2018 and has grown exponentially. As of December 2020, he has accumulated over 10 million subscribers on YouTube. His videos usually accumulate several millions of view per video and is constantly growing. He is also known for starting off his videos by saying "Hello everyone, this is YOUR daily dose of internet. [273]
Lee Stienfield, 32, otherwise known as [274] on Youtube, is an iconic Youtube personality, mainly known for his widely viewed Pokemon Trading Card Game Pack openings. He started doing Youtube in 2014 with an inspiration to do a video gaming channel but quickly found much more success in utilizing his passion for Pokemon into doing pack openings and video logs (Vlogs). It started with him recording his old collection at his parent's house, and the rush of nostalgia led him to build onto his channel to where it is today, currently at about 1.22 million subscribers. He not only posts pack openings but live videos of him going into stores, buying Pokemon products, and filming his reactions to it. He makes family-friendly content and posts regular videos 5-7 times a week ranging from sometimes 15-30 minutes to some long livestreams that could go on for hours. Having been sent product by Pokemon to open and review on his channel, he is one of the most premier icons for The Pokemon Company Incorporated media franchise, and constantly gives a nostalgic rush to those who used to open packs as kids.
Schmoyoho, or The Gregory Brothers, creates content that revolve around music. They currently have 3.36 million subscribers, and their most recent post is titled "Election Meme Rewind." They have produced many of YouTube's most viral hits through the Songify This series, where they add musical elements to a speech, including the Bed Intruder song featuring Antoine Dodson.
Be Kind Rewind
Be Kind Rewind is an American YouTube channel focusing on Hollywood history, women in film, and general film studies[275]. The channel was created by Izzy (no last name given) and was created as a way to “legitimize my passion for cinema.”[276] She explains that she always thought her love for cinema would remain a hobby but after visiting the Museum of Film and Television Berlin[277], she realized that it was possible to have a career maintaining the history of film. According to her Q&A, Izzy decided to create the channel to demonstrate her knowledge and skill set in interviews. Prior to creating Be Kind Rewind, Izzy was studying International Relations in Berlin. The channel was first created on August 23rd, 2017[278]. The first video, “The Doppelganger Motif in ‘A Stolen Life,’” was uploaded on January 8th, 2018[279]. Videos are presented in the format of a video essay with the exception of “Q&A with BKR: On Classic Films and the Channel!” The person behind Be Kind Rewind was faceless and remained a mystery until Izzy revealed her identity in her “Q&A with BKR” video uploaded on October 2nd, 2020.
Be Kind Rewind’s videos can be divided into 6 categories: Best Actress Win, Comparison, Commentary, Actress Profile, Movie Recommendations, and Miscellaneous. Best Actress Win videos explore Izzy’s theories as to why an actress won the Best Actress Oscar. An example of this video would be “Best Actress 1973: Liza Minnelli wins for Cabaret.”[280]Comparison videos compare different versions of the same movie. A Commentary video discusses film in the context of social issues. An example of this would be “Why ‘The Help?’” This video was released at the height of the George Floyd Protests and analyzes the problem(s) with the 2011 film The Help and why the general public chose that film to educate themselves[281]. Actress Profile videos focus on a particular actress’ body of work. “Anna Magnani and Authenticity” focuses on Italian actress Anna Magnani's body of work leading up to her Oscar win in 1956[282]. Movie Recommendations, where the channel gives movie recommendations in the same genre of a film or television series. An example of this would be “What to Watch with Mrs. America[283].” Miscellaneous videos are videos of a certain genre that don’t have enough videos to get its own separate category. An example would be “The History of How We Watch Movies.” This video doesn’t talk about any actresses or performances but talks about the different mediums film has gone through[284]. Many of Be Kind Rewind’s videos can fall into multiple categories. Most videos use the Oscars as a backdrop “to create the narrative of a journey” to tell the story of an actress and their performance[285].
Be Kind Rewind is currently releasing a vlogmas-style series called “25 Days of Actress,” “Each week in December, I’ll be releasing a list of films that I think features a great performance by a great actress… 25 films in total[286].” According to the first installment, the series is meant to give her an outlet to talk about performances she liked but wasn’t sure when she would be able to. The first installment was released on December 1st, 2020 and the final installment is expected to be released on December 21st, 2020[287].
Outside of creating content, Izzy has a full time job and has stated that she does YouTube on the side after work[288]. Izzy states that her love for classic film started when she was young and cited Turner Classic Movies and her grandmother for sparking her interest in the era[289].
Kara and Nate
Kara and Nate’s story is definitely a unique one. They went to the same high school together and became high school sweethearts. They eventually went on to marry each other. They both love to travel and after going on their first trip to Thailand, they made their dream of living on the road a reality. They are both from Nashville, Tennessee and have been traveling the world full-time for the last three years. Through YouTube, they have been documenting their daily lives when going on their adventures. Their original goal of visiting one hundred countries was recently achieved. They even held a whole entire party in order to commemorate that big moment in which they invited a great number of their fans and family members to attend as well. Other than their main YouTube channel, they also have their own blog and website where they teach travel lovers about traveling, tips on getting around, and saving on their flights. [290]
Kenny Beecham also known as KO4TQ is a popular YouTuber who is widely known for his involvement in the NBA 2k community. KOT4Q has over 800 thousand subscribers on YouTube is widely known for the videos he does which are rebuilds, ultimate teams video, pack openings. He also has 2 other channels other than his main channel that he use to document important events, experiences that he has when it comes to basketball. He also features on the Bleacher Report House of Highlights channel where his podcast also talks about everything related to basketball. His connection to New Media is being able to connect himself and his love for the sport of basketball with others who believe in the game as well and want to connect to get into the game as well as the video game aspect as well [291]
Up until recently, people would post blogs about their days and their thoughts. Now with the growing rate of YouTube users and filmmakers, we are now witnessing people record videos of themselves and going about their daily lives. Individuals are slowly transitioning into the new medium of blogging; this new media is called "vlogging". The idea and concept of daily vlogging are filmmakers or "YouTubers" would carry on their day as they normally would, with the added twist of capturing interesting aspects of their days and posting it on YouTube to share it with their subscribers and other viewers. The term "vlog" comes from a combination of the words video and blog. YouTube is the perfect platform for filmmakers to become daily vloggers due to the universal accessibility of YouTube.
Since YouTube has become so popular, there are a wide variety of channels that incorporate vlogging. Some examples of these vlogging channels are beauty blogs, which consists of a "beauty guru" going through his or her daily routine, mainly based on makeup and beauty or fashion related items. Other channels use vlogging for fitness. Fitness vloggers will typically record videos of their diets and exercises that they do on a daily basis. Some fitness vloggers will even film their daily progress and take viewers on their day-to-day journeys where it relates to fitness. Other vlog channels on YouTube are based around traveling. They will film everything from the restaurants that they eat at, the hotels or resorts that they are staying in, and the places they are visiting. Other vlog channels revolve around content related to pranks, food, fashion, gaming, or just somebody's daily life as the list of content just goes on!
Notable vloggers are [Casey Neistat], [Roman Atwood], [BFvsGF],[Dose of Fousey], [Jake Paul[Logan Paul] [4YE w/ Jae and Trey Richards] and [David Dobrik].
The ACE Family
The ACE Family is a popular vlogging family channel on YouTube. Austin McBroom is 27 years old and Catherine Paiz is 29 years old. Their content is similar to the rest of the vloggers on YouTube such as daily vlogs, pranks, challenges, and surprises. Vloggers are video bloggers. The ACE Family has surpassed 13 million subscribers and is growing rapidly. Each one of their videos gets at least 5+ million views. ACE Family represents the names of the family members which are Austin, Catherine, Elle, Alaïa, and newborn baby Steele. Steele completes the "s" to their family name "ACES", but their Youtube channel name remains "The ACE Family". They're the most successful family vlogging channel on YouTube with an astounding 20+ million subscribers. With their YouTube success, they have been able to create various mobile apps and games like "ACE Play", "Free Spirit Kids Games" and their merchandise store. The ACE Family has also been able to develop "The ACE Club", which is a monthly subscription service for exclusive videos and an exclusive community. However, the creation of this service has been negatively received by some in the YouTube community.
With the success of their channel, the family has also delved into creating their own business. The family has created their own juice brand called "Silly Juice". The juice comes in 6 flavors and is currently only sold online and in some Los Angeles grocery stores. The juice has been reviewed online and has also been reviewed by YouTubers like James Charles and Logan Paul who have given it positive reviews. By creating their own business, the family has also "created" their own house. The family has been able to construct their own home by combining two homes in Woodland Hills, CA. The home is worth $10 million and has 12 bedrooms and 13 bathrooms with over 12,000 sq ft. The family documented the construction of their home on their YouTube channel.
As seen with other YouTubers, there are controversies that have arisen since the start of their careers. In 2018, the couple launched an app to sell merchandise and had apparently sold more than they had in stock. Many buyers complained that they never received their merch and called the app a scam. [292] There have also been allegations that Austin McBroom has cheated on Catherine McBroom. Women have come forward stating that Austin made them sign NDA's when boarding a boat with him and his father. There were also complaints from the family's neighbors, who have said the family has ruined their garden and destroyed their property. The family has not come forward to acknowledge this and most likely dealt with the situation privately.
Ellie and Jared
Ellie and Jared Mecham are a family with a popular vlogging channel on Youtube. They have approximately 1.6 million subscribers. Like many vloggers, they simply go around and vlog their daily activities, which can include everything from funny moments/online challenges to talking about their real-life struggles. They use YouTube as a New Media platform to provide inspiration to many people, including those who may want to start a vlogging channel themselves, people interested in some of the latest pieces of technology in cameras, phones, and home assistants or people going through some of their own struggles [293].
Mark Wiens - YouTube
According to Mark Wiens Food is the reason you should travel, and on his channel, you'll watch videos that feature incredibly delicious food and travel tips.
After Mark Wiens graduated from university, he decided to travel for food. Eventually ended up in Thailand, where he met his wife. He and his wife are now based in Bangkok, Thailand, and the enjoy travel frequently to find delicious food.
You'll find street food videos, travel vlogs, and plenty of Thai food videos as that's where they are based.
Video Posting Schedule: Sundays & Wednesdays at 8 am (Eastern Standard Time) and some occasional extras. Subscribe now so you don't miss the next video! [294]
Farhat's Accounting Lectures
Mansour Farhat is the founder of the Farhat Accounting Lectures website. On his website, he offers educational videos where he goes over important accounting concepts. He also puts videos from his website on his YouTube channel called "Farhat's Accounting Lectures." He aims to help students properly understand concepts as he designs his videos to thoroughly cover lessons in college courses such as Financial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting, Advanced Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Taxation, and Auditing. He also has videos that cover topics on the CPA exam. [295]
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization created by Salman Khan in 2008 that offers a wide range of instructional videos, interactive problems and other online tools to help educate students all over the world for free. The short, but efficient lecture videos teach students on varying topics such as math, biology, chemistry, economics and many more. Khan Academy also provides educational videos on topics covered in the SAT and LSAT on their youtube channel, along with personalized practice in partnership with the College Board and Law School Admission Council on their own website.[296] The creator of the videos utilizes Microsoft Paint sketching software, which features a black background with bright colored lines, shapes, and text. [297] This helps the viewers to visualize the concerts as the narrator explains that topic and/or problem. As of November 2020, the Khan Academy youtube channel has 6.14 million subscribers and 11 other (besides the main channel) Khan Academy channels that are centered around specific topics.
YouTube Awards
YouTube Creator Awards
YouTube distributes 3 awards to content creators based on their subscribership achievements:[298]

• Diamond Play Button- 10 million subscribers. YouTubers/Channels that have awarded: [Zoella],[Fine Bros], [Chris Brown], [Lily Singh], [James Charles], and [Jeffree Star].
• Gold Play Button- 1 million subscribers. YouTubers/Channels that have awarded: [Shaytards],[bubzbeauty] and [CTFxC].
• Silver Play Button- 100,000 subscribers.
Streamy Awards
The Streamy Awards or the Streamys is a ceremony celebrating YouTube creators and the art of online video making presented by Dick Clark Productions.[300] Some of the different award categories(30+ categories total) include: Creator of the Year, Show of the Year and various individual categories showcasing the best in beauty, food, gaming and lifestyle channels.[301] The 2016 Streamy Awards, hosted by King Bach occurred on October 4th with YouTube winners including Yousef Erakat, Casey Neistat, Kandee Johnson and Glozell Green.[302]
The 7th annual event will take place on September 26th, 2017 at the Beverly Hilton and streamed exclusively through Twitter.[303]
Shorty Awards
The Shorty Awards or the Shortys is a ceremony founded by Sawhorse Media, honoring the top creators and companies across all social media platforms: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc.[304] Among the 12 different award categories are YouTube specific honors such as, YouTube Comedian, YouTube Musician, YouTube Guru and Breakout YouTuber.[305] Shorty winners are selected from a combination of public votes and selections made by the Real-Time Academy panel, comprised of leaders and visionaries in arts and entertainment, tech and innovation, and news and media. [306]
The 9th Annual celebration was held on April 23rd, 2017 in New York City.[307] YouTube winners included Gigi Gorgeous, Markiplier, Dodie Clark and Thomas Sanders.
Article 13
A controversial change that will affect the online industry of media sharing. On April 15, 2019, the European Council, the government that composes of ministers from each of the 28 EU member states, voted to adopt Article 13. Out of 28 member states, only 6 member states (Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, and Sweden) voted against while three (Belgium, Estonia, and Slovenia) abstained from voting. The rest of the states voted for.
What Article 13 is that it is a European Union directive that is designed to limit how copyrighted content is shared online. It will require online platforms to filter or remove copyrighted materials from their websites or else would put the online platforms and aggregator sites liable for copyright infringements, and supposedly direct more revenue from tech giants towards artists and journalists.
Currently, a platform such as Youtube is not responsible for copyright violations. They, however, remove and filter contents that are copyrighted and if so, direct the revenue to the correct holder.
What makes this dangerous toward new media is the fact that anything can be copyrighted now in Europe. Fair use will not hold in court in Europe because of the fact that any copyrighted substance belongs to the original creator. Even small snippets used that are generally not copyrighted because it is not the main point of the video, will be copyrighted. Eventually, it will bleed into the US market where legislators will also vote on this issue regarding content uploading to online platforms.
Copyright and Fair Use
Copyright infringement is one of the most common ways of breaking a contract. YouTube has set up a detection system named Content ID as of 2010 due to many lawsuits YouTube has endured. Content ID identifies when a YouTuber uses someone else's content without permission from the owner. Copyright owners can also make a claim if they feel the creator is violating YouTube's contract. One of these lawsuits include one where Ultra Records sued Michell Phan [41] in 2014 for using music that she did not own. The difference between getting copyrighted by Content ID or by the DMCA is that the DMCA leaves a "copyright strike" on thee YouTuber's channel. Once a YouTuber receives a certain amount of strikes, their channel is prone to deletion. On the other hand, being flagged by Content ID gives the YouTuber a warning that they have violated YouTube's rules. YouTube has provided users with Music Policies, which allows users to determine whether or not the music they are able to use in their video is allowed. [42]
There are some YouTubers that have "reaction" channels, where they express commentary on other youtube videos and add their thoughts about the video as well. Some YouTubers have used the entire video they are reacting to in their video, which is wrong. Not only are they stealing views from the original video, but it is also illegal under copyright law. On the other hand, others have put portions of the video they are reacting to and have added content, or transformed it so that it falls under fair use. This causes a lot of tension in the YouTube community because there are well-recognized YouTubers that have abused the system; stealing views and profiting off of other people's videos.
A category of content has become viral on YouTube and that is the "drama trend". Due to such controversies on the YouTube platform, specifically, the beauty industry, many channels such as Sebastian Williams[43], Tea Spill[44], Shook[45], Atozy[46], The Viewer's Voice[47], etc, make videos about latest controversies and scandals that are caused by famous YouTubers. Before most of these creators start their videos, they tend to post a description of Fair Use and Copyright law, in order to show their viewers that the content they are using, although it is not theirs, they have a right to use material or "content" for transformative purposes. This leads to many copyright strikes, which YouTube is very strict about.
Fair Use
There are specific criterion that needs to be met for a video to fall under fair uses. Currently, in the jurisdiction of youtube, there is four specific categories that the video content must fall under in order to fail the claim of fair use. [308]
1.The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for non-profit educational purposes
2. The nature of the copyrighted work
3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work
How fair use is determined is upon a court where a judge will analyze how each of the four factors of fair use applies to the specific case.
Fair Use Case with H3H3 Production
On February 2016, H3H3 Productions have uploaded a parody video of the original video titled "Bold Guy vs Parkour Girl" and has garnered over ten million views before the owner of the original content has requested to wipe it off YouTube. Matt Hoss, the owner of the original content alleged that Klein's critical commentary of the his videos has reproduced too much of the original content. As one of the criteria for a video uploaded to fall under fair use is the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole. After a year-long battle, it was announced that the judge ruled in favor of YouTuber H3H3 Productions. It was concluded that there is "no doubt" that the video created constituted as "critical commentary," which is legal under Fair Use.[309]
Hashtags such as #wtfu (where's the fair use) and #makeyoutubegreatagain have surfaced to bring attention to this problem. Big-name YouTubers have abused the system and are making a profit on other people's videos. If smaller channels tried to make a reaction video of one of the more popular YouTubers, they would most likely get a copyright strike or get their channel taken down. This is a big issue because the system is supposed to work for everyone, yet it seems as if it works in favor of the big-name YouTubers and punishes the smaller channels that are struggling for subscribers or views.
Youtube TV
On February 28, 2017, Youtube announced the launch of a brand-new subscription service, Youtube TV, where TV channels are easily accessible, making cable less appealing. They have a monthly bill of $35 and contains 40 Channels, including NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, and other channels such as USA, MSNBC, Fox News, and Bravo. With the exception of channels CNN, TNT, Cartoon Network. The Viacom networks like MTV, VH1, Comedy Central, HBO, and Nickelodeon. Youtube TV will have ads from all the networks, unlike other subscription services. It will be launched within the next few months. [310]
Youtube TV provides an alternative to watching live TV at any time without filling up DVR limited space of recorded shows. Youtube TV is designed for the generation of Youtube. Youtube TV has partnered up with local TV stations as well to keep you connected to your local news and sports so you won't miss out. Youtube TV provides a DVR like storage with unlimited space without using data. You can stream on multiple screens such as a mobile, tablet, computer, and TV as well. Using a google chrome cast you can stream Youtube TV directly to your television. Youtube TV gives access for Youtube Red Original members to stream their shows too. You can add up to six accounts for one price. All of the accounts created come with unlimited DVR storage. There are no commitments when signing up for this subscription. [311]
YouTube the new form of Television?
Some may say YouTube has changed the future of how we watch TV. YouTube has become a platform that is extremely versatile and is a game-changer to the entertainment business. You can get your news, highlights, politics, and basically anything on YouTube. YouTube has grown exponentially and has created many genres with the development of YouTube's own unique culture. YouTube provides all forms of entertainment, and the industry is aware of that. YouTube had signed a big deal with HBO where they would provide their platform to upload a daily news broadcast[312]. YouTube is very mainstream, and the views are as high if not higher on widely known channels when compared to Television. A popular daily vlogging channel over the course of one day can receive over a million views, and this is something worthy of recognition to display the strength and power of YouTube. YouTube is able to reach a large audience and connect millions of people within their platform. YouTube is almost replacing television as it fosters the creativity of the entertainment business and allows people to grow and develop content within the platform that becomes of interest to the audience that a channel may cater to.
YouTube Go
YouTube Go is an app that is exclusive to the Android operating system. The goal of this app was to make the platform more accessible over different devices. It is different from the company’s original app in a way that it allows everyone to download and share videos freely. Furthermore, it also allows users to preview the videos that they may want to watch and simply offer more control. The project was originally established in September of 2016 at a keynote event in India. Eventually, it was released in India in February of 2017 and later went on to encompass fourteen other countries including Nigeria, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Kenya, and South Africa. Eventually, it spread more globally and rolled out to one hundred thirty countries. As of February 1, 2018, the app has become available to approximately 60% of the world’s population. [313]
Vevo is a popular source for music and music videos of a ton of artists. Many celebrity music artists have their respective Vevo certified accounts with channels officially on the Vevo streaming site or YouTube. YouTube is a great form of new media, allowing content creators like music artists to be able to display their works on these media platforms that allow the fans to be able to interact with their favorite artists' production. Vevo is linked with YouTube and has an existing signed partnership with YouTube [314] allowing their video content to be sustained and searchable within the platform. [315]
Notable Youtube and Vevo certified accounts are: [Justin Bieber] [Chris Brown], [Drake], [Beyonce], [DJ Khaled], [Kanye West],[Lady Gaga], [Rihanna], and [Katy Perry]
YouTube and Students effect
The advancements we have made with our technology has been incredible. We are now able to use different digital platforms to help students better understand subjects in school. One of the immaculate additions that we now have access to is YouTube. YouTube has been very valuable for a lot of college and high education students because of all the videos that are available on a variety of topics that does not even come to mind immediately. This platform becomes extremely useful when topics are quickly covered in class but there were not enough depths for certain individuals to get a full understanding. Finding videos on YouTube are helpful at this point because you now have numerous points of view to help you understand possibly even better than the instructor taught. There have been studies showing that students who use YouTube tend to perform better because they have an outside platform that is shareable and always able to get information outside of the classroom. [316] Channels such as CrashCourse regularly upload educational videos that serve as auxiliary lessons for students who are struggling in class.
Health and Fitness Community on Youtube
The health and fitness community on Youtube has been growing at a parallel rate to all of Youtube's other hot trending sectors. This unique community has encompassed all different focuses within the Health and Fitness industry, with all differently minded people coming together to produce an extensive catalog of content. Professional bodybuilders, owners of supplement companies, and personal trainers are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the mixing pot of characters populating Youtube with fitness-oriented content. The up and coming sector within Youtube has flourished immensely because the information and the quality in which the information being produced has been unprecedented. Before the world of Youtube, the realm of health and truths to fitness success was locked within the circle of professionals who studied health in secondary education or has dedicated their life to a job within the health industry. However, with Youtube serving as a bridge between professionals and the masses, these fitness professionals can access and interpret the scientific literature regarding fitness and relay the vital information to the ordinary person who is intrigued by fitness goals but does not have time to learn about fitness on someone else's schedule. Essentially, the Youtube community has enabled the public to learn and understand about fitness when they want to or are able to.
Fitness Oriented Youtubers
The fitness-focused industry on Youtube is an exponentially growing division on Youtube. With society investing more in "microwave" and "on-demand" philosophies, people want high-quality information at an efficient speed. The Youtube fitness industry has formulated a method in which professional trainers and bodybuilders with legitimate credentials are producing quick and straightforward videos on different types of workouts. Ranging from high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to long term entropy body buildings, this sector of Youtube has content about any type of fitness with structured plans. Here are a couple of people who have found great success doing so on the Youtube platform:
- Jeff Cavaliere
- According to the argument of pure subscribers on the Youtube platform, Jeff Cavaliere is the face of one of the most successful fitness Youtube channels on Youtube. With over 10 million subscribers and over 1 billion total views [317], Jeff has done a great job producing highly informative videos on science-backed workouts. Before starting Youtube, Jeff was a physical therapist and strength coach for the New York Mets. However, after developing a family, Cavaliere decided leaving his position with the Mets to pursue a Youtube career would be the best for him and his family. With a background resume such as Jeff’s, and a passion to make informative videos, Jeff has taken advantage of his position and rose to the top of the mountain in terms of making fitness content on Youtube.
Health Oriented Youtubers
The health-focused industry on Youtube has done an incredible job creating a division within Youtube for people who are looking for lifestyle changes that stem from changes made within the kitchen. As Youtube allows pretty much anyone to be a publisher of content on the platform, people ranging from professional cooks to inheritors of family secret recipes are able to share healthy cooking and baking recipes. Additionally, as new products and ingredients are being produced daily, people are able to use the kitchen in efforts to lose weight; a feat that has been extremely challenging without the development of the internet. As instructional videos are clear-cut and extremely easy to follow, the public has invested thousands of minutes into viewing videos since the inception of this sector on Youtube. Here are a couple of people who found great success in creating healthy cooking videos on Youtube:
- Nichola Whitehead
- Nichola Whitehead is a primary example of a health-oriented video producer that has made a very bad situation into a great one. To explain, before getting married and giving birth to a baby on November 18 [318]. After giving birth, her UK Registered Dietitian credentials were in jeopardy as she could not practice being a dietitian. However, Nichola was able to continue helping people with diets as she could practice being a dietitian on Youtube. With over 20,000 followers, she produces content regarding healthy recipes on Youtube frequently. By posting frequently, she has been able to provide viewers with healthy meal recipes while making money off of advertisement revenues.
Fitness and Health Oriented Youtubers
The health and fitness-focused industry is composed of content producers who focus on a combination of fitness and health. Essentially, these Youtube personalities do not specialize in either fitness regimen nor healthy cooking, but find a certain balance and produce videos covering both subjects. As the videos cover two expansively large subjects, the production of the videos are usually not in an informative driven delivery. Rather, these Youtube personalities record their days in a “vlog” fashion, essentially documenting their daily livelihoods, which includes following a structured fitness regiment and cooking healthy recipes every day. Here are a couple of people who have found great success in creating health and fitness-focused cooking videos on Youtube:
Nick Bare
As a veteran, bodybuilder, marathon runner, ironman, founder of a supplement company, and Youtuber, Nick Bare is truly the jack of all trades! While being stationed in South Korea as an active Infantry Platoon Leader, Nick Bare had founded his sports supplement company, Bare Performance Nutrition in 2012 [319]. After returning from his service in the United States Military, Bare grew his company to new highs annually while focusing on professional bodybuilding [320]. After a couple of professional bodybuilding contests, Bare focused on his Youtube channel and supplement company while simultaneously training for daunting long-distance cardiovascular races such as marathons and ironman triathlons. Recently, Bare has produced extensive videos documenting his daily activities which include operating an expanding supplement company, training for a sub-three hour marathon, and utilizing healthy recipes to fuel his drive [321]. With over 400,000 subscribers and over 55,000,000 total views [322], Nick Bare is an example of a Youtube content producer that has found great success in covering the topics of fitness and health.
Mr.Beast AKA Jimmy Donaldson
MrBeast is famous on YouTube for spending large sums of money on his videos. His YouTube channel his shown videos of Donaldson giving away hundreds and thousands of dollars, later in a video it was revealed that he was making way more money from YouTube, through the partnership program. People come to Donaldson’s channel to see the crazy stunts that he pulls by giving away so much money and that’s what big companies like to see, more views equal to more money for the channel. Donaldson has also revelated in one of his vlogs that if he hadn’t started his YouTube channel, he would be making the amount of money is making today. Just recently Donaldson posted a video on his YouTube channel which he recorded five years ago, and he is asking that hopefully when he posts that video, he would be able to get at least a thousand views, at this point that video has 23 million views and with 47.3 Million Subscription. There is no doubt that YouTube can turn someone’s life around and people are making a living through YouTube, instead of working a full-time job, people are doing YouTube full time.
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- ↑ Antoine Dodson , Antoine Dodson/Bed Intruder, May 6, 2014
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- ↑,28804,1974961_1974925_1974954,00.html
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- ↑ Elliot Rodger, Transcript of the video linked to Santa Barbara mass shooting, May 27, 2014
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- ↑ Nyan Cat , Nyan Cat/Pop Tart Cat, May 6, 2014
- ↑ Rick Roll , Rick Rolling, May 6, 2014
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- ↑ "Afghanistan to unblock Youtube – AFGHANISTAN TIMES", 1s December 2012
- ↑ "Afghanistan bans YouTube to block anti-Muslim film", Miriam Arghandiwal, Reuters (Kabul), 12 September 2012
- ↑ "YouTube blocked in Bangladesh over Prophet Mohamed video", The Independent (AP), 18 September 2012
- ↑ "YouTube blocked in Pakistan", Hayley Tsukayama, Washington Post, 17 September 2012
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- ↑,24897,21330109-15306,00.html
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- ↑ "From the Brandcast stage: New star-studded shows for audiences around the globe", YouTube Official Blog, 4 May, 2017
- ↑ "Rhett & Link Gear Up for Expanded 'Good Mythical Morning' Show with YouTube Funding" Variety, 16 October 2017
- ↑ "YouTube Statistics", YouTube Press Release, 18 November 2012
- ↑ "Annie's Index of Apps 2013", App Annie Blog, 26 June 2013
- ↑ "Google Blocks Windows Phone Again", O'Brien, Terrence, Engadget, 15 August 2013
- ↑ "Windows Phone crossing double-digit market share in parts of Europe", O'Brien, Terrence, Engadget, 30 September 2013
- ↑ "Heads up about an upcoming YouTube mobile feature" The YouTube Team, YouTube Creator Blog, 17 September 2013
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