Acronyms are popular for users of new media to communicate. These acronyms allow for easy communication among its users. Sometimes referred to as "social media shorthand", social media acronyms continue to grow in quantity, as more and more people decide what could be abbreviated into a social media acronym. Below is a list of acronyms (or shorthand), that users of social media commonly use.
Internet Slang and Formal Writing
English has been always evolving and this process of evolving has been heavily caused by the rise of social media texting and posting. The way we type is often done without focusing on punctuation, grammar and style of writing. Even though using abbreviations and eliminating syntax makes typing faster but it affects how people (especially kids) write a formal paper. People of all age using internet slangs and syntax must know that writing a piece in journalism is way different than communicating thoughts via social media.
Business Social Media Acronyms
Businesses have acronyms that are unique and are used on social media:
- B2B = "Business to Business"
- B2C = "Business to Consumer"
- CEO = "Chief Executive Officer"
- CFO = "Chief Financial Officer"
- CMS = “Content Management System”
- COO = "Chief Operating Officer"
- CPA = "Certified Public Accountant"
- CPC = “Cost per Click”
- CPM = “Cost per Thousand,” which is tricky because the “M” is for the Latin “mil,” which means thousand.
- CRM = "Customer Relationship Management"
- CTA = “Call to Action”
- CTR = “Click-Through Rate”
- EOBD = "End of Business Day"
- FIFO = "First In, First Out"
- HR = "Human Resources"
- IT = "Information Technology"
- KPI = "Key Performance Indicator"
- PPC = "Pay-per-Click"
- PR = "Public Relations"
- PTO = "Paid time off" or "Personal time off"
- PV = “Page Views”
- ROA = "Return on Assets"
- ROI = “Return on Investment”
- UGC = “User Generated Content”
- WFH = "Work From Home"
Technical Acronyms
There are some acronyms techies use:
- ASCII = “American Standard Code (for) Information Interchange”
- CMYK = “Cyan Magenta Yellow Black”
- CPU = “Central Processing Unit”
- DBMS = “Database Management System”
- DDOS = “Distributed Denial of Service”
- ESP = "Email Service Provider"
- GPU = “Graphics Processing Unit”
- HTML = “Hypertext Markup Language”
- ISP = “Internet Service Provider”
- Mobo = “Motherboard”
- PSU = “Power Supply Unit”
- RAM = “Random-Access Memory”
- RGB = “Red Green Blue”
- RSS = “Really Simple Syndication”
- SEO = “Search Engine Optimization”
- TOS = “Terms of Service”
- UI = “User Interface”
- UX = “User Experience”
- VPN = “Virtual Private Network”
Common Acronyms in Alphabetical Order
- AAMOF - "As A Matter Of Fact"
- ABT - "About"
- AFAIK - "As Far As I Know"
- AFK - "Away From Keyboard"
- AIDA - "Attention, Interest, Desire, Action"
- AKA - "Also Known As"
- AMA - "Ask Me Anything"
- ASAP - "As Soon As Possible"
- ASL - "Age/Sex/Location"
- ATM - "At The Moment"
- B - "Bro"
- B2B - "Business To business"
- B2C - "Business To Consumer"
- B4 - "Before"
- BAE - "Before Anyone Else"
- BBL - "Be Back Later"
- BC or B/C - "Because"
- BCC - "Blind Carbon Copy"
- BF - "Boyfriend" or "Bestfriend"
- BFF - "Best Friends Forever"
- BFFL - "Best Friends For Life"
- BRB - "Be Right Back"
- BRT - "Be Right There"
- BTS - "Behind The Scenes"
- BTT - "Back To Topic"
- BTW - "By The way"
- C - "See"
- C&P - "Copy And Paste"
- CC - "Carbon Copy"
- CPC - "Cost Per Click"
- CTA - "Call To Action"
- CTN - "Cannot Talk Now"
- CTR - "Click-Through-Rate"
- CU - "See You"
- CWOT - "Complete Waste Of Time"
- CX- "Customer Experience"
- CYT - "See You Tomorrow"
- D.A - "Deadass"
- DGMW - "Don't Get Me Wrong"
- DIY - "Do It Yourself"
- DL - "Down-Low"
- DM - "Direct Message"
- DW - "Don't Worry"
- ELI5 - "Explain (It To Me) Like I'm 5 (Years Old)"
- EM - "Excuse Me?"
- EOM - "End Of Message"
- ESP- "E-Mail Service Provider"
- ETA - "Estimated Time Of Arrival"
- F2F - "Face To Face"
- FAQ - "Frequently Asked Questions"
- FB - "Facebook"
- FBF - "Flash Black Friday"
- FBO - "Facebook Official"
- FKA - "Formerly Known As"
- FML - "Fuck My Life"
- FOMO - "Fear Of Missing Out"
- FR - "For Real"
- FTW - "For The Win"
- FWB - "Friends With Benefits"
- FWD - "Forward"
- FYI - "For Your Information"
- GF - "Girlfriend"
- GFD - "God Fucking Damn"
- GG - "Good Game"
- GL - "Good Luck"
- GM - "Good Morning"
- GN - "Good Night"
- GR8 - "Great"
- GTFO - "Get The Fuck Out"
- GTG or G2G - "Got To Go"
- GTR- "Got To Run"
- HBD - "Happy Birthday"
- HBU - "How About You"
- HF - "Have Fun"
- HMB - "Hit My Back"
- HML - "Hate My Life"
- HMU - "Hit Me Up"
- ICYMI - "In Case You Missed It"
- IDC - "I Don't Care"
- IDGAF - "I Don't Give A Fuck"
- IDK - "I Don't Know"
- IDR - "I Don't Remember"
- IDTS - "I Don't Think So"
- IG - "Instagram"
- IHY - "I Hate You"
- IK - "I Know"
- IKR - "I Know Right"
- IKWYM - "I Know What You Mean"
- ILY - "I Love You"
- ILY2 - "I Love You Too"
- IM - "Instant Message"
- IMHO - "In My Honest Opinion"
- IMO - "In My Opinion"
- IMU - "I Miss You"
- IMY - "I Miss You"
- IOW - "In Other Words"
- IRL - "In Real Life"
- JC - "Just Checking"
- JC - "Jesus Christ"
- JFC - "Jesus Fucking Christ"
- JK - "Just Kidding"
- JS - "Just Saying"
- JSYK - "Just So You Know"
- JTLYK - "Just To Let You Know"
- JW - "Just Wondering"
- K or KK - "Okay"
- KMN - "Kill Me Now"
- KMS - "Kill Myself"
- KYS - "Kill Yourself"
- L8 - "Late"
- L8R - "Later"
- LI - "LinkedIn"
- LMAO - "Laughing My Ass Off"
- LMFAO - "Laughing My Fucking Ass Off"
- LMK - "Let Me Know"
- LML - "Love My Life" or "Laughing Mad Loud"
- LMS - "Like My Status"
- LOL - "Laughing Out Loud"
- LYK - "Let You Know"
- MB - "My Bad"
- MBN - "Must Be Nice"
- MCM - "Man Crush Monday"
- MFW - "My Face When"
- MMW - "Mark My Words"
- MoF - "Male Or Female"
- MTFBWY - "May The Force Be With You"
- MV - "Market Value"
- MYOB - "Mind Your Own Business"
- N/A - "Not Available"
- NBD - "No Big Deal"
- NC - "No Comment"
- NGL - "Not Going To Lie"
- NHU - "No Hit Up"
- NM - "Not Much"
- NP - "No Problem"
- NRN - "No Reply Necessary"
- NSFW - "Not Safe For Work"
- NTY - "No Thank You"
- NVM - "Nevermind"
- OIC - "Oh, I See"
- OMG - "Oh My God"
- OMFG - "Oh My Fucking God"
- OMW - "On My Way"
- OOTD - "Outfit Of The Day"
- OOTN - "Outfit Of The Night"
- OOTW - "Outfit Of The Week"
- OP - "Original Poster"
- OT - "Off Topic"
- OTL - "Out To Lunch"
- OTP - "One True Pair"
- PDA - "Public Display Of Affection"
- PLS - "Please"
- PM - "Private Message"
- PMO - "Put Me On"
- POV - "Point Of View"
- PPL - "People"
- Props - "Proper Recognition"
- PSA - "Public Service Announcement"
- PV - "Present Value"
- OD - "Overdoing it; Overdosing"
- QOTD - "Quote Of The Day"
- QR Code - "Quick Response Code"
- QT - "Cutie"
- R - "Are"
- RIP - "Rest In Peace"
- RN - "Right Now"
- ROE - "Return On Investment"
- ROFL - "Rolling On Floor Laughing"
- ROTFL - "Rolling On The Floor Laughing"
- RP - "Repost"
- RSVP - "Repondez S'il Vous Plait" (Please reply in French)
- RT - "Retweet"
- RU - "Are You"
- SC - "SnapChat"
- SM - "Social Media"
- SMH - "Shaking My Head"
- SO - "Significant Other"
- SS - "Screenshot"
- STG - "Swear to God"
- TB - "Throwback"
- TBA - "To Be Announced"
- TBC - "To Be Continued"
- TBF - "To Be Fair"
- TBH - "To Be Honest"
- TBT - "Throwback Thursday"
- TFTI - "Thanks For The Invite"
- TFW - "The Feel When" or "The Face When"
- TGIF - "Thank God It's Friday"
- THX - "Thanks"
- TIL - "Today I Learned"
- TL - "Timeline"
- TL;DR - "Too Long; Didn't Read"
- TMI - "Too Much Information"
- TMR - "Tomorrow"
- TN - "Tonight"
- TOTM- "Top of The Morning"
- TQ - "Thank You"
- TQM - "Te Quiero Mucho (Love You Bunches in Spanish)"
- TTFN - "Tata Tata For Now"
- TTYL - "Talk To You Later"
- TTYN - "Talk To You Never"
- TTYT - "Talk To You Tomorrow/Tonight"
- TY - "Thank You"
- TYSM - "Thank You So Much"
- TYT - "Take Your Time"
- TYVM - "Thank You Very Much"
- U2U - "Up To You"
- U - "You"
- UR - "You're"
- W/E - "Whatever"
- WAY - "Where Are You"
- WCW - "Woman Crush Wednesday"
- WDYM - "What Do You Mean"
- WDYMBT - "What Do You Mean By That"
- WDYT - "What Do You think"
- WOM - "Word of Mouth"
- WOTD - "Word of the Day"
- WRU - "Where Are You"
- WTH - "What The Hell"
- WTF - "What The Fuck"
- WTW - "What's The Word"
- WYA - "Where You At"
- WYD - "What Are You doing"
- WYM - "What You Mean"
- WYWH - "Wish You Were Here"
- XOXO - "Hugs And Kisses"
- Y - "Why"
- YK - "You Know"
- YKTV - ""You Know The Vibes"
- YMMD - "You Made My Day"
- YOLO - "You Only Live Once"
- YSK - "You Should Know"
- YT - "Youtube"
- YW - "You're Welcome"
- 2moro - "Tomorrow"
- 2nte - "Tonight"