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Frequently Asked Questions For New Media Class


Blog Vs. Wiki

A blog is short for a personal “weblog.” It usually has a single author. Sometimes can have multiple contributors. It is a public space where everyone can view and add comments on any post. Blogs can be very personal, unique in style and controlled by an individual. A blog is usually where an author shares their thoughts and ideas at that moment, so they are historical and relevant to people at a point in time.

A wiki is a website that allows multiple users to create, modify and organize web page content in a combining manner. Wikis are open so that people can combine and connect with other people within a circle of wiki users (Wikipedia on Wikis). In a wiki, there are managers that control the content (but there are different ways to do this (Cohen 2009). In our wiki, our instructor grades each participant individually and looks over the wiki.

I do not know how important it is that there be convergence of people through blogs and wikis. For example, I wonder if too many people can be convinced of wrong things (like fake news) in our networked world. So convergence of opinions and political beliefs is not always good.

But it seems like wikis are perfect for collaboration, since everyone is working together to create something in wikis (Locher 2008). They can be used to create documents, software and internet services. They are like open-source software and a type of crowd-sourcing. Wikis are great for people who want to create things for free and open to the public.

Maybe a new use for wikis could be education. For example, professors could collaborate to create a wiki for a course. The wiki will be like the textbook or lecture open for the public.


What is New Media ?

New media is a term meant to encompass the emergence of digital, computerized, or networked information and communication technologies in the later part of the 20th century.[1] New media is a catch-all term used for various kinds of electronic communications that are conceivable due to innovation in computer technology. In contrast to “old” media, which includes newspapers, magazines, books, television and other such non-interactive media, new media is comprised of websites, online video/audio streams, email, online social platforms, online communities, online forums, blogs, Internet telephony, Web advertisements, online education and much more. [1]

We are now living in the 21st Century and there is no doubt about how new media is growing and rapidly moving away from old media. What kind of technologies do we refer to as "new media"? There are many things we can call "new media," such as Twitter, Instagram, FaceTime and video communication (like online lectures), blogs, Facebook, and Snapchat. These new media have changed our lives.


What is a Wiki?

Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly. [2]

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What is Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 is a term commonly used to describe websites that encourage user participation. These sites can include social networks, blogs, wikis, social bookmarking sites and video sharing sites.

There are many mis-conceptions of this word and although the mass majority use this word freely , web designers and web developers will acknowledge that web 2.0 will refer to a website that is designed to focus on user interaction that includes ability for users to comment / rate other comments and to be able to be in control of content via rss subscriptions.


What is Virtual networking?

A virtual private network (VPN) is a network that uses a public telecommunication infrastructure, such as the Internet, to provide remote offices or individual users with secure access to their organization's network. [3]

  • Virtual Networking Site for Kids Kids VN


What is a Blog?

A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.

A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. People can share and get a lot of information from blog. [4]

Starting A Blog.png

How Can I make my own blog ?

You can sign up for a full-blown blogging services for free. There are zero charges. Just be mindful of the information you put on a blog as once it goes on the internet, chances are it is there for good. Here is a short list of websites that offer:

1) [5]

2) [6]

3) [7]

4) [8]

Reasons for having a blog consist of the following: 1. Express yourself 2. Build your business 3. Gain influence 4. Become a better writer 5. Get a better job 6. Share your knowledge 7. Make a difference 8. Build an online portfolio 9.Become an authority in your industry 10. Market your business

Also, for around $10, domains can be purchased on sites such as Meaning anyone who is willing, can purchase domains such as or and the likes if it's not yet taken. Owning a site has never been easier and made more accessible than ever before! [2]


What are the 5 C's?

The Five C's stand for communication, collaboration, community, creativity, and convergence. They are the overall new media characteristics that Linda Weiser Friedman and Hershey H. Friedman came up with.



What is P2P sharing?

File sharing refers to the providing and receiving of digital files over a network, usually following the peer-to-peer (P2P) model, where the files are stored on and served by personal computers of the users. Most people who engage in file sharing on the Internet both provide (upload) files and receive files (download).In P2P file sharing, you can connect your computer to many other computers sharing and spreading different types of new media files. Some examples of P2P file sharing are BitTorrent, Napster, Freenet, Morpheus, and etc. By using these P2P file sharing programs, it allows anyone to distribute and share any types of files. Some of the new media files that are shared and distributed using P2P file sharing are digital movies, songs, games, books, and etc. Peer-to-peer lending that happens between a lender and a borrower, it uses the similar idea of using P2P file sharing but in this case, it's being used to lend out loans in a network.This is a very efficient way to do a peer to peer lending between investor and borrower as there is not much cost. Peer to peer file sharing or peer to peer lending shows us the importance of using a network based platform to do a job or share files so easily and efficiently without any extra cost.[10]



What is Old Media ?

The old media or legacy media are traditional means of communication and expression that have existed since before the advent of the new medium of the Internet.[12]

Examples consists of television, newspapers, magazines, and outdoor print ads. All of these continue to contribute to new media today. New media either enhances the user experience of old media or serves as a mobile presence for the source. This makes it easier for companies to get a better understanding of their customer/client base.

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What is Mashup ?

In web development, a mashup is a web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool; an example is the use of cartographic data from Google Maps to add location information to real-estate data, thereby creating a new and distinct web service that was not originally provided by either source. [13]

An excellent website devoted to all areas of the mashup community is Programmable Web --John 10:06, 20 November 2008 (CST)


What is Social networking ?

A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant messaging services. [14]

What is Technological Convergence?

Technological convergence refers to a trend where some technologies having distinct functionalities evolve to technologies that overlap, i.e. multiple products come together to form one product, with the advantages of each initial component. The term refers to the combination of two or more different technologies in a single device[15]


What is Open Source?

Open source is a development methodology,[1] which offers practical accessibility to a product's source (goods and knowledge). Some consider open source as one of various possible design approaches.[16]

Website Description
wikimap A mashup of google maps and wiki
Blogger Allows for creation of blogs
Meebo Online chat messenger e.g yahoo
Talkster Free calls to international countries e.g China
2ndlife Online 3d social networking based game
Logo Website to generate text and Logo
Vixy Website to save Youtube videos to your computer
Slidemaker Generate Slideshows for your images
Voice Recorder Record audio directly online