Gaming is one of the most popular hobbies that interests people of all ages and genders. Gaming is the functioning of specialized electronic applications using basic or complex algorithms known as video games on consoles. Some of these consoles are Playstation, X-Box or PC and the complexity of these panels continues to upgrade as new genres are added. Recently, virtual reality has changed the experience of users of the gaming world. Gaming enthusiasts can connect, stream, inspire, inform and spread information using social media platforms. The internet is a game changer, allowing friends and family to get together and bond through gaming. Gaming continues to captivate and intrigue newer generations and the old.
First-Generation Consoles
The first-generation of video gaming consoles started in 1972 with the introduction of the Magnavox Odyssey. The Magnavox Odyssey consists of a white, black and brown box, which connects to a television set and two rectangular controllers attached by wires. These systems featured very simple graphics, usually only consisting of block lines and white/black color schemes. They also had single-channel audio or even no audio at all, depending on the system. Gameplay on these consoles was also only usually on one single screen, there was little to no transition during gameplay.
Other first-generation gaming consoles include Atari's Home Pong, Nintendo's Color TV-Game, and Coleco's Telstar. All the first generation consoles share these characteristics
- All the games were components to the console instead of being external and removable
- The entire gameplay can only be shown on one screen
- The components of the gameplay are mostly basic unite such as dots, and blocks
- the color graphics that are displayed are mostly black and white with a few primary colors
- the sound produced was either single channel or no audio.
Second-Generation Consoles
In 1976, the introduction of the Fairchild Channel F spawned a new generation of video game consoles. Along with the Atari 2600, the Magnavox Odyssey 2, the Intellivision, and the ColecoVision, these new consoles had significant new features compared to first-generation consoles.
Microprocessors were put in these systems, along with ROM cartridges for saving files. Games were not only played on one screen for its entire duration as well. The colors on these consoles were also improved, adding basic coloring instead of black and white. One of the biggest changes was the addition of AI simulation. AI simulation allows players to play with computer-controlled opponents, which let gamers play video games by themselves without a person directly next to them.
Handheld consoles were also introduced in the second-generation.
Third-Generation Consoles
The third generation of gaming consoles included one of the most popular gaming systems to date, the Nintendo Entertainment System, otherwise known as the NES which came out in 1983. While there were other systems also such as the Sega SG-1000 or Atari 7800, the NES outsold these other systems combined by 300%. [1]
The NES was a milestone in video gaming, thanks to many games that eventually exploded in popularity. Some examples of these games include The Super Mario series, the Zelda series, the Megaman series, the Kirby series, Contra, Tetris, and more.
A lot of new features were introduced in third-generation consoles. the graphics were heavily improved, the audio was significantly upgraded, and more. Especially Nintendo introduced it's Nintendo Entertainment system which allowed gamers to have the first classic setup of the directional pad on the left and buttons on the right [2]
Fourth-Generation Consoles
The Sega Genesis and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System were the major contenders in the fourth-gen era of video gaming. These two totaled sales of over 80 million units and became staples in the video game industry. These consoles included more powerful microprocessors, better graphics, upgraded controllers with more buttons, and more.
Sega's Genesis was a huge improvement in sales compared to its predecessor, the SG-1000. Sega's success was also in huge part thanks to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, which rivaled Nintendo's Super Mario franchise. Other popular games that came out during this era was Mortal Kombat, Metroid, Star Fox, and Donkey Kong.
Fifth-Generation Consoles
The most popular fifth-gen console was the Sony PlayStation. Coming in second was the Nintendo 64, and the third with the Sega Saturn. The PlayStation used CDs instead of cartridges like a lot of past systems. By switching to CDs, the PlayStation was able to have shorter load times compared to other systems.
One of the most prominent features of fifth-gen consoles was the transition from 2D to 3D. Series that used 2D side-scrolling gameplay was upgraded to 3D, which allowed a wide range of new possibilities for gaming. One example of a series that did this was the Super Mario franchise. Super Mario 64 was a huge milestone in the franchise and is often considered one of the best games of all time. First person shooting games were also heavily affected by the upgrade from 2D to 3D. Games such as Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark remain to be a widely regarded classic in terms of first-person shooting.
Sixth-Generation Consoles
Sony again dominated the gaming console war in the sixth-generation with the PlayStation 2. While other systems such as the Xbox, Gamecube, and Dreamcast were all extremely popular, the PlayStation 2 sold 150 million units - about 7 times more than the Xbox and Gamecube, and 15 times more than the Dreamcast.
Microsoft's entry to the gaming industry proved to be extremely successful, as it helped spawn its successors the Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The Gamecube featured smaller sized discs and was marketed more towards younger, less mature audiences. The Dreamcast, unfortunately, was not as popular as its peers and was Sega's last home console to date.
Seventh-Generation Consoles
The seventh-gen console wars were a lot different than the sixth. Three extremely popular consoles came out - The Wii, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. Unlike the previous generation of consoles, in which Sony reigned supreme, this generation was "won" by Nintendo with the Wii selling over 100 million units, and the Xbox 360 and PS3 both selling approximately 84 million units.
These three consoles sealed the video gaming industry to three companies: Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. These three companies are still to this day the only companies coming out with gaming systems that are successful.
Improvements in this generation include upgraded graphics, online gameplay, motion sensor controllers, and social network integration.
Eigth-Generation Consoles
The current generation of gaming includes the Wii U, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. All three feature motion-sensor gameplay, with the Wii U having motion sensor as it's the main feature. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One require additional equipment for prime motion sensor gameplay.
PS4 owners currently need to buy a PlayStation Network membership to play online multiplayer with other users on the network. This is unlike the PS3 were playing online was free due to the use of only wifi. For Xbox One users, owners still have to buy Xbox Live membership to play online just like how it worked with the Xbox 360.
Ninth-Generation Consoles
The PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One S are successors to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One respectively. The Xbox One S doesn't have many changes to the hardware power as compared to the Xbox One. The PS4 4 Pro, on the other hand, is significantly more powerful than the PS4. [3] Both consoles support streaming 4K HDR content through upscaling (by rendering at a level between Full HD and 4K and then upscaling the graphics from there). [4] The Xbox One S comes with an Ultra HD Blu-ray player, the PS4 Pro does not.
Microsoft has plans to release a more powerful console (Project Scorpio) that may be more comparable to the PS4 Pro.
Currently, PS4 has VR (Virtual Reality) gameplay and Xbox does not.
Tenth-Generation Consoles
Nintendo Switch is the first generation-ten console to be released. Although Switch takes a distinct path from its predecessor Wii U, it still borrows certain elements, such as including a tablet. Nintendo Switch is one of the first home console/handheld hybrid; it allows players to game from anywhere they choose, whenever they wish.
Microsoft's generation-ten console is codenamed "Project Scorpio."
Eleventh-Generation Consoles
With the PS5 release date on November 12, 2020 and the Xbox Series X release date on November 10, 2020, both will cost $499. According to their respective companies, the hardware seems to be roughly the same. Only time will tell which will out perform the other.
With the release of the consoles, the specs are as follows:
[5] PS5 Non-Digital/Digital:
- CPU: Eight Zen 2 Cores @ 3.5GHz with SMT
- GPU: AMD RDNA 2 GPU 36 CUs @ 2.23GHz
- PRICE: $499/$399
- CPU: Eight-core AMD Zen 2 CPU @ 3.8GHz
- GPU: AMD RDNA 2 GPU 52 CUs @ 1.825GHz
- PRICE: $499
Genres of Video Game
Like books and movies, video games have many different types of genres that can stand on their own or intermix. Whether it be exploring a world, creating a city or defeating Monsters, there is a little bit of something for everyone when it comes to games.
First Person Shooter (FPS)
A first person shooter game (FPS) is a genre of action video game where the game is played from the main character's point of view. "FPS games typically map the gamer's movements and provide a view of what an actual person would see and do in the game."[7] From the players perspective, the screen will show the protagonist's arms and whatever weapon he/she is carrying. The player can move the protagonist forward, backward, and sideways to progress in the game. In some FPS games, developers include realistic sounds such as breathing, footsteps, rustling grass, and other regular sound effects. Most FPS games can be played in two different modes which are the mission mode and multiplayer mode. The only difference is that the mission mode typically has a storyline and is a single player while in multiplayer, you play with other people and compete with one another. Across the board, FPS games can be played on pretty much all the consoles including PCs, gaming consoles, and even handheld devices. Some of the most popular first-person shooter games are Counter-Strike, the Call of Duty franchise, Battlefield, and Halo.
Call of Duty
Call of Duty is the most popular game of the first-person shooter. The most recent title is "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. There are about 14 main series until now.[8] Continuous series of Call of Duty shows how much game users love them. The story of Call of Duty series is based on various historical backgrounds such as World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, and so forth.[9] A game user will be one of the soldiers and play as a critical role to resolve the problem. Many people have a dream to be a great soldier whenever they watch military or war movie. Call of Duty series is able to make your dream come true.
Blizzard Entertainment publishes new multiplayer first-person shooter game, called "Overwatch." Release date is May 24th, 2016.[10] Overwatch is listed on the best FPS games of PC Gamer which evaluates and reviews a variety of types of games.[11] The story based on Overwatch is that an international task force that maintained peace for a generation before it was shut down. Now in the wake of its dismantling, global conflict is rising. Overwatch may be gone… but the world still needs heroes.[12] Commonly, FPS games have limited stories and characters. Game users should follow the well-ordered system to play the game, so the high quality of graphic design and story is required for having popularity. Overwatch has also a limited story, but it enables game users to choose various heroes(game character). The more interesting part is that Blizzard made those heroes based on the great man in the history of all over the world.
In 2016 Overwatch was nominated for game of the year, and ended up winning beating out Inside, Doom, Titanfall 2, and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Along with this Overwatch also won the best multiplayer award as Overwatch has a strong ESport side and a multitude of updates that keep its players coming back for more every time. [13]
Counter Strike Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) is a multiplayer first-person shooter game and is the fourth game in the Counter-Strike series. In the game, there are two sides that fight against each other: Terrorist and Counter-Terrorists. Both sides are tasked with eliminating the other team and depending on which game mode you choose, you must also plant the bomb and blow the site as a Terrorist. The Counter-Terrorists must defuse the bomb or rescue the hostages in order to win the round. Global Offensive contains eight main game modes: Competitive, Casual, Deathmatch, Arms Race, Demolition, Wingman, Flying Scotsman, and Weapons Course. Global Offensive saw the introduction of new weapons and equipment not seen in previous installments, most notably the firebomb for each side (referred to as a Molotov on the Terrorist side and as an Incendiary Grenade on the Counter-Terrorist side). These temporarily cover a small area in fire, dealing damage to anyone passing through. Global Offensive also saw the introduction of a range of new guns, including shotguns, pistols and sub-machine guns, along with a taser.
Battlefield is developed by Dice and published by Electronic Arts. The video game is a first-person shooter that focuses on teamwork composing of flying aircraft, controlling submarines and driving tanks. This game is inspired by historical events. The first Battlefield that was released was in 2002, Battlefield 1942. The game features five classes of infantry: Scout, Medic, Anti-Tank, Engineer, and Assault. The most recent Battlefield that was released is Battlefield V, which came out on November 9th, 2018. The game is compatible through Microsoft Windows, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. [14]
APEX Legends
APEX is a free battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. It was released on multiple platforms on February 4, 2019, including Microsoft Windows, PlayStation4, and Xbox One. [15]
In an APEX game, there are 60 players divided into squads of 3. At the start of every game, there is a need to search for weapons and resources, such as helmets, body shields, backpacks, shield cells, shield batteries, weapons, ammo, weapon attachments, syringes, medkits and more. The game area will be restricted until only one team survives. During the closing of the ring, teams have to make sure they reach the next ring or else they begin to take damage which can result in losing health. If a teammate is to be knocked down, he or she can be revived by other teammates in a limited time until they bleed out.[16]
Currently, there are 11 legends/characters in the battle royale game to choose from. They are known as Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Pathfinder, Wraith, Bangalore, Caustic, Mirage, Octane, Wattson, and Crypto. Each legend has its own ability which allows the game to be more different from other battle royales. An example is Caustic's tactical ability which allows him to place up to 6 canisters that release deadly Nox gas when shot or triggered by enemies and his ultimate ability is to throw his deadly gas bomb in a large area.
Although Apex Legends is a free battle royale game, that doesn't stop players from spending a large sum of money on the game. They tend to spend more money on a free game than they would on a paid game which is smart of Respawn. At the beginning of their launch, players figured out that there were collectibles known as heirlooms in the game and the only way to obtain a set was through opening Apex packs. This caused people to spend hundreds of dollars on the game because with Apex packs you don't necessarily know what three items will be given. And so players began to gamble with their Apex packs to obtain the super rare heirloom set. At the time there was only one heirloom which was Wraith's kunai but with events such as the Iron Crown Collection and Fright or Fight Collection, two new heirloom sets were released and they belonged to Bloodhound and Lifeline.[17]
With every new season, comes a new battle pass and a new legend. Such as Season 3 coming out with the new legend known as Crypto. With it currently being December, Apex Legends has a Christmas event coming up soon which will release new skins and a new heirloom set. Apex is now working on an even newer season and map to help increase the number of users and to also attract users that have been here before. This new update like all their other updates will come with a new legend and even newer map. This fantasy shooter game has allowed children to expand their mind and create even more than ever. Apex legends hopes to put up some sort of competition to Fortnite like they have done during their initial release.
Because of the flexible design and fast rhythm, APEX attracts more and more attention from people and is considered a strong competitor to Fornite Battle Royale.
Valorant is a free-to-play first person shooter developed and published by Riot Games. It is currently available only on the PC platform. Valorant is a team-based tactical shooter that consists of ten total players. Players must choose between 13 different agents who all have different strengths and abilities. These agents include Sage, Phoenix, Jett, Raze, Sova, Omen, Brimstone, Cypher, Viper, Breach, Reyna, Killjoy, and Skye. [18] There are a plethora of weapons to choose from, all geared towards different play styles that gamers encompass. Currently there are 4 different maps, with many more modes and maps being introduced alongside the official release in the summer of 2020.
There are 4 types of game modes: unrated, spike rush, competitive, and deathmatch. The objective of unrated and competitive is similar to that of search and destroy. There are two different teams, one being the attacking team who has a bomb known as the Spike. The attacking team has to plant the Spike and successfully allow it to detonate to gain a point. The defending team has a chance of either preventing the opposing team from planting, or has to defuse the spike once it’s planted to gain a point. After twelve rounds, the teams switch sides and the game continues until a team successfully wins 13 rounds.[19] In spike rush, it is similar to unrated and competitive, however, it is much faster and the team to successfully win 4 rounds wins the game. Deathmatch is the most different of the 4 where you are strictly only using the guns in the game to kill 13 other opponents, and the first to 40 kills wins. This game has attracted the likes of some of the top streamers around the world including Shroud, Ninja, TimTheTatman, Summit1g, NaDeSHoT, Teeqo, and more in its closed beta.
Third Person Shooter
Third Person Shooter games are a video game style that involves the camera having the character controlled by the player in full view. The camera angles involved in third person shooters can range from being close to the avatar to create an over the shoulder view for a more intimate experience or farther away to show the whole character, but emphasizing the world around the avatar.
Tomb Raider
One of the most popular third-person shooter games is Tomb Raider. Following the adventures of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider has the player controlling Lara as she travels across the globe exploring tombs and fighting natural and supernatural forces. Lara's adventures first began in 1996 and were most recently rebooted in 2015. Although the graphics have improved significantly, the core gameplay has remained consistent. Lara still has her signature pistols and as the games have gone on, the more weapons she has access to use. The beautiful environments and action-packed sequences make for a thrilling adventure game.
Fortnite is an online video game developed by Epic Games and is available on Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android. There are three game modes in Fortnite which are Fortnite Battle Royale, Fortnite Save the World and Fortnite Creative. All modes are free to play except for Save the World which needs to be purchased for $39.99. [20]
Fortnite Battle Royale is the most popular game mode out of all three game modes because of the concept of battle royale. There are three modes when it comes to battle royale which are Solos, Duos and Squads. Players queue up in lobby either by themselves or with friends and get into a match with 100 people where they drop from a battle bus and onto a landing spot of their choice. From there on players loot houses and buildings to look for weapons and shield to fight against their enemies. There is a storm ring encircling the map which gets smaller and smaller as the match continues, which causes players to come across other players and battle it out. There can only be one winner who reaches victory royale.
What makes Fortnite Battle Royale different from other battle royale games is that players are able to build. They build out of either wood, brick or metal and can make walls, stairs, floors, and cones. To be able to obtain the materials in-game, players must farm trees, rocks, cars, houses, buildings etc. As the building in Fortnite has advanced throughout the game, players are also taking advantage of the edit option and are making game moves that are much more advanced than players that are just starting out. To help practice their builds, players often go into the other game mode known as Fortnite Creative and practice their builds and 1v1 friends.[21]
To talk a little more about the building aspect, most people believe that Fortnite is just a shooting game. Though shooting is an important factor in the game, people do not think much of the building aspect. From the start of season 1 to around season 3, people who played remembers when building used to be very simplistic. It was used as a means to hide from the enemy or climb different terrains. As people began to be more creative, the building aspect began to be the primary aspect of Fortnite. People were able to put their own creative twist into using the materials. They would combine stairs, walls, floors to create a very sturdy ramp so people could not shoot it down. The depth and strategic level of thinking that Fortnite players portrayed as the game became more played was very astounding. Epic games also tries to change up the game so that people will not get tired of the same. Unlike other battle royale games where it is very monotonous and straight forward. The meta in Fortnite changes drastically so that people will need to develop newer skills. [22]
Fortnite also holds many competitions such as Cash Cups and Arena. In July 2019, Fortnite held its first-ever World Cup which was a huge deal for esports. There was a total of $30 million dollars in prize money for over 100 players. A 16-year-old teenager that goes by the name of "Bugha" walked away with the first-place prize of $3 million dollars with over 2 million people watching over the weekend. The tournament took place in Flushing, New York. Some other notable Fortnite players in the tournament were Ninja, Faze Tfue, and Myth to name a few.[23]
See Epic Games
Uncharted is one of PlayStation's flagship series and has spawned 4 sequels and 2 spin-offs. The story follows Nathan Drake, a wisecracking explorer who always ends up messing with the wrong people. The game prides itself on being a graphical spectacle. Each game explores beautiful environments based upon real-world areas and the game's company, Naughty Dog, revolutionized MOCAP (motion capture) technology. With an amazing story, lovable characters, and perfect flow from cinematic cutscenes to gameplay, Uncharted has become a series beloved by many and considered to be one of the best video game series of all time.
The games itself tell an incredible story about the main character a treasure hunter, Nathaniel Drake, explores new worlds. The player would have to make decisions and visualize strategies about how to take an opponent out or how to get from one place to another. It is a third player shooter platform game and it is only for the Playstation console.
A fighting game is a genre of video games where a player uses a character to battle against another character controlled by either another player or the game's artificial intelligence. Characters in fighting games usually have their own unique skills and specials that are activated through rapid sequences of button inputs on a controller, keyboard, or joystick. These games are typically shown through a third person point of view where you see only the sides of the fighter so the only primary directions you move your fighters are right and left. Another notable feature of these games is that their characters tend to have extraordinary abilities and powers that are unrealistic. The winning condition of the game depends on how well the player blocks, counter-attack, and combo (chaining series of attacks) with his/her character. [24] Some of the most popular games in this genre include Street Fighter, Mortal Combat, Smash Bros. and Tekken. Additionally, each fighting game has its own strategies and play style. Some examples of this is that in Street Fighter, players would have to be able to fight the opponent with specifically timed attacks are certain times to maximize damage output. In Tekken, players would have to utilize the fact that the character can move up and down as well as left and right in the stage. This would open up many more battle strategies and where "dodging" attacks would be more important.
Evolution, or popularly known as EVO, is the largest fighting game tournament in the world. Starting in 2008, EVO is known for being the premier tournament for testing your skills as any video game fighting champion. Games such as Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and Smash Melee continuously brings in competitors and a larger audience each year. Streaming numbers on Twitch and Youtube see a huge spike around EVO time. EVO tournaments are also common places for new players to make a name for themselves. Sponsors such as Echo Fox are known for recruiting the best players at these tournaments and giving gamers a chance at a lucrative sponsorship. EVO 2018 was a tournament to remember because, for the first time ever, Marvel Vs. Capcom did not make it into the tournament and was instead replaced by DragonBall Fighterz.
Role Playing Games
A role-playing game (RPG) is a game in which the player assumes the role of a fictional character, generally in a fantasy or science fiction setting that can interact in the game's imaginary world. Although there are several types of RPG games including action, adventure, and strategy RPG, they all share three basic elements which are; levels or character statistics that could be improved over the course of the game, a menu-based combat system, and a central quest that runs throughout the game as a storyline. In addition to the central quest, RPGs generally have side quests to help you improve your character to reach the end. [26] Role-playing games still remain to be one of the most popular genres in the gaming industry.
The concept of modern role-playing video games has their origins in the paper and pen role-playing games including one of the most popular in the 1970s, Dungeons & Dragons. Modern RPG games started out very similar to their paper and pen counterparts minus the dice, the addition of animated battle and a turn-based menu combat system.[27]
Runescape, which is currently known to players as "RS", Runescape 3, or "RS3", is an MMORPG by Jagex released in 2001. It was originally played in a browser and written fully in the Java programming language. But in 2016, it was only playable through their new standalone client written in the C++ programming language.
Originally, when you started out in Runescape you were played on Tutorial Island[28], where you would create your character and learn how to do different things in the game such as combat[29] and skilling[30]. Starting in November 2013, Jagex switched the tutorial to be on Ashdale[31], where the player would go through a similar, yet more "engaging", tutorial. Jagex then switched the tutorial to be back on Tutorial Island in May 2018, however.
Runescape branched out into RS3 and Old School Runescape in February 2013, because there was a high demand for the "old Runescape" by older players of the game. Due to this, one has to clarify which Runescape they are referring to, because RS3 has different content and graphics than Old School Runescape.
In RS3, a player is able to do quests[32], train combat or noncombat skills, socialize with other players, play minigames[33], do Player vs Monster (PVM)[34], and much more. Depending on a player's combat level and how much of the game they have completed, they will usually prefer something specific in the game. Higher level players that completed most or all of the content usually prefer to PVM because it is endgame content and very engaging, whereas lower leveled players usually have more options and might have a mix of preferences such as questing and PVM.
Old School Runescape
Old School Runescape, which is also known as "2007Scape" or "OSRS" colloquially by players, was released by Jagex in February 2013. It was released mainly for players who were nostalgic for the "old Runescape", after leaving the game or losing interest in it due to all of the changes it was going through. The main change that drove the these players away was the Evolution of Combat (EOC)[35], which was a change in the way combat worked.
Despite 2007Scape being made up of many older players who quit the game then came back, it has managed to attract players that are completely new to Runescape in general. Part of the reason for this was due to Jagex releasing an Old School Runescape app in the App Store and Play Store, and running ads for their app.
OSRS, like Runescape 3, starts out with a tutorial. Players start in Tutorial Island[36], where they create their character, learn how to fish, chop wood, make a fire, and cook. They eventually get to a mine, where they learn to mine ore and smelt it in a furnace, followed by smithing their bar of bronze into a bronze dagger. Using their dagger, they are taught to fight enemies by a slayer master. Lastly, they learn how banks work in the game and how they can store their gp (the currency of Runescape), which is followed about the player learning about how prayer and prayer points work in the game by using an altar, and how magic is used.
After Tutorial Island, the player spawns in Lumbridge[37], where they are free to do whatever they want in the game. This can be questing, training combat skills, training artisan/gatherer skills, socializing with other players, etc.
Dark Souls
Dark Souls is a third-person action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware. The game series is known for its playstyle and difficulty. There are three Dark Souls games. Dark Souls came out in 2011, Dark Souls 2 came out in 2014 and Dark Souls 3 came out in 2016. The games were so popular that they released a remastered version for the first Dark Souls. The game throws you in with easy controls to pick up but hard to master. The game’s goal is very simple which is going around and explore the world, defeating bosses to progress until you finish the game. A key element to the game is known as a bonfire which allows the player to mark a checkpoint and recover health, magic and Estus Flask which is a type of potion that players can use to recover health when fighting enemies, but resting at bonfires also respawns all the enemies expect bosses. The bonfire also allows the player to fast travel to a different bonfire. The game also has a type of currency known as souls which can be spent at the bonfire to level up the player stats. The game is known to be hard and unforgiving because when the player dies, they lose all their souls on the spot that they died at but can be reclaimed by going back to that spot unless they die again causing them to lose them forever. The bosses are also known to be challenging due to them doing a lot of damage which only takes around three hits for the player to die. These are some of the reasons why the game is so popular because of the satisfaction the player feels after defeating a boss giving them a sense of accomplishment.[38]
GTA Roleplay
GTA V roleplay is a multiplayer mod for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V. Players who jump into one of the user-created RP servers becomes even more immersed in the game, as they take on the form of a normal NPC, which can be customized in a number of different ways. The level of roleplay depends on the server. Some servers are completely hardcore roleplaying, which means players are skirting the rules if they ask for tips on how to access the game’s menus or even the button that corresponds to an action. It’s an experience that can be enjoyed alone, but it’s much more entertaining and engaging with a couple of friends by your side. It’s a blast, and if you happen to own a copy of GTA V, it’s well worth playing.
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077 is an open world, role playing video game that is developed by CD Projekt RED. It is scheduled to be released on December 10, 2020 and was first announced in the 2012 CD Projekt Red Summer Conference. The game takes place in the Night City where there is a population of over 5 million people. This was following a economic collapse where the United States was forced to rely on large corporations to survive. These corporations deal with robotics, weapons, pharmaceuticals, cybernetics, and biotechnology. Many of these companies have so much power that they operate above the law. In the game you play through the story of V which is a hired gun in the rise of the Night City. You are able to customize V's gender, appearance, and historical background, all which influence the game. Cyberpunk is an open world, non-linear RPG with an FPS style in which players are able to heavily customize their character to suit their play style. Gun play, exploration, player choice and activities such as hacking are to feature heavily throughout the game with missions, quests and objectives being completed in a variety of different ways.[39]
Real Time Strategy
Real Time Strategy (RTS) games are time-based games in which the objective of the game is to produce resources and build units to secure parts of the map for the end goal of defeating the opponent. Like many wargames, players in RTS games have to quickly make decisions and plan their next moves. In other words, players must attempt to build resources, defend their base, and attack their opponents while their opponents are doing the same. The winner of the game is usually determined by who can quickly make decisions, generate more resources, and their offensive/defensive strategy. In comparison to the other video game genres, RTS games are one of the most complex games because the tasks players must perform can be very challenging and requires a lot of practice. Some of the more popular games in this genre include Starcraft, Warcraft, and Age of Empires. [40]
Turn Based Strategy
Turn Based Strategy (TBS) games are the counter-part to Real Time Strategy (RTS) games. These types of games have players taking turns playing opposed to RTS games, where players play at the same time. Classic examples of TBS games include board games such as chess, checkers, and Go. More recently, popular TBS games include Sid Meier's Civilization series, the Final Fantasy series, and the Total War series. [41] Popular TBS games are usually war-like games where players command armies to fight other players. All mentioned games involved turn based game-play where players are trying to out-think or outplay their opponents. Similar to RTS games, TBS games also have a degree of on-the-spot decision making and require the ability to react to multiple sources of incoming information in a short amount of time.
MOBA also known as the multiplayer online battle arena is a type of game in which a player controls a single character in one of two teams. The sole objective of the game is to destroy the other team's main structure/building with the help of AI (artificial intelligence) controlled units that periodically spawn and marches forward along a set path. This is a team based game in which the player's characters have unique abilities and advantages that improve over time to contribute to the overall team strategy. MOBA games commonly have maps with three lanes; one at the top, one in the middle, and one on the bottom with a jungle splitting each of the lanes. Each lane also has different layers of towers you have to destroy before you get to the main structure to win the game. [42]
The genre was originally known as a sub-genre of the real-time strategy (RTS) genre of video games such as Starcraft and Warcraft in which rather than controlling one character, players have to control multiple characters, allocate resources, and create units and buildings to create advantages to destroy the enemy's stronghold. Some of the earliest MOBA games created include Aeon of Strife and DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) which were created by players of Starcraft and Warcraft respectively. As MOBA games grew in popularity, it became its own genre which then took over the gaming industry. Today, MOBA games are so popular that there tournaments that are held on the national and international level with prize money of millions of dollars. Some of the more popular MOBA games today include, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, DOTA 2, Smite, Defense of the Ancients, and Strife.
Survival Horror
The term "survival horror" was first used for the original Japanese release of Resident Evil in 1996, which was influenced by earlier games with a horror theme such as 1989's Sweet Home. The name has been used since then for games with similar gameplay and has been retroactively applied to older games as well.[43] One of the first survival horror games was one called Sweet Home, created by Capcom. The game was focused on five ordinary people, entering a mansion in the hopes of locating the long lost frescoes of a famous Japanese artist. [44] Despite being an RPG horror game, the focus was on surviving the horror- death was permanent. the environment was scary, and the defenseless party was hunted down by horrific enemies. you spent the game trying to survive. However, the genre didn't get a name until it was coined with the marketing promotion of Resident Evil. Originally started as a remake of Sweet Home, Resident Evil took on a life of its own, and set the standard of what survival horror should be. With very limited resources, brutal monsters, limited saves, and simple human characters, Resident Evil was a horrifying experience that was not seen before. With this clones of the game began to flood the market. some became successful in their own right (i.e Silent Hill), while many others were just cash grabs.
The wonderful thing about this genre is that there is no set definition of survival horror. You can do anything you want as long as you follow two principles: Horrifying the player and to make the player survive the horror. Because of this, there is no set standard as to what qualifies a game to be survival horror- many games take this freedom to make a game in their own vision and to try new methods of creating the tense situations and horrifying experience that survival horror games try to have. In one game you could fight your way through the horror, while in another you have to hide in order to survive.
Silent Hill
Silent Hill is a series developed by Konami, with While Resident Evil, focused on the surviving the horrible monsters that plagued the game, Silent Hill brought a different spin to the horror franchise. Silent Hill, at its core, focuses on corruption in the world, humanity, society, and explores the darkness and evil side of humanity, and how humans are the true "monsters". In Silent Hill, various aspects of humanity are often portrayed and manifested as horribly disgusting, hostile monsters.[45] This is done beautifully through their focus on psychological horror, as the game focuses heavily on symbolism and most the environment and monsters represent something important to the character or contain a deeper meaning the developers are trying to get across. Even if there is nothing happening on screen the environment design exhibits constant dread and fear as the design can be ever changing, or explicitly disturbing. Items also hold different purpose. While in Resident Evil the uses of the items are practical or logical, Silent Hill items are random things( Teddy Bear, juice box, chocolate) that have uses that don't correspond with the item. One such example is using a hairdryer to kill a monster, or using a juice box to unclog a trash chute. These elements make Silent Hill set itself apart from other horror games of their time. Instead of just focusing on the horror that is brought by the monsters, the player have to deal with the psychological horror being expressed through the game message and imagery because even if you can escape the horror being brought forward from the monster, you can never truly get away from the horrors that the human psyche can create.
4th Wall Breaking games
"The fourth wall" is an expression stemming from the world of theater. In most modern theater design, a room will consist of three physical walls, as well as an imaginary fourth that serves to separate the world of the characters from that of the audience.[46]In fiction, breaking the 4th wall can mean that a character became aware of their fictional nature. This can be expressed in a few ways. They can comment on the actions the player is taking, becoming aware that the player are doing these actions. One example could be that the character can call you cruel for killing an innocent character. Other games usually use 4th wall awareness for comedic effects. One example is in the Jax and Daxter series. when one character yells out to both Jak and Daxter (the protagonists) that the event occurring isn't a game, both characters will act confused and look directly at the player, seemingly knowing they are in a game.
Another method that becoming more popular is the use of a 4th wall break for story events. Metal Gear Solid series was one of the first to use this method. In Metal Gear Solid, the villain Psycho Mantis was able to read save data on the console memory stick, and comment on what Konami games the user played. the boss seems invincible, till your told to remove the controller from one port into another. only then can you beat him. This is one of the most popular examples of 4th wall breaks in video games.
4th wall game breaks are becoming more popular due to new opportunities they present. instead of being just limited to the game overall story, the player can be submersed into the story as they now are part of how the game plays out. you are no longer a player through someone in the story but as someone a part of the story.
Undertale is an RPG where you control a human who has fallen underground into the world of monsters. They must find a way out or stay trapped forever. Undertale is a unique game where your choices affect how the game plays out. 4th wall breaking is woven into the story. Normally in an RPG you would have to fight your way out. In Undertale however, you have the option to not kill anybody as you can talk your way out of battle. The ability to save your game is done by the use of the characters determination. In the game, the character determination is strong enough to allow them to essentially reload the game save data. This ability is an integral part of the story, like the way you play the game is affected by this ability. No matter how many times you die, you can come back and try again. Only a few characters are self-aware enough to notice these changes. Sans and flowery. They comment on your actions based on what you do. On a pacifist run (No kills) you can achieve a happy end, as you use "determination" to keep resisting the final boss (i.e anytime you die you come back and continue the fight). upon completion of any run, you can reset the game to try to get a different ending. After a pacifist run, Flowey will comment on why you want to ruin a happy ending by resetting everything. in a genocide run (kill everything), Sans is aware of your ability to reload the game and what you could have done differently (i.e not kill anyone). He deems your actions inexcusable and tries to stop you from finishing the game. Actions such as killing everyone affect how the game plays out even after a reset. should you have killed certain characters, the game will skip those fights in a new reset.
Doki Doki Literature Club
Doki Doki Literature Club is a visual novel where you take control as the character trying to win the hearts of girls in the game. it looks fun and cute in the beginning. However, the more you play, the more you will begin to realize that the game is actually a horror game. What makes this game a 4th wall breaking game is that the game itself is controlled by one of the games female characters who became self-aware and has an obsession over you. They realize they are part of a computer game, and try to divert all the players time to herself. Should you do anything to advance a relationship with a different girl or ignore the AI, the AI will change the events that are occurring to get you to lose interest and focus on something else. They will rewrite scenes, change the setting, affect the game settings and visuals, permanently alter the game code, and even force close the game. Due to the game intervention, to proceed through the game, you will have edit files and data of the game in order to gain back access. Clues and secrets on the story of the game are also hidden in the files and will become available after certain actions are taken as if seemingly created. AI will even delete characters from the game. After the story is complete, you will forever lose access to the game, as any attempt to open it will be forced close. heavy editing of the files or a redownload of the game allows it to be played again.
Virtual World
Virtual world gaming is a computer-based simulated environment populated by many users who can create a personal avatar based on their likings. They can then explore the virtual world, participate in its activities and communicate with others. These avatars can a graphical representation of something you want it to be. Example of virtual world gaming is Second Life. Launched in June 2003, by 2013 it had approximately 1 million regular users. In Second Life, users create an avatar and use it to explore the world. They can interact with other avatars or build, create and trade with one another.
Like the name itself, sports games are generally video games that stimulate sports itself. There are sports games that make players feel like they're actually playing the sport such as Madden and the NBA franchise and there are other games that emphasize the use of strategies and sports management. These types of games typically try to imitate actual sports. For example, they use real-life athletes such as Lebron James in the NBA 2K franchise and real-life stadiums/fields. Most sports games attempt to model athletic characters in ways that are similar to their real-life counterparts. For example, if an athlete is known to be one of the fastest in his/her league, then game developers will make them have more speed than the average character in the game. This goes for other characteristics such as height, strength, accuracy, and so on. Sports games are generally involved with physical and strategic challenges and they test the player's accuracy, decision-making, skills, and precision. [47] Some of the most notable games in this category are the NBA 2K, Madden, FIFA, NHL, and MLB The Show franchise.
Every year, Electronic Arts, releases a FIFA video game. The more recent one, FIFA 20, was released on September 24 of 2019. The series began in late 1993 after acquiring an official license from FIFA.[48] FIFA stands for Federation International Football Association. Electronic Arts has produced many sports games and other games but none has sniffed the amount of revenue drawn that FIFA does. They earn at least $800 million from FIFA. This money comes from copies of the game itself and in-game purchases, like fifa points. The game today includes several game modes to keep the user entertained. One of its best features is Ultimate Team where you can create any team you want with your favorite players. You can also play Kick-Off which is a game where people in the same room play against each other. Additionally, you can play career mode where you act as if you're a soccer player or manager and you manage the decisions for your ultimate career. There are also game modes like skill games, Volta(Street Soccer) and user created tournaments. You can also kick it up with an online seasons match against anyone in your division rank.
The racing games genre comprises games where the player controls vehicles against others or AI in a race, either in a third or first-person perspective. Racing games started as early as the 1970s as arcades which eventually evolved over time to be on gaming consoles, PCs, and handheld devices. Primarily in control of cars, racing games can also involve the use of other vehicles such as boats, planes, and motorcycles. In general, racing games can be either hardcore simulations, and simpler arcade racing games. [49] "Sim" racing games try to imitate real-life aspects of actual cars such as speed, acceleration, turning, and sound. As such, many racing games license car brands that currently exist such as Ferrari, Ford, Toyota, Honda, and BMW. Examples of simulation racing games include Grand Turismo, Forza Motorsport and Project Cars. Arcade racers feature simpler, less complicated controls, physics, and tracks. Other arcade racers can be animated/fantasy based such as Mario Kart where you can use weapons on your opponents to win races.
Virtual Racing
Virtua Racing was one of the first 3D arcade racing games made. It was developed by Sega's AM Research & Development No. 2 studio, known better as AM2 on their Model 1 arcade board. Released by Sega in 1992, this game, while not the first 3D racer made, was noted for its higher resolution, speed, and other features such as multiple camera angles. This combination of performance and features led to the game becoming very popular in arcades despite only originally being a "proof-of-concept" project.
Ridge Racer
Ridge Racer is a 3D series of racing games developed by Namco for arcades and later home consoles. Made as a response to the popularity of Sega's Virtua Racing, Ridge Racer was originally released in arcades in 1993. It was also ported over to the original PlayStation in 1994. It was developed on the Namco System 22 arcade board which was cheaper than its Sega contemporary. As a result, it was very common to find and became widespread in arcades both in the U.S and Japan. It was also one of the first "arcade perfect" ports on a home console, due to the board's similarity with the original PlayStation. [50] Ridge Racer's gameplay surrounds its smooth arcade drifting style along with a greater emphasis on style. The series was followed with Ridge Racer 2 in 1994, and subsequent sequels and spin-offs until 2016.
Daytona USA
Daytona USA was released to arcades in 1993 by Sega. It was also developed by Sega AM2 and was the first arcade game developed on the Model 2 arcade board. Developed from millions of dollars in 3D simulation research and development with companies such as GE Aerospace, the arcade board cost well over $10,000.[51] Daytona USA was the first game released with texture filtering, the process of smoothing pixelated textures. Daytona USA also was revolutionary in that it was the first 3D racing game that ran at a higher refresh rate of 60 frames per second, double of both Virtua Racing and Ridge Racer. The game is remembered fondly for its fun gameplay, soundtrack, the ability to play with up to 8 different people, and its longevity, with cabinets existing in major arcades until the early 2010s.
Need for Speed Series

Need for Speed can arguably be regarded as one of the most popular racing video games franchise. With its first game installation being released in 1994, named The Need for Speed, it has ever since changed how racing games were perceived. Initially, the game was owned and developed by a Canadian video game studio Distinctive Software. However, in 1991, the game was purchased in its entirety by Electronic Art by almost $11 million and was given the contract of development to Criterion Games, developers of another racing series called Burnout.[53] The game is based around the idea that the players get involved in illegal street racing with one sole purpose in mind, to become the leading street racing team in town. To do so, players have to win various races throughout the city with local teams that have a strong holding in specific parts of the city all the while making sure that they are staying away from the law enforcement personnel. While Criterion Games are currently the developers, several of the game’s sequels were developed by EA’s in-house studio and Ghost Games. Due to the fact that the franchise sold over 150 million copies[54], Need for Speed has been turned into different forms of media including the film adaptation of the game and sponsored merchandise. The latest addition in the series was Need for Speed: Heat which was released on November 8, 2019.
Music video games
Music video games are games where the gameplay is oriented around the player's interaction with songs, rhythms, or beats. In many cases, the genre can be grouped with a party and puzzle games. Music games take many forms. For example, some games require you to sing, play an instrument, use a controller, or dance on a platform. One of the most common features of music video games is that they contain popular songs that are created by well-known artists. One of the key differences between a music video game and an audio game is that music games rely on visual feedback whereas audio games generated more audio feedback when players interact with it. In modern days, music video games require participants to use memory, precision, accuracy, and speed to win the games. Some of the most popular music games include Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution, Just Dance, and Rock Band. [55]
Family Party
Board games which once were much more popular, found a way to the online world. Board games with an online twist have made group gatherings more fun, accessible, and convenient with just an app download on a smart tv or computer mirroring. To set an example, in order to play JackBox party online board games, everyone has to have a smart device; those who want to play, input a code into the online site of the game and can contribute to a party game. The use of cell phones and smart devices are crucial to the game, it has become the core of such online games. Smart devices provide the basic control functions to the game. The online party game can be of any topic which is usually appropriate for all ages to enjoy. It can be sold on platforms like Steam, Apple TV, PS4, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV stick and etc.
Video Game Mechanics
Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment
one of the most consistent aspect in many video games is the ability to adjust the game difficulty to your preference. This is to give the user more control over how they want to experience the game. Some love the idea of going through the game on insane difficulties for the challenge and bragging rights. Others, like to explore the game and its world on their own pace, not wanting to risk survival or time in the game. However, another option that a lot of games do is dynamic difficulty adjustments. This is where the game balances the game difficulty based on the actions the players take.
For example, take the picture of the survival horror game Resident Evil 4 on the side. In this room in the game you face off a horde of enemies, but you die. you restart from the checkpoint and enter the room again. The enemies are still there, but some are missing. Normally, there will be two enemies with crossbows in the balcony behind the enemies. However, Should you die in the room, the game would adjust the difficulty by removing two enemies. This to give you a chance to progress in the game without affecting much of your gameplay experience.
Companies use Dynamic difficulty adjustment to keep players entertained in the game. If you are doing so badly in a game, you will get frustrated and bored with the game. eventually, you stop playing. This holds true if you are too good. If the game is too easy for the player, the player will lose interest as the game becomes predictable and boring. By using DDA the developer is able to keep both types of players interested- the bad performing player will experience new things in the game and stay entertained, while good players get a new challenge that is refreshing and entertaining. They usually keep quiet to try to keep the illusion alive for the player. The player believes that they are just getting better at the game, instead of being handed an advantage. It makes them feels powerful and great since by their own efforts they accomplished something.
For more information regarding difficulty settings in gaming, please see MatPat Game Theory Episode on the topic.
Video Game Platforms
PC Gaming vs. Console Gaming
In the early days of video games consoles such as the Atari were the only way to play video games at home. However, when the console industry suffered a major crash in 1983, gaming on Personal Computers (PC Gaming) became a widespread and growing phenomenon. However, when the console industry surged back into action in the 1990s and early 2000s (with successes such as the SNES and the PlayStation), PC gaming was stuck as a niche in gaming rather than a force and was plagued with issues such as tedious CD-ROM installations. However, with the emergence of digital distribution and platforms such as Steam, PC gaming once again resurfaced as a force. With the power of the internet and the software freedom enabled by playing on a PC rather than a console, PC gaming gained fame for giving users the ability to modify their games and the potential for higher graphical and processing performance than consoles.
Recently there has been much debate about whether PC gaming or Console gaming provides an optimal experience. Both sides have pros and cons. PC gaming has a higher barrier of entry due to the price associated with buying a high-end PC capable of playing the newest AAA titles or the knowledge and skills needed to build one yourself. Additionally, PCs require eventual hardware upgrades such as new video cards in order to maintain their high level of performance as games get more graphically demanding. With these cons, however, PCs have the potential to provide higher graphical levels and frame rate to create a smooth and engaging experience. In addition, PC games are known for the players' ability to install "mods", which are user-created pieces of content that serve as additions to the game and are often supported by developers such as Valve and Bethesda.
The pros of console gaming include not needing to worry about hardware or staying updated as they are devices that are dedicated to gaming and are equipped to last many years and are ready to play out of the box with no installation or building required apart from plugging it in. Additionally, many modern games tend to optimized for consoles and controllers rather than PCs and keyboard and mice. The biggest con of consoles is the lack of features that PCs have including a limit on a graphical performance that cannot really be bypassed and the inability to install mods. Though frame rates on a console are disadvantageous, for people who want an optimal gaming experience graphically as well as the feel of playing on console, it is possible to connect the controllers to a smaller screen or to a computer screen. Though graphical performance can be a negative impact for console players, people begin to work around these cons and improve their gaming experience.
It has become very popular for gamers to build their own PC. In order to build your own PC, all the parts necessary are bought which consist of a motherboard, processor, memory which is known as RAM, GPU, storage or a hard drive, power supply, and lastly a case which everything is put into. To break all these parts down, the processor is known as the CPU and it acts as the brains of the computer. The most popular ones are Intel core and AMD Ryzen. Next comes the motherboard which is a part that is used to hold certain components that are put inside a PC such as the RAM. Then comes the RAM which determines the speed of the processing and these are placed inside the motherboard. Last comes the most important part for PC gamers which is the graphics card or GPU which determines what games can be played and the frames that the game can handle the PC can run smoothly. There is also the storage which can either be a hard drive or an SSD which is a solid state drive that is known to be faster. Also, power supply is needed to run everything and then lastly the case which is a fun part of the build. Many people enjoy getting cases that have a see-through glass wall so the inside parts of the PC can be shown. [57]
The reason that so many people have been getting into building a PC is that it may be upgraded whenever you want by just buying a newer better part to replace the old one with instead of buying a brand new PC. Also, it is an interactive experience between the person and their new PC that they built themselves.
There is a subreddit that has grown in popularity of people putting up pictures of their PC gaming setups and sharing it with the world.
This subreddit is linked as [7]
A huge website that many online PC gamers use to purchase their games is Steam and the link is [8] This platform has many deals year round on games and has even created its own controller to be used.
Virtual Reality
The newest technology that was introduced to the gaming world is virtual reality. The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality headset which was released on March 28, 2016, [58]. With this device, one can experience games in true 3D being able to look around while controlling the general position of the avatar/camera. The HTC Vive is also a virtual reality headset that utilizes the entire room into the motion sensor and gameplay. This device was released on April 5, 2016[59]. The player can use the entire room in order to process moves within the game. If the player crouches, so do the avatar in the game. This makes gameplay very smooth and the player is able to be very creative.
In addition, leading corporations from gaming and high-tech industries like Sony, Samsung, Apple etc. have also come out with their own ideas of VR technology; the most common concept, for now, is the VR headsets gears. Without any doubt, this is one technology worth mentioning and we need to watch out for; it's a wonderful innovation, a computer engineering that tends to incorporate virtual objects into real world and vise visa. The concept is pretty straight forward and is definitely going to dominate the technology world.
The main goal of Virtual Reality is to offer a completely immersive virtual reality experience, the virtual world should be convincing enough to make a user question which world is real.
There are Three base types of Virtual Realities:
1) The Non-Immersive Experience: This form of VR uses screens exclusively and is the most "base" form of VR, it does not disable the peripheral vision of the user, and only engages in a small subset of the senses. It barely scratches the surface of the main goal of VR.
2) The Semi-Immersive Experience: This form of VR adds live physical props that can control in-game performance, an example would be a joystick that is shaped like a gun to create a more realistic virtual experience when playing first-person shooters.
3) The Most-Immersive Experience: Currently this is the closest we have gotten to creating a true VR experience, a fully Immersive experience. Through the uses of headsets (head mounted screens) the peripheral vision is shut down and the user becomes less aware of the world outside the VR, other technologies such as motion sensor technologies tracking every movement removing the traditional use of remote controls, headphones to isolate outside sound, props such as swords, guns, car wheels, etc. [60]
New VR Techonology for Senses
Infinadeck is an omnidirectional treadmill designed to allow VR users to walk through their VR experience without actually leaving the treadmill.[61] Designed by the company by the same name, it has a 360-degree moving floor that is designed to be a wireless system that immediately reacts to the user's movements. Infinadeck allows software developers to make their software to work seamlessly with the infinadeck software. Since it can also link multiple units, users can forget they are on a treadmill and focus on their VR stroll together in programs as if they were really together. This adds to the resulting effectiveness as VR as a new social media, but will also remove some of the current limitations with VR gaming namely losing orientation in a limited space. [9]
Haptx Gloves
Haptx has developed gloves that are the only wearable Haptic gloves in the world. They allow touch in VR platforms that feels completely real actually replicating texture shape and movement. It uses "microfluidic technology" which physically displaces the skin" as it does in real life. [62]
Oculus Rift
The Oculus Rift is a virtual gaming headset accessory and was the first modern attempt at a virtual reality headset. It was funded by Kickstarter and has undergone multiple prototypes that have been released as developer kits. The Oculus Rift was the first real marketed attempt at the introduction of VR to general consumers. Before Oculus, VR was not a feasible concept in the gaming community. Most of the VR technology and software today is available due to the initial success of the Oculus Rift. It showed that VR would be "heavily in demand". Oculus Rift will be packaged with an Xbox One controller and adapter and will most likely make its official debut in Q1 of 2016. It will have 9 virtual reality games available including Chronos and Ratchet and Clank. On March 25, 2014, Facebook acquired the company, Oculus, for $2 billion in 2013. [63] It has advanced touch controls and makes the video gaming experience quite surreal. The Oculus Touch is a new type of controller being released by Oculus to help simulate a more realistic virtual world. The Oculus Touch allows players to be able to move your fingers, simulating the sensation of the player's hands being in the virtual world. The Oculus Rift officially released on March 28, 2016, and starts at an introductory price of $599. Oculus Go is set to be released by the end of 2018. It is the latest in the line of Oculus VR headsets but is standalone. It requires no computer or phone nor does it have any external hardware such as wires.
Oculus Quest 2
The new version Oculus Quest 2 was released in October 12 in 2020. It's upgrade version of previous Oculus devices. It’s a complete virtual reality system inside a portable headset, not a required phone. And if you want to play the best games, you have the option of attaching the headset to a personal computer. "Everything felt to us like we were compromising on this or that, but now we can say we have this hybrid experience,” said Prabhu Parthasarathy, Facebook’s Oculus for the product manager.[64]. Oculus, the virtual-reality company that Facebook recovered for $2 billion in 2014 took hold of what it learned from earlier experiments selling bulky headgear wired to powerful computers as well as wireless contact lenses that relied on smartphones to run games. Facebook’s Oculus for Business has played a role in that boom. And during its time in beta, companies found a host of applications for the technology to boost productivity and empower distributed workforces, I’m told by Facebook. “Oculus now supports both new and existing workflows, as well as streamlines the process of scaled deployments for IT departments”.[65]. Facebook's new virtual-reality system, the Oculus Quest 2 is the company disclosed on Wednesday, to hide from the never-ending pandemic-induced stay-at-home session. The Oculus Quest 2 is Facebook’s latest raid into virtual reality gaming. Oculus Quest expands enterprise-ready software and cloud-based management tools that offer scalability. IT admins can influence Facebook's device setup app which can provision large numbers of headsets at the same time. The device manager works as a control hub for all headsets cataloged in a company, which lets administrators update settings and spread out apps remotely to devices dispel beyond the globe. Officially, in the United States, Oculus Quest 2 has both 64 GB and 256 GB and price of $299 and $399 in the retail market.
HTC Vive
The HTC Vive is a VR headset co-developed by HTC and Valve Corporation. It was announced on March 1st, 2015 and released on April 5th, 2016. The HTC Vive is known for it's unique "Room VR", which uses scanning technology to turn an open space into a 3D Virtual Reality gaming space. It also heavily focused on independent development by integrating with the Steam Workshop to encourage people to develop their own VR games. It released to mostly positive reviews from critics and users, despite its hefty cost of $799.00 retail. [66]
Playstation VR
(Originally known as Project Morpheus, named for the Greek god of dreams) PlayStation VR [67] is another type of virtual reality headset and is developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. On March 3, 2015, during the Game Developer Conference (GDC) Sony Computer Entertainment revealed a tentative release date of the Morpheus for the first half of 2016. [68] During the 2015 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) from June 16 to June 18, it was revealed that Sony Entertainment would have an area for people to play demos on its new prototype Morpheus headset.
PlayStation VR launched October 13, 2016, and cost 399 USD.
HoloLens is a type of augmented reality headset that is being developed by Microsoft that superimposes holograms over things people already see in real life. The headset is available for purchase by developers only at a cost of $3,000. [69]
Virtuix Omni
Created by Jan Goetgeluk, the Virtuix Omni is a virtual reality platform that incorporates the simulation of walking along with the use of a virtual headset, most commonly the Oculus Rift, while playing video games. Through funding via Kickstarter, Virtuix raised an initial $1.1 million in funding while later gathering another $8 million from private investors. The Virtuix appeared on Shark Tank and gained the support of billionaire Mark Cuban. The Omni is designed with a special bowl-shaped surface that requires specific low friction shoes in order to operate it. Sensors in the machine identify the user's movement, speed, and position which translates over to in-game movement while the virtual headset provides visions and peripherals to examine the video game environment.
Games such as Grand Theft Auto V, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Battlefield 4, ARMA 3 and many more are already supported by the Omni, allowing a new experience in gaming by including the dimension of walking and running. Beyond gaming and entertainment, the Omni can also be used for other applications including training and fitness, virtual tourism, meet-ups and much more.
Virtuix is developing new games specifically for the Omni such as TRAVR, a first-person shooter game. In addition, the Hands Omni is also in development which is intended to allow users to feel objects being grabbed in virtual reality through a wireless glove with hopes to also be used as an add-on to the virtual headset. Virtuix is also doing really well as they are now having deal across China.[70]
Augmented Reality
Augmented reality is a new form of virtual reality which gives a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment. The elements of the environment are supplemented by computer-generated sensory input such as video, graphics, or GPS data. Augmented reality is different from virtual reality because virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one. [71]
Augmented reality is usually in real-time and semantic context with environmental elements. Advanced augmented reality technology allows the information of the surrounding real world to be interactive and digitally manipulable. The information about the environment and its objects are overlaid in the real world which leads to a unique experience. This information can be virtual or real.
There are many applications for augmented reality. One example of augmented reality is in gaming. Augmented reality allows users to experience digital gameplay in a real-world environment. Because of the advancement of technology in this field and in the last decade, there is better movement detection. This has allowed the possibility for the Wii to exist which takes into account real-life movements of the user.
A very recent example of augmented reality being used is the game Pokemon Go. The game used a GPS tracking system on your phone so that you can walk around to find pokemon and catch them. Using your environment and blending reality with the virtual world instantly made this game a phenomenon.
Pros to Virtual Reality
The device (Oculus) manager works as a control hub for all headsets cataloged in a company, which lets administrators update settings and spread out apps remotely to devices dispel beyond the globe, which could prove a valuable boost in the COVID-19 period and the future of work. [72] For 2020, COVID-19 remarks on VR that how importance it is in the future. Virtual Reality is on other hand of Augmented Reality that has different principle it giving practice of original reality for users in digitally created. Moreover, Virtual Reality is the simulated fact that can be similar to the real world or completely different. Using virtual reality gives us a lot of fun and includes entertainment such as video games, Education medically, and military training. Virtual reality is a reality that does not exist just imagine. Nowadays standard virtual reality systems use unless virtual reality headsets or multi-project environments to create pragmatic images, sounds, and others to feel physically pretend to have feelings that a user’s physical presence in a virtual environment.
Cons to Virtual Reality
Many virtual reality games can cause motion sickness, particularly graphically intense games. With its lifelike features, many don’t feel too well while playing extended gaming sessions. Many developers are currently researching ways to lessen this effect as technology grows.
Researchers believe new immersive technology could lead to isolation. When social needs are met online, people won't need in-person interaction. If virtual reality becomes a part of people’s day-to-day lives, more and more people may prefer to spend the majority of their time in virtual spaces. Futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted, somewhat hyperbolic, in 2003, “By the 2030s, virtual reality will be totally realistic and compelling and we will spend most of our time in virtual environments ... We will all become virtual humans.” [73]
Virtual Reality Games
Perhaps the most notable use with the greatest potential in the use of virtual reality in gaming is the research and development of adult/sex games in virtual reality. The porn industry makes billions every year and making virtual reality games is a good way to revolutionize the industry. People believe that it would be very successful because they believe that the immersive feeling of virtual reality would help users to create a more real-life experience in the games. Many games are already being or have been developed most notably Japanese hentai games are the most prominent so far. They are generated a lot of revenue and have received much positive feedback from the audience, mostly male feedback though.
Owlchemy Labs
Recently Owlchemy labs released "Job simulation" which can experience office life and they made gamers can play the game with humor in the office. It was not a very fun game, but it gave an insight that we can use VR game for learning and experiencing ways. Currently, Owlchemy labs are developing its own game "vacation simulator" which is a more developed version of its Job simulation. Their games are not such a single version of a simulator which can be simple programming, their games work together so gamers can make it together [74]
Boneworks is a virtual reality adventure coming out on December 10th, 2019. The notable thing about BONEWORKS is that its engine can handle realistic physics. With this being said, almost everything in the game can be used as a weapon or tool in the adventure. It is being developed by Stress Level Zero and has a story mode consisting of a mysterious narrative regarding a virtual reality game being developed in the game world and deeper workings in the games "Monogon Industries". The introduction of advanced physics in this game encourages players to confidently and creatively interact with the virtual world however the user chooses to. These opportunities can allow players to traverse the world in as creatively as they would like to. They have also introduced a weight aspect to everything in the game, so that what would realistically be a heavy item in real life, would also be represented as heavier by making it more difficult to carry or hold. However, one issue that arises with a game of this scale is that in order to be able to play and run it, you would need a tremendously powerful computer. [75]
Epic Games
Epic Games is a Chinese acquired VR gaming company which is based on Sony Play Station 4 and Oculus system. They made a huge success with its famous game "Fortnite" on the computer and Sony PlayStation 4. They are Using many VR based programs to develop VR games and also their own programs as well. The company has its studios in the United States, Europe, China and Korea which are big gaming countries. [76]
Headset Removal
One of the limitations created by VR is its lack of face-to-face interaction. As opposed to social networking where the foundation is based on personal sharing, VR is still experimenting with this. Google has partnered with Daydream Labs and YouTube to try and humanize this technology by trying to remove the headset from user view, such that facing someone with a VR headset will display their face instead of the headset. To do this, they're running face scans and testing them to track facial recognition. Thereby, users will not only have their faces portrayed, but the headset itself will be able to track eye movement and the face replacement will be able to mimic the same action. This is a huge step in VR, as this system was designed to bring the real and user-created worlds to millions of users at the touch of a button. With the convenience of social networking and gaming technology, the possibilities are endless for users to engage and collaborate while still maintaining face-to-face interaction.
Popularity rose for this curious technology rose with YouTubers uploading videos of themselves toying with the VR headset. While most of the face scans aren't entirely perfect, it's incredible to see how the headset tracks eye movement, and how it subtly changes the viewpoint from which an audience sees another user. It feels closer to home, all the while interacting in an environment anything but. [77]
Streaming Platforms
Streaming platforms are digital video-based platforms where people are allowed to broadcast whatever they are doing on a site and other viewers can watch. Video streaming platform is widely used in the world of gaming. The most popular streaming platform for gamers is It is one of the world's leading social video platforms and community hubs for gamers. Viewers can enjoy watching in many ways such as interacting with the streamer for fun or learning from professionals broadcasting their gameplay. Esport titles like Counter-strike Global Offensive, Hearthstone, Rocket League, Starcraft and League of Legends are a couple of the most popular games that are broadcasted and watched by many people. Anyone can watch or even start their own channel. All they need to do is to sign up and have a program to broadcast their gameplay. Video streaming platforms are very useful for people for entertainment and learning. It is a great way for people to create a community of gamers that can learn from and share highlights of real-time gameplay. Video streaming platforms are also used for broadcasting big tournaments or competitive gameplay for cash prizes in Esport games. Professional teams from all over the world compete with their fans around the world watching. Streaming platforms have already been very popular in recent years and it has potentially revolutionized the world of online gaming. Today, streaming platforms are well integrated into certain games themselves. Many games have an easy menu that can directly link to your account and allow for easy streaming. Graphics cards manufacturers such as Nvidia and AMD also have their own streaming options with the use of the GeForce Experience or AMD Relive apps that are supported by their newest cards.
The HD-DVD/Blu-Ray Format War
Although the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray conflict started much earlier than the launch of the previous generation consoles, the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, the format war had a severe impact on the future of the video formats. The high definition optical disc format war saw its roots when high definition content was made available to consumers. In order to ensure that consumers are able to watch such content via discs, a format had to be established in order to facilitate the larger and better format. Two key players emerged, the HD-DVD and the Blu-Ray Disc. Both had different formats, capacities and capabilities that gave the consumers a better viewing experience. The launch of both formats to the public was the start of the official format war.[78] Company alliances were formed, with each company backing up a different format. The Blu-ray Disc Foundation was formed by Hitachi, LG, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, and Thomson on May 20, 2002. Other early supporters included Dell, HP, Mitsubishi and TDK. The Blu-ray Disc Association was inaugurated on October 4, 2004 by 14 companies of Board of Directors which added 20th Century Fox to the 13 above-mentioned companies, Contributors of 22 companies, General members of 37 companies, and a total of 73 companies. Acer, Alpine, Asus, HP, Hitachi Maxell, Kenwood, Lanix, LG, Lite-On, Meridian, Onkyo and Samsung, provided non-exclusive support. Toshiba, NEC, Sanyo, Memory-Tech Corporation started HD DVD Promotion Group on September 27, 2004. It also included Microsoft, RCA, Intel, Venturer Electronics. In Europe, HD DVD was supported either exclusively or non-exclusively by Medusa Home Entertainment, Studio Canal, Universum Films, Kinowelt Home Entertainment, DVD International, Opus Arte, MK2, Momentum Pictures, Twister Home Video, among others. During the height of the format war, some studios supported both formats, including Paramount Pictures (including subsidiaries Nickelodeon Movies, MTV Films, DreamWorks Pictures and DreamWorks Animation), BBC, First Look Studios, Image Entertainment (including the Discovery Channel),Magnolia Pictures, Brentwood Home Video, Ryko and Koch/Goldhil Entertainment.[79]
The launch of the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 only heightened the war. The launch of the PlayStation 3 with a Blu-Ray Drive became the indication of a shift towards the Blu-Ray Disc medium as the new high definition medium. Although Sony was initially selling the consoles at a loss due to the high component prices of the Blu-Ray Drive, the efforts of the company were not in vain. Movie Studios began seeing the benefit and capabilities of the Blu-Ray Disc and began shifting their format support towards Blu-Ray, but the sales of the Blu-Ray disc were still lower when compared to the sales of HD-DVDs. However, the final blow came when Warner Bros, one of the biggest movie studios in America, announced its plans to drop HD-DVD as its disc format and switch over to Blu-Ray Discs. Shortly after the announcement, various retailers such as Warlmart, Best Buy, and others, began shifting their inventories towards the Blu-Ray format and began recommending consumers the discs as the preferred choice. Other studios and digital companies, also began integrating the Blu-Ray Disc as the standard medium. [80]
The format war was finally put to rest when Toshiba, one of the major manufacturers of HD-DVDs, decided that it would abandon the HD-DVD format to focus production on the Blu-Ray discs. This became the final nail in the coffin for the HD-DVD, as more and more companies began to abandon the format in favor of Blu-Ray. [81] Microsoft and its Xbox 360 became one of the few companies that still supported the HD-DVD, until its announcement of the Xbox One and its use of the Blu-Ray Drive. The tide of the format war was heavily influenced by the launch of the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, as both had separate formats and both companies tried to pursue the public to use one over the other. In the end, the Blu-Ray Disc became the winner, due to its better format capabilities, larger storage capacity, and other various capabilities. [82]
History of Nintendo
Nintendo was originally founded in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi and manufactured Japanese playing cards in Kyoto. In the history, its name was Yamauchi Nintendo & Co. but they changed its name to Nintendo Co., Ltd. after they were listed on the OSAKA stock market exchange and produced additional games. Nintendo developed a videogame system with electronic video recording player with Mitsubishi Electric and it made a huge success in Japan. Finally, they were introduced to New York in 1979. Nintendo has been an innovation ancestor in the controllers. They made a current video game controller's settings. [83]
Mission Statement
Nintendo believes not only providing a good product but also treating every customer with their attention is important. In other words, they believe everyone is a gamer for the company. [84]
Gaming Consoles
Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo Entertainment System is a home gaming console that was introduced by Nintendo Co. This was the first home gaming console that Nintendo made. However, This console shows exactly how Nintendo wants to change its market. As other students stated in the third generation of the gaming console part Nintendo introduced the first classic setup of the directional pad on the left and other Buttons on the right. This has been used for all the gaming controllers. [85]
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo was a 16-bit video game console that was released on November 21, 1990 [86]. Nintendo introduced the first left and right shoulder buttons with super Nintendo. It is also known as the Super NES, SNES, or Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The Super Nintendo was released in North America, Brazil, Europe, and Australia. Super Nintendo was the second video game console released by Nintendo. One of the best selling games was Super Mario World. The Super Nintendo has two controller ports that allow you to play with someone else.
Game boy
The gameboy is an 8-bit gaming console that was developed by Nintendo. The first release of the Game boy was in April, 1989 in Japan. The United States release came later that August. In terms of the Game Boy line, this was the first ever hand held console, however this was the second hand help system created by Nintendo. It was originally created by one of Nintendo's best employees named Gunpei Yokoi. His ideas and creativity made him stand out amongst his peers and through his unique inventions, the president of Nintendo asked Gunpei to make more toys which evidently lead to the creation of the Game boy.
Because of its popularity, the Nintendo Game boy became the most iconic electronic toys in the 1990s. Though it was mostly sold by itself, the console system would usually come with Tetris or a Super Mario game if you wanted the bundle. [87]
Nintendo 64
Nintendo 64 was Nintendo's gaming system that was released after Super Nintendo. The Nintendo 64 was released on June 23, 1996[88]. The retail price for the Nintendo 64 was $199.99. The Nintendo 64 was named for its 64-bit CPU. Nintendo releases many colors for the Nintendo 64 and even released limited edition colors. The Nintendo 64 was named Machine of the Year by Time Magazine. It remains one of the best-known gaming systems in the world. On the top ten best game consoles episode of the show Filter, the Nintendo 64 was voted up to #1 by registered users. The Nintendo 64 was the first gaming system that had 4 controller ports doubling its predecessor. Instead of just having two people play at the same time, the 4 controller ports made it possible for four people to play a game. The Nintendo 64 games were cartridges instead of CDs. Some of Nintendo 64's most popular games are Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda series, Goldeneye, Starfox, and Mario Cart.
The Nintendo Gamecube was the successor of the Nintendo 64. It was released on September 14, 2001[89]. It sold 21.74 million units worldwide. The retail price for the Nintendo Gamecube was $199.99. It was $100 dollars less than Microsoft's Xbox and Sony's PlayStation. The Nintendo Gamecube was a sixth-generation console. Nintendo Gamecube competed with Microsoft's Xbox and Sony's PlayStation. It was the first Nintendo video game console that used optical discs for games instead of cartridges. The discs were small and were like mini CDs. Unlike the Playstation and Xbox, the Nintendo Gamecube was unable to play DVDs or CDs. The Nintendo Gamecube also had 4 controller ports like its predecessor. Some of the Nintendo Gamecube's most popular games were Mario Party 4,5, and 6, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Pokemon Colosseum, Luigi's Mansion, and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.
Nintendo 3DS
The Nintendo 3DS is a portable gaming console Nintendo developed to rival Sony's Playstation VITA. The 3DS is preceded by Nintendo's DS. The Nintendo handheld gaming consoles originally started with the Gameboy, then the Gameboy color, Gameboy advanced, Gameboy Advance SP, Nintendo DS, then the Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 2DS and finally the New Nintendo 3DS. The 3DS has next-generation features which has made it the leading portable gaming console. The 3DS features 3D cameras, StreetPass and Virtual Console.
The 3D cameras allow the individual to create an avatar that can be utilized in augmented reality (SIMS is an example of augmented reality). The StreetPass is a unique Nintendo feature that allows another 3DS user to exchange software content with others in the area. If an individual wants to connect online and challenge someone in a Pokemon battle, the StreetPass Feature allows for an individual to scan for other 3DS players in the area and offer a challenge.
The Nintendo 3DS has sold 34 million units since September 2013. Amazon reported that the Nintendo 3DS has the largest preorder count in video game systems ever before it has launched. In fact, Nintendo of America, the United States operations for Nintendo, also reported that the preorder count doubled Wii. [90]
Nintendo also sells limited edition models of the Nintendo 3DS for around the same price of the standard Nintendo 3DS models. After a period of time, the prices of the limited edition models skyrocket, almost doubling in price. These models are usually created after famous and popular Nintendo games. [91]
An interesting feature about the Nintendo 3DS is the idea of playing games across different platforms. For instance, one of the most popular crossover fighting games - Super Smash Bros - can be played using the Nintendo 3DS as a controller for the Wii U version. Unfortunately, it isn't backward compatible.
Wii U
Wii U [92] is a video game console from Nintendo released November 2012 to rival Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's Xbox One. The Wii U incorporates a new 6.2-inch touchscreen GamePad as the main controller and supplements the gameplay from the television. The GamePad retains the old Wii's motion control and sensor bar and adds in a new camera feature with microphone and speakers on the GamePad to allow for video chatting with friends while playing. The Wii U GamePad allows the Wii to increase the capacity of players to five at a time. The Wii U console also has a new feature called the Miiverse, which allows the user to access a brand new community of gamers where they can discuss and share entertainment content. However, the Wii U has largely been considered a disappointment by experts due to its lack in sales compared to its competitors. As of December 31, 2015, about 12.6 million units have been sold. Nintendo has been making a lot of effort to help boost sales by pushing out games from its trademark gaming franchises such as Mario. Mario Kart 8 has sold around 7.24 million copies worldwide since its release. [93].
Wii U Games
The Wii U is a family fun party console that offers a variety of games ranging from Mario Kart 8 to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. However, one the biggest releases for the system has been "Super Smash Bros." which was released on November 21, 2014[10].
Additionally, because Wii U is connected to an online community, "Super Smash Bros" enables people to enjoy Nintendo's video games together, even if they live on complete other sides of the world as one another.
It was easily the fastest selling title on the Wii U and was one of the most anticipated games of the year[94]. The Game is a fast-paced action fighting genre that allows players to go head to head with their friends using iconic characters from the Nintendo world. The roster ranges from well-known characters such as Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach, while also bringing in very popular Nintendo figures like Pikachu, Charizard, and Mega Man. It even goes back in time to include more classic Nintendo players like Pac Man and *spoiler alert* Mr. Game and Watch. The beauty behind Super Smash Bros lies within having a single game that contains characters and maps that trigger a sense of nostalgia. Nintendo had released Ryu, a character from the famous fighting game "Street Fighter" onto the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U versions of Super Smash Bros. Next up, Cloud Strife from the Final Fantasy series will be making an appearance on the same platforms. These exclusive characters are limited to only the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U versions of the game and cost money to have the features unlocked. [95]
The game has brought back a few fan favorite and memorable stages from the previous installments such as Battlefield, Yoshi`s Island, Congo Jungle, Luigi`s Mansion and of course Final Destination. Some of the new stages are now big enough to hold 8 player brawls! However this feature is limited to local play and not available for online play, but that may change sometime in the near future.
There are new challenges, items, and collectibles which include trophies, custom specials, and equipment.
The Games modes include Smash, Event Mode, All-Star, and Classic.
The Wii U uses a custom multi-chip module developed by AMD[96], IBM and Renesas in cooperation with Nintendo. The multi-chip module contains a CPU, GPU, and an EEPROM memory controller. Wii U comes with an 8 GB and a 32 GB capacity of storage. A 2GB DDR3 memory. WI-Fi, Bluetooth, and four USB 2.0 ports are also included inside. The Wii U GamePad is the main controller that comes with the system it has a 6.2-inch touchscreen which can enhance gameplay or can be used as a display for the system.[97]
Nintendo Switch
The switch is Nintendo's latest video game console. It was released worldwide on March 3, 2017. Initially, during launch, there were very small quantities available in stores. This caused an outrage among fans since some were required to find a store that had them in stock in order to get their hands on a system. This shortage was resolved in a few months. This system is the fastest-selling console ever recorded and even surpassing the launch sales figures of its predecessor, the Wii U.
The Nintendo Switch provides a gamer to have the experience of playing a console game both on the go as well as at home. Three modes of play are available: TV mode, Tabletop Mode, and handheld mode. In order to enjoying HD gaming on the TV, a dock and HDMI cable is provided in order to connect the Nintendo Switch console onto the TV. It also offers a multiplayer experience as the 2 controllers can be pulled out of the handheld console and the console can be slanted so it is standing up while multiple players play together. Multiple controllers can also be purchased to enjoy games that allow up to 8 players for multiplayer option. The console begins at the price of $299.99. It comes with the console, the dock, and two joy-con controllers. Nintendo Switch games typically range from $49.99 to $59.99.
Switch Games
Pokemon Sword and Shield
Pokemon Sword and Shield is a recent game that came out for the Nintendo Switch. It is the fastest-growing Nintendo Switch game that Nintendo ever had. Pokemon game is strong performers in the Nintendo world. It is one of the major franchises that people still love to this day since childhood. People were extremely critical of what the games did not possess. This includes mega evolution, Z moves, and half the Pokemon in the games are not even playable which they did the first time. Basically features in the previous game were not added to Sword or Shield and that left fans disappointed. Pokemon are cartoon creatures and have close to 1,000 species. People battle with this cartoon creature and would fight until the other trainers Pokemon are all defeated. You must think strategically to defeat the other opponent. You need both skills and luck on your side. There are whole tournaments because of these games. The creator of the game did not even show up to the games premiere opening because of death threats received to him by fans. Despite this, these games have still had the best successful launch game to date because of the franchise and the new improvements they made in the game within the most up to date console. It was extremely popular back then and took part in many people's childhood. That is the reason they buy it today.
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey is the next installment in Mario franchise. This title has yet to be exclusive to Wii U. Like Super Mario Galaxy, Sunshine, and 64, Odyssey is designed to be open-world; meaning, players are able to take their characters anywhere they choose, within the given map.
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was released in March 2017 for Wii U and Nintendo Switch. It is the successor to Skyward Sword, although not in terms of storyline.
Super Mario Party
Super Mario Party is another version of the famous Mario Party video games that was released on October 5th, 2018. This game can be played by up to four players at a time. Players explore the different maps and boards in order to see who will gain the most stars at the end of the game. Players must try to stock up on coins as much as they can so that they can buy stars. Each game can be customized by the number of turns players want to have. This game offers 10, 15, and 20 turns to choose from. In between turns, mini-games are randomly chosen and players must either battle it out with each other or by teams. There's also the option to play just the mini-games. If players aren't in the mood to play Mario Party, there are lots of other fun things to explore. The game is currently being sold for around $60. [99] [100]
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the fifth installment in the Animal Crossing series with improved graphics that was released on March 20, 2020. The game allows players to visit other islands as long as players own the Nintendo Switch Online membership. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is played in real-time mode and starts off with allowing players to customize the appearance of their characters and leads into receiving a Nook Inc. Getaway Package from Tom Nook, who is also the manager of the town plaza. Players are given the opportunity to choose an island of their liking based on river flows before officially moving to the deserted island. Upon arriving at the island, players are randomly given a native fruit (oranges, peaches, apples, pears, or cherries) and two animal villagers. As players progress in the game, they are able to invite animal villagers to move onto their island. The maximum amount of animal villagers is 10. [101] The Able Sisters Shop, Nook's Cranny and Blather's Museum will also be revealed later on, which allows one to purchase clothes in order for one to change up their look, purchase furniture in order to decorate their island as well as their house, and donate bugs, fish, and fossils to the museum. The game is currently being sold for 59.99 at retail price.
New features in this game that are completely different from previous installments of Animal Crossing include the use of NookMiles, the ability to craft items using materials around the island, and more town customizations. Players are given a lot of freedom when it comes to design their island the way they want it to look as well as putting shops and houses in locations they desire. They also have the ability to transform their island with features such as water-scaping and cliff construction, which is later introduced when one's island receives a 3 star-rating from planting more trees, building more fences, and decorating their island with flowers and furniture items. [102]
Nintendo has recently updated the game with its version 1.2 patch.[103] This update includes new NPC characters such as Leif and Redd along with addition to Blather's museum. Leif is a NPC that was first introduced to players in Animal Crossing: New Leaf as a sloth that runs a gardening store. [104] He returned to Animal Crossing: New Horizons as the same NPC with different flowers and shrubs that he has to offer. Redd is a fox NPC that has been in the series since the older Animal Crossing days. [105] He returned to Animal Crossing: New Horizons as a "black market" dealer who sells artworks, either genuine or counterfeit, along with rare furnitures.
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Super Smash Bros Ultimate or SSBU was released on December 7, 2018, and cost $59.99 pretax. It is a fighting game developed by Bandai Namco Studios and Sora Ltd. This version of Super Smash Bros makes it the fifth version of the series. There are several modes for this game such as single-player, multi-player, adventure mode, competitive online gameplay, and more. There are over 80 playable characters in their roster, with new characters being added to the game every couple of months. This game can be played in TV mode, tablet mode, and handheld mode. According to, as of December 31, 2019, Nintendo has sold over 17.68 million copies of the game. This makes it one of the top-selling games next to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Players who are a part of Nintendo Switch Online Pricing Plans are able to challenge other players through the online mode. This game mode allows the player to gain Global Smash Power or GSP for their characters. Characters that reach a high number of GSP will be highlighted and eligible to play in Elite Smash. Elite Smash is a game mode in which other players with similar GSP can challenge each other to show off their skills. [106]
The PlayStation was the first video game console developed by Sony. It was released on December 3, 1994[107]. Sony's PlayStation competed with the Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn. Sony's PlayStation was part of the fifth generation game console. The PlayStation sold for $299. Some of the best selling PlayStation games were Gran Turismo, Gran Turismo 2, Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil, and Tekken 3.
PlayStation 2
The PlayStation 2 was the successor of the PlayStation. It was released on March 4, 2000 and sold for $299[108]. The PlayStation 2 had better graphics and more memory than the original PlayStation. The PlayStation 2 holds the record for the best selling video game console. It sold over 155 million units. Also, Sony's PlayStation 2 was the first system that was able to play games from the previous generation. The original PlayStation games worked on the PlayStation 2. The PlayStation 2 was also able to play DVDs and it competed with the Nintendo Gamecube and Microsoft's Xbox. Some of the most popular PlayStation 2 games were the Grand Theft Auto series, the Gran Turismo series, Tekken 5, and Final Fantasy X.
PlayStation Portable (PSP)
The PlayStation Portable was Sony's first handheld hardware. It was released on December 12, 2004[109]. Often compared to the Nintendo DS, the PSP was more expensive and powerful than its Nintendo counterpart. Unfortunately, it was not as successful in North America because it did not have a touch screen which the Nintendo DS used on its lower screen. Due to its low level of popularity in North America, games that originated in Japan were never imported over to the U.S. However, the PSP still sold approximately 80 million units and had several hardware updates during its lifespans such as the PSP Slim and PSP Go.
PlayStation 3
The PlayStation 3 was the successor of the PlayStation 2. It was released on November 11, 2006, and sold for a price of $499 making it one of the most expensive video game consoles that ever came out[110]. Along with improved graphics and memory, the PlayStation 3 was one of the first gaming systems that acted similar to a computer. The PlayStation 3 was wifi compatible and allowed users to browse the web on the PlayStation 3. Users can also download apps just like a computer or iPhone. Users were able to download apps like Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Youtube. The PlayStation 3 competed with the Nintendo Wii and Microsoft's Xbox 360. Unlike Microsoft's Xbox 360 where users had to pay for an online subscription, Sony's PlayStation 3 online network was free. Users were able to play games with friends and other people online for free. Blu-Ray discs were also supported by the PlayStation 3. Some of the best selling PlayStation 3 games were the Call of Duty series, Grand Theft Auto V, the NBA 2k series, and the Madden series.
PlayStation Vita
The PlayStation Vita was the successor of the PlayStation Portable. It was released on December 17, 2011[111]. The PS Vita was advertised as a very powerful piece of technology. There are many features such as a front and back camera as well as a front and back touch screen. Originally, the PS Vita came with an OLED display which was revolutionary at the time, but due to costs, they switched back to using the classic LCD display. One of the biggest changes is the addition of a second analog stick which was missed in the first handheld device. The PlayStation Vita has been considered a disappointment by many experts due to the fact that it has greatly undersold below expectations. One of the biggest factors is mobile gaming. Mobile gaming has become so accessible and convenient that it has affected the sales of not just the PlayStation Vita but consoles as a whole. With mobile gaming buying another device to play games isn't needed and therefore saves money which is appealing to many people who just want to play casual games. [112].
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 4 is a video game console created by Sony, announced on February 20, 2013.[113] It replaces the previous generation of PlayStation 3. It was just released recently on November 15, 2013, in North America. Its main competitor is the Xbox One, which was released on November 22, 2013. The PlayStation 4 is built around a powerful custom chip that contains eight x86-64 cores and a 1.84 TFLOPS graphics processor with 8 GB of ultra-fast GDDR5 unified system memory[114]. All this supports games with rich, high-fidelity graphics and gives you a gaming experience like never before. One of the greatest benefits of this console is that it also provides gamers with other entertainment applications, such as Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Hulu Plus, NBA Gametime, and more. Many different sorts of new media can be accessed just through the PlayStation 4 console.[115]
The PlayStation 4 has a Semi-custom 8-core AMD x86-64 CPU (integrated into APU), with a 500GB Hard drive that is upgradeable. It contains an 8 GB GDDR5 of memory. PlayStation 4 features an auxiliary port for connection to the PlayStation Camera, a motion detection digital camera device that enhances gaming without the controller[116]. WI-Fi and Ethernet connectivity, Bluetooth, and two USB 3.0 ports are also included. The new Dualshock 4 controller is bundled with the PlayStation 4 with a mono headset, which can be plugged into the DualShock 4.[117] Audio/video output options include HDMI TV and optical S/PDIF audio but this time it Sony removes analog audio/video output.[118]
The system is run through an operating system sonny created called "Orbis OS". It shares a little similarity with the old OS on the PS3 but the main interface has been changed. Users can connect to the internet using WI-Fi and Ethernet connectivity built in the system to provide richer functionality. Sony has a PlayStation Network which allows gamers access online features such as the PlayStation store and online gaming with people across the internet. Users can directly download and pay for the games they want though PlayStation network.[119]
Media Interface
Sony added some features that are absent previously from the PlayStation 3 which improved social functionality. You are now allowed to chat with your friends, regardless of what game you are playing or other activity you are doing. This feature was popular on the Xbox 360 and by popular demand, Sony had to implement it in the PlayStation 4. The DualShock 4 controller now includes a "SHARE" button, which allows players to share 15 minutes of their previous gameplay, recorded by the PlayStation 4, by uploading to PlayStation Network or social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Gamers who want to live stream their gaming also have that option on the PlayStation 4. Players can broadcast live video of their own gameplay via public services Twitch and Ustream[120], allowing friends to view and comment on them from other web browsers and devices.[121] The new additions to Sony's PlayStation 4 allows consumers to have an experience where they connect with friends and share their own experiences while gaming.
PlayStation 4 Pro
The latest console released by Sony is the PlayStation 4 Pro. This console is an upgrade over the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 slim. The PS4 pro is able to output 4K resolution for games and also entertainment like Netflix. It also has HDR technology which displays deeper and more vibrant color. Lastly, this system provides better frames per second (FPS) which is how fluid the game plays. The PlayStation 4 Pro was released on November 10th, 2016 and priced at $400. [122]
PlayStation 5
The CEO of Sony, PlayStation, Jim Ryan recently confirmed the company's next gaming console that will be called PlayStation 5. The official release will be on November 12th, 2020, and it will cost $399-499, depending on the edition. With its new powerful graphics, fast refresh rates, custom SSD and 8k ultra HD resolution, PlayStation provides a new dimension in the console world. PS5 is introducing new remarkable controller the DualSense. The gamepad features haptic feedback, adaptive triggers and a built-in speaker that democratizes a next-gen gaming experience for all. As with most console launches, the PS5 is only going to get better over time with new exclusive games and features giving their competitors Microsoft a worry. [123]
Xbox One X
Originally codenamed "Project Scorpio", Microsoft's up-and-coming video game console was formally introduced and shown at the 2017 Electronic Entertainment Expo. Clocking in with the fastest CPU and GPU of any console ever created and having the largest memory, the Xbox One X has lived up to its tagline of "The most powerful console ever built". It should also be noted that this console is the smallest Xbox ever created and supports 4K gaming allowing maximum fidelity with an immersive experience. At E3 2017, Microsoft confirmed that the console will be available on November 7th, 2017 for a modest price of $499 USD.[124]
Xbox One
The Xbox One was announced on May 21st, 2013. At the time being, Microsoft kept a very tight lid on the next-generation console's specs and its capabilities but emphasized the idea that the console will be more focused towards the living room experience rather than just outputting raw power for better graphics. The user and the family experience was the focus in this generation's console. The Xbox One was launched on November 22, 2013, almost a week after the launch of the PlayStation 4.
Two years after releasing the Xbox One, Microsoft needed to find a way to keep happy customers happier. Microsoft decided to add a feature that lets users play Xbox 360 games in Xbox one. This feature is called backward compatibility. Before this feature was released. Users would only be able to play Xbox One game in the system. This feature helps users save a lot of money. Some big games that are part of backward compatibility include Gears of Wars, Fallout 3, Assassin Creed 2. [125]
The Xbox One is power by a custom, AMD built octa-Core x86 CPU Chip. The x86 architecture is the same architecture found in desktop computers, thus giving developers an easier time with the development. The Xbox One's CPU runs at 1.75GHz and has an 8GB of DDR3 Memory clocked at 2133 MHz. The Xbox One also contains a 500GB Hard Drive and a Blu-Ray/DVD Combo player. The console will also feature 802.11 N wireless along with Gigabit Ethernet capabilities. The console also features a custom AMD GPU that is clocked at 853 MHz with 768 Shader cores, which have the capability of around 1.23 Teraflops. The console also has 4GB of flash memory, USB 3.0 support, HDMI support and also 4K resolution support, as well as standard 1080p. [126][127] The Xbox one controller has similar design to the one Xbox 360's has. The directional pad has been changed to a four-way design, and the battery compartment is slimmer. Menu and View buttons have replaced the Start and Back buttons.[128] The Xbox One will come with an updated version of Kinect, for motion tracking and voice recognition. It has the ability to recognize up to six people at once. The new Kinect also has the ability to perform heart rate tracking, track gestures performed with the Xbox One Controller, and scan QR codes to redeem Xbox Live gift cards. The Kinect also features voice recognition and has the ability to receive voice commands from the user when needed. It also has the ability to wake the console up from sleep upon the given command.[129][130]
The Xbox One features custom software from Microsoft that offers very similar user-experience as the PC Operating System Windows 8. The operating system is capable of multi-tasking, voice commands, Skype Integration, and a variety of other features. The Xbox One will also be able to have Windows apps with different compatibility, but developers will be able to port the Windows Apps into the Xbox One operating system with minimal effort. The Xbox One will also feature its known Xbox Live service, a subscription-based service that allows the users to enjoy the various features of Xbox Live such as multiplayer, music, video streaming and so on. The Xbox One will also feature applications such as Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video and Redbox Instant. It will also feature media channel applications such as ESP, Fox Now, Machinima, The CW, TED, NFL and eventually HBO GO. [131][132] The Xbox One also allows the user to watch live TV via the console, another feature that brings the home experience to the console users. Xbox One lets you watch live TV from your HDMI-compatible cable or satellite box, making it easy to switch from games to live TV – all with the sound of your voice, and without having to switch TV inputs. Just connect your set-top box to your Xbox One and you can watch live TV through your Xbox One. [133]
Xbox Exclusive Games
Halo is a military science fiction first-person shooter video game franchise created by Bungie and now managed and developed by 343 Industries, a subsidiary of Microsoft Studios. The series centers on an interstellar war between humanity and an alliance of aliens known as the Covenant. The Covenant, led by their religious leaders called the Prophets, worship an ancient civilization known as the Forerunners, who perished in combat with the parasitic Flood.
The central focus of the franchise builds off the experiences of Master Chief John-117, one of a group of supersoldiers codenamed Spartans, and his artificial intelligence (AI) companion, Cortana. The term "Halo" refers to the Halo rings large, habitable megastructures that were created by the Forerunners to destroy all sentient life.
The games in the series have been praised as being among the best first-person shooters on a video game console, and are considered the Xbox's "killer app". This led to the term "Halo killer" being used to describe console games that aspire, or are considered, to be better than Halo [134]. Fueled by the success of Halo: Combat Evolved, and by immense marketing campaigns from publisher Microsoft, its sequels went on to break various sales records. Halo 3 sold more than US$170 million worth of copies in the first twenty-four hours of its release, breaking the record set by Halo 2 three years prior [135]. Halo: Reach, in turn, broke the record set by Halo 3, selling $200 million worth of copies on its first day of release [136]. Continuing the trend, Halo 4 broke Halo: Reach 's record on its opening day by grossing $220 million. The games have sold over 60 million copies worldwide, with the games alone grossing almost $3.4 billion [137].
Gears of War
Gears of War follows the exploits of Marcus Fenix as he tries to save mankind from the Locust Horde. Marcus was once a decorated war hero, but after leaving his guard post during emergence day to warn his father, he was imprisoned for treason. Gears 2 follows the squad as they continue to push the fight to the Locust. Gears of War 3 wraps up the story arc. There are plans for other Gears of War next year.
In 2013 Gears of War Judgement was released. It didn't do as well as the previous installments of the franchise and wasn't as popular amongst the Gears of War fanboys. They changed up the controls and gameplay. Many saw this game as a fail. Gears of War 4 is expected to be released in October of 2016 and there are high expectations for it.
The Gears of Wars franchise based its third-person shooter "over-the-shoulder" mechanics from games like Resident Evil 4, another successful game by the company, Epic Games. The game can be fast-paced as it revolves around a lot of positioning, aiming, and quick time actions. Despite how some of the game mechanics seem illogical (only being able to run/sprint straight as compared to being able to walk freely). Another unique feature about the Gears of War franchise is the concept of active reloading. In the game, players are presented with a bar upon reloading.
Active Reload is a feature that was popularized by the Gears of War series. It is a minigame that changes the reloading mechanism of the held weapon. By tapping the Right Bumper once, a player can manually reload their gun rather than wait for the current clip/magazine/projectile to run out of ammo. But when the progress bar of the reload reaches the grey or white area of the meter, the player can press the right bumper again to attempt an active reload, which, depending on where the progress bar was stopped, reloads the gun a lot faster than a normal reload. There are three types of Active Reload: A quick reload is performed once the progress bar meets the grey area of the meter, a Perfect Reload is performed by matching the bar with the solid white area, and a failed active reload is when the bar is stopped in the black area.[138]
One big feature about the franchise is the concept of being able to cooperate with other people (one other player) in terms of playing through the storyline. This can be either locally, or online. There will be times within the game where the players will have to split up and help each other get through a portion of the stage. For instance, one player will be stuck fending off the Locust Horde in a room while the other player has to activate a switch in order to open the doors for the first player. Overall, there is a balance between situations where players have to be away from the squad and together with the team. All in all, throughout the game, the main types of enemies that players will face will be different variations of the Locust Horde. The franchise created the storyline phenomenally, making it one of the greatest franchises on the Xbox console.
Online Gameplay
Gears of War online is separated into deathmatch-type game modes, and also online co-op. One attractive feature about Gears of War is that 2 people can play online on one account. Every active Xbox live account user can bring a guest online. This would force the player to have split screens on the same display but another player is allowed to join in on the fun.
Console Controversy and Consumer Backlash
At the announcement of the Xbox One, Microsoft stated that the console would follow strict licensing policies as follows.
Buy the way you want—disc or digital—on the same day: You’ll be able to buy disc-based games at traditional retailers or online through Xbox Live, on day of release. Discs will continue to be a great way to install your games quickly.
Access your entire games library from any Xbox One—no discs required: After signing in and installing, you can play any of your games from any Xbox One because a digital copy of your game is stored on your console and in the cloud. So, for example, while you are logged in at your friend’s house, you can play your games.
Share access to your games with everyone inside your home: Your friends and family, your guests and acquaintances get unlimited access to all of your games. Anyone can play your games on your console--regardless of whether you are logged in or their relationship to you.
Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere: Xbox One will enable new forms of access for families. Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One. Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friend’s house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games. You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time.
Trade-in and resell your disc-based games: Today, some gamers choose to sell their old disc-based games back for cash and credit. We designed Xbox One so game publishers can enable you to trade in your games at participating retailers. Microsoft does not charge a platform fee to retailers, publishers, or consumers for enabling the transfer of these games.
Give your games to friends: Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends. There are no fees charged as part of these transfers. There are two requirements: you can only give them to people who have been on your friend's list for at least 30 days and each game can only be given once. [139]
The announcement of such a strict licensing policy was met with severe consumer backlash, even at the Electronic Entertainment Expo. Many consumers felt that they were entitled to the games they bought and should have the right to share their games as they felt like. Many also felt confused by the many propositions that Microsoft made regarding the policy and many felt betrayed as the company was trying to cover up the Xbox One with other lavish features in order to steer away from the attention from the controversial policy. At the major E3 video game conference in June, Sony used the widescale backlash against Microsoft's plans to boost the popularity of its rival PlayStation 4 machine. At Sony's E3 press conference, company executives made it clear that PS4 would place no restrictions on pre-owned sales and wouldn't require daily online authentication – the announcements received huge applause. Many consumers were beginning to lean towards the PlayStation 4 due to its lower price, 399.99, compared to the Xbox One's 499.99 and the better features and no-restriction policy. However, a few weeks later, Microsoft took notice of the huge consumer backlash and removed many of the controversial policies regarding used gaming, 24-hour synchronization and other restricting features that might ruin the user experience. [140]
However, the damage had been done and this is believed to be the primary reason why the PlayStation 4 had a better sales start than the Xbox One and continued to outsell it through the console generation.
Console Launch and Black Friday
The Xbox One was launched on November 22, 2013. Following a worldwide celebration, Xbox One launched in 13 markets on Nov. 22 to great fanfare. Microsoft is excited to confirm the launch of Xbox One was the biggest launch in Xbox history, with more than one million consoles sold through worldwide in less than 24 hours – surpassing day one Xbox 360 sales and setting a new record for Microsoft. [141]. The Xbox One also saw great sales during the American event known as Black Friday, the day after the Thanksgiving holiday. Both of Microsoft’s machines – the Xbox One and the prior-generation Xbox 360 — represented 61% of all consoles sold at Wal-Mart and Target stores on Black Friday, according to market researcher InfoScout. The Xbox One represented about half of those sales, providing a key indicator of early demand for the device following its Nov. 22 debut.[142]
Gaming Companies
Creative Assembly
The Creative Assembly Limited, known as Creative Assembly is a British video game developer based in Horsham, founded in 1987 by Tim Ansell. It produced games under the EA brand, the most famous of which is the Total War strategy game series. Total War has been its most successful series and the company's largest source of fame and revenue. In 2005 Creative Assembly was acquired by Sega as a subsidiary under-which it acquired more licenses and created more broad Total War games such as its arguably most popular Total War title: Total War Warhammer 1 and 2. Under Sega Creative assembly also produced another award-winning popular game: Alien: Isolation.
Total War
Total War is a series of strategy games developed by The Creative Assembly that combine epic, massive real-time strategy battles with turn-based resource management. The series main goal to is to recreate both historical and fictional large scale battles depending on the title and setting. They cover many armies of history and take delicate care to recreate units and troops from actual history. The exception to this would be their fictional settings such as their Total War Warhammer series which instead stays true to the fantasy setting and lore of the long-running Warhammer series: Fantasy. The most fundamental gameplay of this series is based around the creation and management of armies consisting of units you selected from your faction/nation. There are many different types of units that specialize in different areas and perform differently based on their cost as well as other units that counter or compliment them. It is your goal as general to decide which units to spend your money on and in battle, to outsmart and outplay your opponent given your army's matchup vs. theirs. The secondary aspect of Total War gameplay is resource management. In the campaign gamemode, you start as the faction of your choice with limited units and territory. It is up to you to decide how you wish to expand your power and influence, be it the conquest of the rest of the world or building up your own territories to be impenetrable.
Alien: Isolation is a survival horror game developed based on the Alien science fiction horror film series. It was published by Sega and released for Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in October 2014. The game is set 15 years after the events of the 1979 Alien film and follows Amanda Ripley, daughter of Alien protagonist Ellen Ripley, as she investigates the disappearance of her mother. [143] The title revived the Alien game series after a number of poor and failed releases under the Alien brand. What makes Alien: Isolation special in regards its predecessors is stealth and objective focused gameplay style vs. the theme of "running and gunning" in older titles. The game recreates a feeling of dread and being stalked, much like the movie it was based on, and makes it clear that the monster you're hiding from is unbeatable and must be avoided at all costs.
Valve Corporation (formerly Valve Software, commonly referred to as Valve) is an American video game development and digital distribution company based in Bellevue, Washington, United States. Founded in 1996 by former Microsoft employees Gabe Newell and Mike Harrington, Valve became famous for its critically acclaimed Half-Life (released in 1998) and Portal sub-series (released in 2007). Valve is also well known for its software distribution platform Steam (released in 2002), and the Source engine (released in 2004). [144] [145]
Steam is an internet-based digital distribution platform for gaming developed by Valve. Within Steam it offers digital rights management, multiplayer and social networking. Steam provides users with the installation of games on multiple computers that come with automatic updating. It also has community features like friends list and groups, cloud saving, and in-game voice and chats functions. Steam was initially developed to use on Microsoft Windows but versions of OS X and Linux operating systems were later released. Over 6,400 games are available through Steam today, 2,300 for OS X, and 1,500 for Linux. Steam has over 125 million active users. Steam is considered the largest digital distribution platform for games.
After acquiring a license to the Quake engine (through the help of friend Michael Abrash of id Software) in late 1996, Newell and Harrington began working on Half-Life. Originally planned for release in late 1997, Half-Life launched on November 19, 1998. Valve acquired TF Software Pty Ltd, the makers of the Team Fortress mod for Quake, in May 1998 with the intent to create a standalone Team Fortress game. The Team Fortress Classic mod, essentially a port of the original Team Fortress mod for Quake, was released for Half-Life in 1999. Gearbox Software is responsible for the Half-Life expansion packs, Half-Life: Opposing Force and Half-Life: Blue Shift, along with the home console versions of Half-Life for the Sega Dreamcast and Sony PlayStation 2 which included a third expansion pack called Half-Life: Decay, that enabled two-player split-screen co-op.
Counter Strike
Counter Strike The first release of Counter Strike happen in the early 1999. Back then, most people only play with AI-controlled players or as famously known as BOT. Counter strike might not be the very first FPS game but it is one of the most popular game that made every childhood gamer memories amazing. During 1999 the internet has not been developed yet to the point where everyone can get connected in an instant, that is why the only way most people can play this game together is via LAN. Around 2004, Counter Strike developer added new content to their game called , Counter Strike: Condition Zero. This updated almost has the same gun as the original Counter Strike, but with the twist of new costume for both teams. Additionally, they have also updated the graphics for maps and added death match game mode, but one of the highlight of these updates is really the ability for players to connect in game over the internet and not LAN anymore. During that same year, Counter Strike also created Counter Strike: Source. Source update gives the game more competitive match to it, it allows them to play with other players in a set game. Around 2007 Counter Strike release a new update for the game, called Neo. Neo update gives the game a more futuristic game that features zombie mode and alien. This update changes the flow of the game, some new players suggest that adding this twist allows other play that are less competitive to enjoy the game. Lastly, year 2012 is the release of Counter Strike Global Offensive (CSGO), this new update is the combination of all the update of Counter Strike throughout the year, some even says it is the master piece of Counter Strike as it brings out all the beauty of game, on top of that, one of the main reason it is called "Global Offensive" is that all gamer around the world can be connected into the server, recent statistic of online users all over the world reaches up to 1.2m players, averaging of 800 thousand online every day. This achievement is truly a historical, and today CSGO is now one of the game league that people participate into.
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2 is a team-based, class-based first-person shooter developed by Valve Corporation known for its art direction, unique shooter gameplay, humor, and the use of 9 different class-based characters. It was released in October 2007 for the Orange Box bundle on PC and Xbox 360.[146] Team Fortress 2 became free to play in June of 2011 after retailing for $20 for the previous 4 years. Team Fortress 2 is most popular on PC due to better functionality when it comes to its keyboard and mouse controls (rather than Xbox controller) and its users being able to utilize the Steam platform to create mods and better communicate with friends.
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead is a co-operative first-person shooter that pits 4 survivors with the objective to make it to the end of every level by completing tasks and repelling a never-ending zombie horde. The game is available for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and OS X. Left 4 Dead is yet another incredibly successful Valve Title. Its popularity has even lead to a sequel and together they sold over 11 million units in total.[147] It popularity and lifespan were also attributed to the fact that it was open to the modding community, which allowed creators to make their own maps and put them out for people to enjoy. Some modded maps gained enough popularity to even be officially added to the base map roster.
In Oct 2010, Team Fortress 2 added an in-game store known as the Mann-Co store. This store sold new weapons, items, and virtual clothes for Team Fortress 2's various character classes. It also allowed a certain degree of in-game "gambling" by selling a "key" (originally for $2.50) which would open "crates" (a concept similar to a lottery, in which users have a tiny percentage change to obtain a rare item). The Mann Co store saw a $2 million profit in its first year, bringing a new stream of revenue for a now free to play the game. This revolutionary concept of micro-transactions is now utilized in many games worldwide, allowing users to sometimes "pay to win" or at least pay to have more fun with rare items. [148]
Nintendo is a Japanese electronics and software company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. Nintendo did not start making games until the 1970's, ultimately becoming one of the most influential in the industry and Japan's third-most-valuable company with a market value of over $85 billion. The company is known for creating some of the best-known video game franchises, including Mario, Pokémon, and The Legend of Zelda.
Pokémon is a game franchise owned by the Pokémon Company. They started out as a pair of games for the Gameboy color produced by Nintendo. In Pokémon, players start off in their room where they are greeted by their mother telling them to venture forth and create your own adventure since you have finally reached the age where you can own a Pokémon. Players progress through the game capturing Pokémon and battling other trainers with them. Additionally, players would be able to trade with other players their Pokémon so that your party can increase. Currently, there are 802 Pokémon to collect spanning seven generations of Pokémon game, not including mega evolutions but included different forms. The story of the game is usually very linear and follow a fixed path whereas a criminal organization is causing problems for the world and it is up to the player to save it.
Pokemon did not originally have many features other than the original story of the game and the ability to battle and trade other players via a link cable back when it first came out. Times have now changed and so has the game now. Now, there are many online features in the game including the same battles but instead of a link cable, everything is online now. There are also many events that occur online now in which you can go online at certain times and be able to obtain rare and legendary Pokemon.
Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go is a free-to-play augmented reality mobile game that was developed by Niantic and released for beta in July 2016. [149] The game is available for iOS and Android devices. Pokémon Go allows users to capture, battle, and train Pokémon in the real world through its augmented reality system. Even though the game is free-to-play, there are in-game purchases that are optional but allow the user to gain certain advantages.
In the game, the player is allowed to create a customizable avatar that they use to capture Pokémon. Players then travel the real world to capture different Pokémon that appear in different real-life settings. Players can also obtain certain items by visiting unique destinations that are relative according to the user's environment. Currently, there are only 150 Pokémon available to capture, with some ranging from common to very rare in appearance. On December 12th, there will be an additional 100 Pokemon from the Johto region added to the game as well as new trainer battling and trading features.
Kanto: is a region in the Pokémon universe that was the first to be featured in the series. This region contains the first 151 Pokémon in the series. All cities in Kanto are named after colors except for Pallet Town. The games that currently are set in this region are Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, Leaf Green, Fire Red, Let's Go, Pikachu!, and Let's Go, Eevee!. The starters for this region are Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. Pokémon Yellow and Let's Go, Pikachu! are the only Pokémon games that has an exclusive starter of Pikachu, while Let's Go, Eevee! is the only Pokémon game to feature Eevee as an exclusive starter Pokémon.
Johto: is a region located west of Kanto, and as revealed by the in-game radio show, Sinnoh Sound, is located south of Sinnoh. It is the setting of Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver. The starters for this region are Cyndaquil, Chikorita, and Totodile.
Hoenn: is a region located south of Sinnoh. It is inspired by the real-world Japanese main island of Kyushu. It is the setting of Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire. The starters for this region are Torchic, Mudkip, and Treecko.
Sinnoh: is a region located north of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn. It is the setting of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. The starters for this region are Turtwig, Piplup, and Chimchar.
Unova: is a far away region from the four other large regions, and the Pokémon which inhabit Unova are diverse and different from those of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. The geographical and social background for Unova draws inspiration from the New York City metropolitan area. Although it is geographically based in New York City, it draws inspiration for its landmarks from the entire state of New York, which features a mixture of rural locations and urban areas as well as factory towns and industrial complexes. It is the setting of Pokémon Black and White and Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. The starters for this region are Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott.
Kalos: is a region based on the northern portion of France. The Kalos region is shaped like a five-pointed star, with one of its biggest cities being Lumiose City in the north-central part of the region. It features a vast network of rivers and waterways snaking through much of its landscape, cities, and towns. It is the setting of Pokémon X and Y. The game features new Pokemon evolutions called Mega Evolution. The starters for this region are Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie.
Alola: is the region of the Pokemon Sun and Moon, as well as the updated versions Pokémon Ultrasun and Ultramoon games that were released on November 18th, 2016 and November 17th, 2017, respectively. It is based on the Hawaiian Islands, with 4 natural islands and one artificial island. The new game features new Alola Pokemon forms and all new Z moves. The starter Pokemon of this region are Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio.
Galar: is the latest region added most recently on November 15th, 2019. The two games, Pokémon Sword and Shield are the first Pokémon games to be released for the Nintendo Switch. The games are based on Great Britain and feature 94 new/updated Pokémon. New features, called Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing, have been added to the game as well as a new regional variant of Pokémon, called Galarian forms. The games feature a new large open world area with free camera movement and raid-style co-op game-play in a place called the Wild Area. The starters for this region are Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble.
Pokémon Showdown: Pokémon showdown is a free to play online game that allows players to customize their Pokémon to their desired stat, items, moves, etc. This game was created for players to create competitions and a place to battle freely and easily. Before showdown players had to have catch and train themselves before using them for battle. But showdown allows players to see the stats and how well the Pokémon is before wasting time and energy.
Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing is a relaxing game that released on March 20, 2020. You can escape to a deserted island and create your own paradise as you explore, create, and customize in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game. Your island getaway has a wealth of natural resources that can be used to craft everything from tools to creature comforts. You can hunt down insects at the crack of dawn, decorate your paradise throughout the day, or enjoy sunset on the beach while fishing in the ocean. The time of day and season match real life, so each day on your island is a chance to check in and find new surprises all year round. • Build your community from scratch on a deserted island brimming with possibility • Create your personal getaway and customize your character, home, decorations, and even the landscape itself • Collect materials to construct everything from furniture to tools! Then, use what you create to give your island a personal touch • Watch as the time of day and seasons match real life—even your hemisphere! Each day holds potential for surprises and discoveries • Get to know the island residents, garden, fish, decorate, hunt for fossils, and more! • Show off your paradise – play on the same system with a total of 4 people**, or play together online* or over local wireless** for fun with up to 8 players [150]
Overcooked is a chaotic couch co-op cooking game for one to four players. Working as a team, you and your fellow chefs must prepare, cook and serve up a variety of tasty orders before the baying customers storm out in a huff. Sharpen your knives and dust off your chef’s whites, there isn’t mushroom for error and the steaks are high in these crazy kitchens. The Onion Kingdom is in danger and only the finest cooking can save it! In Overcooked players must journey through a variety of cruel and unusual kitchens on their quest to become master chefs capable of conquering an ancient edible evil which plagues the land. This game has high requirements for teamwork.[151]
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
This game is a racing game featuring Mario. Compete with your friends or fight them on the new and returned battle routes in a modified battle mode. When playing in TV mode, it can be played locally in up to 1080p 4-player multiplayer games. Each track of the Wii U version (including DLC) will bring glorious rewards.[152]
CD Projekt RED
CD Projekt RED is a subsidiary of CD Projekt, a Polish video game distributor. CD Projekt RED was created in 2002 as the video game development side of the company after it decided to explore the field after previously being just a distributor. They released their first game, The Witcher,, an RPG based on a Polish series of fantasy novels, in 2007, on PC to positive reviews and adequate sales. They began work on a sequel after a disastrous attempt to release The Witcher on consoles, and released their second game, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, in 2011 to widespread acclaim and sales that surpassed 1.7 million units. They then released an enhanced version of the second game for the Xbox 360, which prompted them to develop another sequel, this time releasing on multiple platforms simultaneously. This sequel, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, was what brought CD Projekt RED into the spotlight of the video game world.
They are currently working on their next game, Cyberpunk 2077, an RPG based on the Cyberpunk series of tabletop games.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was first announced in early 2013, and immediately announced as a multi-platform game (PC, PS4, Xbox One), a first for the company. Additionally, it was the company's first attempt at an open-world game. It was met with anticipation from fans of the series but suffered several delays, initially being scheduled for a mid-2014 release before being released in the spring of 2015, with the delays attributed to the developers wanting to fine-tune the game as much as possible. The game was met with immense critical praise and massive sales, shipping 6 million copies within 6 weeks, and a total of over 10 million copies sold, which is a huge sum for a small company and a game of its budget ($50 million). The game was praised in particular for its soundtrack, story, characters, and world-building. The game was, by all means, a massive success and earned over 800 end-of-the-year awards, such as Game of the Year, Best Soundtrack, and Role-Playing Game of the Year, including the highest amount of Game of the Year awards in video game history Cite error: Invalid <ref>
tag; invalid names, e.g. too many. The game's success also earned the developers several Developer of the Year awards. Since release, it has been widely regarded as one of the greatest video games of all time.
The game was further expanded with 15 free pieces of Downloadable Content (DLC) including new quests, new character appearances, and a New Game+ mode. A paid DLC, titled Hearts of Stone, was released on October 13, 2015, to great praise for its length and story content. A second paid DLC, titled Blood and Wine, will be released on May 31, 2015.
Naughty Dog
A popular gaming company that created some of the most popular games for the PlayStation is Naughty Dog. Naughty Dog creates exclusive games for PlayStation with titles that won multiple games of the year awards and has created game series as well that have gone on for years. Their most popular game series is The Uncharted Series which has had 4 games with the last one coming out in 2016. Also, they have created "The Last of Us" which according to Naughty Dog's website it "has garnered over 200 Game of the Year awards, 10 awards at the 17th Annual AIAS/DICE Awards, 40 perfect scores, and has been hailed as a "masterpiece." ". [154] A sequel has been released in the summer of 2020.
Psyonix is an American video game development studio headquartered in San Diego, California. This company is relatively new as it was established in the year 2000. It focuses on its own developments of video games as improvements and additions to larger companies and publishers. It was founded by Dave Hagewood and it used to develop multimedia and internet software under its the name of Website Machines. Its first game project was Proteus. It created a few other games such as Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars and Monster Madness: Grave Danger in 2008. However, they had their greatest success with the successor of Battle Cars which is named Rocket League. The success of this relatively new game grossed to over $70 million, by far the most Psyonix has ever made. With this success, Psyonix decided to change up its business model by focusing more on the original games they create themselves other than performing contract work for other companies. This all was a result of their success with Rocket League.
Rocket League
Rocket League is a futuristic Sports-Action game, in which players control booster-rigged vehicles or cars that can be driven into balls for goals. It is a car-based version of football or soccer. Players control cars to knock into balls that can score goals or save goals. There are different areas and settings but they all have the same concept of a 3 on 3 soccer game with cars. Psyonix built this game with real-time graphics and physics which has contributed to their success of this game. The movement and momentum of the cars are realistic and controls must be precise in order to drive balls into the direction you want. This futuristic sports game has become a very popular game in the recent year and has won multiple awards such as "The Game Award for Best Independent Game" in 2015, "British Academy Games Award for Multiplayer" in 2016, "BAFTA Games Award for Sports" in 2016, and "BAFTA Games Award for Best Family and Social Game" in 2016.
The concept of Rocket League is to score more goals than the opposing team in a time limit of 5 minutes. This is done by driving cars into a soccer ball all over the arena. If the score is tied at the end of the 5-minute regulation. There is overtime where the first team to score wins. There are game modes where you can just play online in-game settings of 1 on 1s, 2 on 2s and 3 on 3s. However, if you want a more competitive mode, you can play a Season mode where you can play for rank and your rank is measured among other players during the season. You can play this game on Xbox One, PC, and PS4. Internet connection is needed when playing online with others. Controls are rather simple with a boost and a kick button. A lot of teamwork is involved like how real life football or soccer is played. You can center the ball so that your teammates can drive the ball in the goal or you can get assists by passing the ball to your teammates who drive it in. Goalies are sometimes used especially in 3 v 3's where 2 players are the offensive players that drive the ball around the arena and score and 1 player stays back near the goal to guard it. This is a popular type of "meta" or "most effective tactic available".
Ubisoft Entertainment SA is a French multinational video game publisher, headquartered in Rennes, France. It is known for developing games for several acclaimed video game franchises including Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, Just Dance, Rainbow Six, Prince of Persia, Rayman, Watch Dogs, and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell.
In March 1986, five brothers of the Guillemot family founded the video game publisher, Ubisoft, in Carentoir, a small village located in the Morbihan department of the Brittany region, in France. Yves Guillemot soon made deals with Electronic Arts, Sierra On-Line, and MicroProse to distribute their games in France. By the end of the decade, Ubisoft began expanding to other markets, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. They entered the video game distribution and wholesale markets, and by 1993 they had become the largest distributor of video games in France. In the early 1990s, Ubisoft initiated its in-house game development program, which led to the 1994 opening of a studio in Montreuil, France. It later became their administrative and commercial head office, even as the company continues to register its headquarters in Rennes. Ubisoft became a publicly traded company in 1996 and continued its expansion around the globe, opening locations in Annecy, Shanghai, Milan, and Montreal.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Ubisoft committed itself to online games by supporting Uru: Ages Beyond Myst, The Matrix Online, and the European and Chinese operation of EverQuest. The publisher established an online division. However, in February 2004, Ubisoft canceled the online portion of Uru and backed out of the publishing deal on The Matrix Online.
The company is noted for its teams of female game developers/testers, known as the Frag Dolls.
In March 2001, Gores Technology Group sold The Learning Company's entertainment division (which includes games originally published by Brøderbund, Mattel, Mindscape and Strategic Simulations, Inc.) to them. The sale included the rights to intellectual properties such as the Myst and Prince of Persia series. In July 2006, Ubisoft bought the Driver franchise from Atari for a sum of €19 million in cash for the franchise, technology rights, and most assets. In July 2008, Ubisoft made the acquisition of Hybride Technologies, a Montreal-based studio renowned for its expertise in the creation of visual effects for cinema, television, and advertising. In November 2008, Ubisoft acquired Massive Entertainment from Activision. In January 2013, Ubisoft acquired South Park: The Stick of Truth from THQ for $3.265 million.
In December 2004, rival gaming corporation Electronic Arts purchased a 19.9% stake in the firm, an action Ubisoft referred to as "hostile" on EA's part.
Ubisoft announced plans in 2013 to invest $373 million into its Quebec operations over seven years, a move that will generate 500 additional jobs in the province. The publisher is investing in the expansion of its motion capture technologies and consolidating its online games operations and infrastructure in Montreal. The significant investment is expected to generate 500 jobs in Quebec over a seven-year period. By 2020, the company will employ more than 3,500 staff at its studios in Montreal and Quebec City.
In March 2015, the company set up a Consumer Relationship Centre in Newcastle upon Tyne. The centre is intended to integrate consumer support teams and community managers. Consumer Support and Community Management teams at the CRC are operational seven days a week.
In October 2015, French mass media company Vivendi bought a 6% stake in Ubisoft. In February 2016, Ubisoft's Yves Guillemot and his brother asked for more Canadian investors, to help prevent a hostile takeover by Vivendi. Earlier in the month, a hostile bid worth €500 million on Gameloft, by Vivendi's chairman Vincent Bolloré raised their stake in Ubisoft to 15%. As of September 2016, Vivendi has increased its holds to 22.8% controlling stake in Ubisoft.
Rainbow Six Siege
Rainbow Six Siege is a first person tactical shooter video game created by Ubisoft Montreal and has been released on Windows, Playstation 4 and Xbox. The game primarily revolves around one team of 5 defending an objective and one team of 5 attacking that objective and attempting to complete it. Main game play features are in depth environmental destruction, special operators from different companies that also each have their own specialize gadget that change the way they change their play style and the wide varieties of maps to play on. Siege first released in 2015 and has gained more popularity over the years and continued updates from Ubisoft although it had a flawed initial release that left many players wondering if the game would be abandoned or not and Ubisoft stuck with Rainbow Six Siege and continued updating the game and growing the community to this day.
Game Play
One of the main features that differentiates Siege is the destruction system that lets players breach through walls using explosive charges, shoot through soft walls, create new angles by opening peek holes, breaking hatches to go down to the next floor, breaking and jumping out windows and even shooting through the floor. This also means that map knowledge is incredibly important in siege as knowing where certain attackers or defenders might be holding positions or flanking is key to winning rounds and being able to go through certain walls creates innumerable ways to attack or defend certain sites. The main game mode that a majority of players choose is bombsite which consists of a defending team who's job is to defend the two bombsites that are located near each other on the map and the attacking team who's job is to defuse the bomb by planting a defusing device on either of the two sites and successfully defending the defuser or eliminating all defenders on the map.
Operators are playable characters within the game that have specialized gadgets that let them defend or attack in different ways and having your team select operators that complement each other will provide a huge advantage in defending or attacking. Operators are also separated into attackers and defenders. There are common gadgets that are given to all operators such as defending gadgets given a variety of defenders barbwire, bulletproof cameras, nitro cells, deployable shields, and impact grenades. For attacker common gadgets there are breaching charges, frag grenades, remote drones, flash bangs, smoke grenades and claymores. These common gadgets are important to utilize to gain an advantage in round by either slowing to other team down, eliminating an enemy, gathering Intel, or protecting an area. Unique gadgets are specific to each operator allowing for new ways each player can attack or defend a site. Some examples are Ash an FBI attacker operator who can use her gadget to shoot a breaching round that will destroy soft walls and defender gadgets from a distance or Maestro a GIS Italian defender operator who can put down Evil Eye cameras that allow him to use them as a surveillance device that can also open up to shoot electric charges that will damage enemies and their gadgets.
Monetary Model
A part of the reason Siege has been so successful is that the game goes on sale and frequently has free to play weekends where new players can get the base game with a solid amount of operators at a discounted price. Rainbow Six Siege most monetizes cosmetics such as outfits for the operators or skins for the weapons in the game and this end up being very consumer friendly as players don't gain a in game advantage from spending more money. Recently Siege has also implemented battle passes which also only contain cosmetic items for player and is a relatively consumer friendly model as it only requires players to play the game to earn tiers within the pass allowing them to get free items, although there is a premium version of the pass containing more cosmetics items, but none of the items affect gameplay. Rainbow Six Siege has strictly stuck with cosmetic only purchases and season passes containing new operators and those new operators are completely attainable without spending real money through reknown which is a in game currency gained through playing matches.
Tom Clancy's The Division 2
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 is an RPG shooter with the campaign, co-op, and PvP modes that offer challenges, missions, and new progression systems with unique twists and surprises. Ubisoft developed Part 2 of Tom Clancy's series which had great success in previous years. Part 2 of the game is the continuation of the events during the summer of Washington, D.C., 7 months after the events of the Dollar Flu, which took place in the winter in NYC. After battling the Green Poison outbreak in NYC, the virus has now spread to Washington, D.C which caused chaos and attacks on the Pentagon and National Mall, followed by the kidnappings of important government personnel. Riots, cutting off the supply lines, forming of different armed communities, while the criminals developing their own factions and raiding these communities for supply and control added heatwave to more problems. Your overall objective is to take back Washington D.C and take bake major Control Points to void the violence that surrendered the city. The exceptional graphics and gameplay gained high appreciation in the gaming world. After the game was published, Ubisoft is constantly updating, expanding, and adding features to giving players a reason to play their game. The game is available on every gaming platform and is priced at $29.99.
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed is an action-adventure video game series created by Ubisoft that consists of nine main games and a number of supporting materials. The games have appeared on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, OS X, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, iOS, HP webOS, Android, Nokia Symbian Windows Phone platforms, and Wii U.
The games are set in a fictional history of real-world events and follow the centuries-old struggle between the Assassins, who fight for peace with free will, and the Templars, who desire peace through control. The main games in the franchise were developed by Ubisoft Montreal for the single player and Ubisoft Annecy for the multiplayer, with the handheld titles developed by Gameloft and Gryptonite Studios, with additional development by Ubisoft Montreal. The series has been well received by the public and critics and has sold over 93 million copies as of June 2015, becoming Ubisoft's best selling franchise. The series took inspiration from the novel Alamut by the Slovenian writer Vladimir Bartol while building upon concepts from the Prince of Persia series.
The Assassin's Creed games primarily revolve around the rivalry between two ancient secret societies: the Assassins and the Knights Templar, and their indirect relation to an ancient species pre-dating humanity, whose society, along with much of Earth's biosphere, was destroyed by a massive solar storm. The games' real-world chronological setting begins in the year 2012, and features Desmond Miles, a bartender who is a descendant of several lines of prominent Assassins; though raised as an Assassin, he left his nomadic family to seek out a more common lifestyle. He is initially kidnapped by the megacorporation Abstergo Industries, the modern-day face of the Knights Templar, who are aware of Desmond's ancestral lineage. Desmond is forced to use the "Animus", a device that allows him to experience his "ancestral memories". Abstergo is seeking to discover the location of several artifacts, or the "Pieces of Eden", that hold great power, to control mankind and alter its fate, bringing humanity into one single unified group. Desmond also encounters a small team of modern-day Assassins; agreeing to work with them, Desmond uses their version of the Animus (the Animus 2.0) to continue to experience the memories of his ancestors to discover the locations of additional Pieces of Eden so they can be recovered before Abstergo can do so. While experiencing these memories, some of their abilities are genetically leaked into Desmond, known as the Bleeding Effect, giving him some of the Assassin skills of his predecessors at the cost of living with multiple sets of memories and personalities in his mind.
Within the Animus, Desmond explores the memories of a number of Assassins, including Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, an initially disgraced Assassin working to redeem himself during the Third Crusade; Ezio Auditore da Firenze, an Assassin in Italy during the late 15th and early 16th centuries of the Italian Renaissance, and Ratohnhaké:ton, otherwise known as Connor, a half-Mohawk, half-British Assassin during the American Revolution. Throughout these events, Desmond learns of allusions to the prophetic end of the world in 2012 from a former Animus test subject, Subject 16: the event turns out to be a repeat of the disaster which wiped out the ancient civilization, and he finds out that his memories hold the key to Earth's surviving the second storm. During his experiences, Desmond is aided by holographic projections of three of the ancient race's rulers: Jupiter, Minerva, and Juno. After Desmond dies to ensure Earth's survival, his memories, which have survived in cyberspace, are accessed by Abstergo, which hires a new subject to enter the Animus. The new subject relives the memories of Edward Kenway, Ratohnhaké: ton's grandfather and a privateer-turned-pirate during the British colonial years.
While the game is presented through protagonist Desmond Miles, the bulk of the game is played as Desmond experiences the memories of his ancestors through an advanced device called the Animus. This provides a means of a diegetic interface, showing Desmond's ancestor's health, equipment, goals, and other features as part of the Animus interface. The Animus is based on the player controlling the assassin to maintain the synchronization between Desmond and his ancestor's memories. Performing actions that go against the Assassin's way or dying breaks the synchronization, effectively requiring the player to restart at a previous checkpoint. Furthermore, the player cannot explore outside areas that the assassin has not experienced yet. There are also abnormalities within the Animus from previous users of the device.
While playing as the Assassin characters, the games are generally presented as third-person in an open world, focusing on stealth and free-running. The games use a mission structure to follow the main story, generally assigning the player to complete an assassination of public figureheads or a covert mission. Alternatively, several side missions are available, such as mapping out the expansive cities from a high perch followed by performing a "leap of faith" into a haystack below, collecting treasures hidden across the cities, exploring ruins for relics, building a brotherhood of assassins to perform other tasks, or funding the rebuilding of a city through purchasing and upgrading of shops and other features. At times, the player is in direct control of Desmond, who by nature of the Animus use has learned Assassin techniques through the bleeding effect, as well as their genetic ability of Eagle Vision, which separates friend, foe and assassination targets by illuminating people in different colors. Through the Animus interface, the player can go back to retry any past mission already completed; for example, in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, the player achieves better synchronization results by performing the mission in a specific manner such as by only killing the mission's target.
The games use the concept of "active" versus "passive" moves, with "active" moves, such as running, climbing the sides of buildings, or jumping between rooftops, more likely to alert the attention of nearby guards. When the guards become alerted, the player must either fight them or break their line of sight and locate a hiding place, such as a haystack or a well, and wait until the guards' alert is reduced. The combat system allows for a number of unique weapons, armor, and moves, including the use of a hidden blade set in a bracer on the Assassin's arm, and which also can be used to quietly assassinate targets.
Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. is an American video game developer and publisher founded on February 8, 1991, under the name Silicon & Synapse by three graduates of UCLA, Michael Morhaime, Allen Adham, and Frank Pearce and is currently a subsidiary of American company Activision Blizzard. Based in Irvine, California, the company originally concentrated primarily on the creation of game ports for other studios before beginning development of their own software in 1993 with the development of games like Rock n' Roll Racing and The Lost Vikings. In 1994 the company became Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. before being acquired by distributor Davidson & Associates and later by Vivendi. Shortly thereafter, Blizzard shipped their breakthrough hit Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. Blizzard went on to create several successful video games, including the Warcraft sequels, StarCraft, and Diablo series, and the MMORPG World of Warcraft. Their most recent projects include Diablo III, World of Warcraft's fourth expansion, Mists of Pandaria, and the first expansion of StarCraft II, Heart of the Swarm. [156]
On July 9, 2008, Activision officially merged with Vivendi Games, culminating in the inclusion of the Blizzard brand name in the title of the resulting holding company.[4] On July 25, 2013, Activision Blizzard announced the purchase of 429 million shares from owner Vivendi. As a result, Activision Blizzard became an independent company.[5] Blizzard Entertainment offers events to meet players and to announce games: the BlizzCon in California, United States, and the Blizzard Worldwide Invitational in other countries, such as Paris, France, and Seoul, South Korea.
Blizzard Entertainment was founded by Michael Morhaime, Allen Adham, and Frank Pearce as Silicon & Synapse on February 8th, 1991, a year after all three had received their bachelor's degrees from UCLA. [157] In the early days the company focused on creating game ports for other studios. Ports include titles such as J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. I and Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess. In 1993, the company developed games such as Rock n' Roll Racing and The Lost Vikings (published by Interplay Productions). [158]
In early 1994 they were acquired by distributor Davidson & Associates for $6.75 million.[159] The same year the company briefly changed its name to Chaos Studios, before finally settling on Blizzard Entertainment after it was discovered that another company with the Chaos name already existed.[160] Shortly thereafter, Blizzard shipped their breakthrough hit Warcraft: Orcs & Humans.
Blizzard has changed hands several times since then: Davidson was acquired along with Sierra On-Line by a company called CUC International in 1996; CUC then merged with a hotel, real-estate, and car-rental franchiser called HFS Corporation to form Cendant in 1997. In 1998 it became apparent that CUC had engaged in accounting fraud for years before the merger; Cendant's stock lost 80% of its value over the next six months in the ensuing widely discussed accounting scandal. The company sold its consumer software operations, Sierra On-line which included Blizzard, to French publisher Havas in 1998, the same year Havas was purchased by Vivendi. Blizzard was part of the Vivendi Games group of Vivendi. In July 2008 Vivendi Games merged with Activision, using Blizzard's name in the resulting company, Activision Blizzard.
In 1996, Blizzard acquired Condor Games, which had been working on the game Diablo for Blizzard at the time. Condor was renamed Blizzard North and has since developed hit games Diablo, Diablo II, and its expansion pack Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Blizzard North was located in San Mateo, California; the company originated in Redwood City, California.
Blizzard launched their online gaming service in January 1997 with the release of their action-RPG Diablo. In 2002, Blizzard was able to reacquire rights for three of its earlier Silicon & Synapse titles from Interplay Entertainment and re-release them under Game Boy Advance.[161] In 2004, Blizzard opened European offices in the Paris suburb of Vélizy, Yvelines, France, responsible for the European in-game support of World of Warcraft. On November 23, 2004, Blizzard released World of Warcraft, its MMORPG offering. On May 16, 2005, Blizzard announced the acquisition of Swingin' Ape Studios, a video game developer which had been developing StarCraft: Ghost. The company was then merged into Blizzard's other teams after StarCraft: Ghost was 'postponed indefinitely'. On August 1, 2005, Blizzard announced the consolidation of Blizzard North into the headquarters at 131 Theory in UC Irvine's University Research Park in Irvine, California. In 2008, Blizzard moved their headquarters to 16215 Alton Parkway in Irvine, California.
World of Warcraft was the fourth released game set in the fantasy Warcraft universe, which was first introduced by Warcraft: Orcs & Humans in 1994.[162] Blizzard announced World of Warcraft on September 2, 2001.[163] The game was released on November 23, 2004, on the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise.
The first expansion set of the game, The Burning Crusade, was released on January 16, 2007. The second expansion set, Wrath of the Lich King, was released on November 13, 2008. The third expansion set, Cataclysm entered into closed beta testing in late June 2010 and was released to the public on December 7, 2010.[164]
With more than 10 million monthly subscriptions in October 2010,[165] World of Warcraft is currently the world's most-subscribed MMORPG and holds the Guinness World Record for the most popular MMORPG by subscribers.[166] In April 2008, World of Warcraft was estimated to hold 62 percent of the MMORPG subscription market. In 2008, Blizzard was honored at the 59th Annual Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards for the creation of World of Warcraft. Mike Morhaime accepted the award.
As the website Gamasutra in February 2012 writes, Blizzard Entertainment will lay off around 600 employees "in order to address the changing needs of our company", as the Blizzard CEO and co-founder Mike Morhaime in a statement said. [167] Blizzard has an office in Austin, Texas as well as in numerous countries around the globe. As of 2012 Blizzard has 4,700 employees across 11 cities, including nearly 1,700 located at their headquarters in Irvine, California.[168]
See Starcraft
World of Warcraft
Overwatch is a first-person shooter game by Blizzard. It has gone through various Beta Phases which has allowed players to get an early sneak peek into the game. This type of game is a far stretch from the usual RTS style games that Blizzard Entertainment generally develops however, it has gained much hype and attention ever since being unveiled during 2014's Blizzcon. The game was released on May 24, 2016, and the game features 29 playable characters. Some which may see the resemblance with Team Fortress 2 and it is in fact quite similar allowing players to have various play modes including capture the flag and team deathmatch. Overwatch also sports its own game modes such as Assault, Escort, Hybrid and Control maps. Overwatch is also has a class-based character system which composes of Damage, Tank, and Support. It is a team based game and is available on Windows, Xbox One, and the PlayStation 4. [169]
Overwatch heroes can be broken down into three types: Damage, Tanks, and Supports. Damage heroes are also known as "DPS" are heroes who specialize in dealing damage, these heroes have a wide array of abilities which allows them to eliminate the enemy heroes. Tanks are heroes who specialize in taking damage and creating space for their teammates with the use of shields or other unique abilities they may have. Tanks enable their teammates to contest points and to push through choke points. Support heroes are heroes who specialize in healing their teammates. If a heroes health drops to zero, a hero is eliminated. In order to prevent this; a healer can restore health and provide other forms of support to their teammates. Supports are the backbone of any team which allows their teammates to fight on. [170]
Overwatch's game mode known as competitive ranked is a game mode where player competes to gain rank. The ranks are split into eight different ranks which is separated by "SR" or skill rating. "SR" is earned after a win and lost when a player loses a match. The eight ranks are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Masters, Grandmaster and Top 500. It is noted that top 500 players do not have to be in Grandmaster but rather in the top 500 of the pool of eligible players. [171]
Overwatch League
With the success of Overwatch, Blizzard announced a competitive esports for it known as Overwatch league. Overwatch league is an international esports league where players around the world form teams to compete against each other for prize pools and glory. Teams are formed under organizations who are responsible for the player’s accommodations. In total, there are 20 teams who play in two divisions(Atlantic and Pacific). After the group stage which spans over a couple of weeks; the top eight teams are set to play against each to be stage champions. After four stages, the best six teams in total will compete in playoffs to be crowned the season champion. The season one champion is the London Spitfire. [172]
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm is a MOBA game also known as a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game. It is a fairly new game that was released on June 2, 2015.[173]
It is a game that is still developing with many new maps still to come out. It is a game that includes many of your favorite characters from various Blizzard games such as Diablo, Starcraft, and Warcraft. It is a MOBA game that is in a class of its own. It takes on a different perspective to build your character from the traditional method of buying items and dominating a lane. Currently, the game has 44 Heroes. This is a game that involves much more of a team effort in order to achieve victory in a match. The mechanics of this game involves building your characters through choosing a multitude of talents that you chose upon leveling up during the game. Another key difference to the game is that the experience gained during a match is shared. Everyone on the same team is the same level. Therefore it is key for teams to have Heroes in each lane so that they will gain experience effectively. The outcome of the game can be determined by just being behind a couple of levels.
Heroes of the Storm is a team based game where everyone on your team levels up at the same rate. There aren't any items to buy or currency used during the game with the exception of one map known as Blackhearts Bay. There are two teams of 5 that are pitted against each other and the first team to take out one's core wins the match. It is not encouraged that you go into fights alone. You need to engage in team fights with the same amount of people or more preferably. You have your basic controls where you move your Hero by right-clicking the spot where you want to go to on the screen. You also have your basic spells using Q, W, E and sometimes even D for certain Heroes. Finally, when your team reaches level 10 you unlock an ability known as an ultimate which is your most powerful spell. The R key is used for your ultimate. It usually provides the team with a lot of help where it may do tons of damage to the other team, heal your entire team greatly, shield your team from an attack, call forth minions to help fight for your cause and much more. However, to cast these spells, you need to use mana for the most part with the exception of a few Heroes. Heroes have a limited amount of mana just like they do with hit points. This prevents the caster from using a particular spell so many times. Also when a spell is used there is a period of time where the caster has to wait before he/she can use the spell again. This is known as a cooldown. The more powerful the spell the longer the caster has to wait before being able to use the spell again. Ultimate abilities usually have the longest cooldown. Z is called mount where the Hero can ride on an animal or object so that they can get around the map faster. However, they need to be careful because they are vulnerable to attacks. B is used to go back to base so heroes can recover their mana and hit points. V is used to signal for a retreat. The G key can be used in 4 different ways. When one clicks G and left clicks on the screen there will be four options. One can signal for assistance, tell allies that you are on your way, the area is dangerous and lastly to defend an ally or a structure. Lastly, the most important part of the game is leveling. Leveling is important for a couple of reasons. One reason is that to build the talents you need to get to certain levels. You get talents at level's 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 20. Usually, the team that is the higher level will win team fights so it's important to stay ahead. [174]
The maps that are currently in Heroes of the Storm are: -Tomb of the Spider Queen -Blackheart's Bay -Cursed Hollow -Dragon Shire -Haunted Mines -Garden of Terror -Sky Temple -Infernal Shrines -Battlefield of Eternity -Towers of Doom [175]
In Heroes of the Storm there are 4 different classes. Those 4 classes are Assassin, Warriors, Specialists and Supports. Each of these classes involve a subdivision of Melee, Ranged and Regular. [176]
Assassin: This category of classes involves three different types of Assassins. You have your ranged assassin, regular assassin, and a melee assassin. Ranged assassins attack enemy Heroes and Minions with spells, guns, bows, hammers and much more from a distance. Regular assassins have a shorter range than their ranged counterparts but have a farther reach then your melee assassins. The melee assassin usually uses a sword, knife, hammer or any kind of object that must be used at close range. The assassin's job in Heroes of the Storm (HOTS for short) is to deal incredible amounts of damage. They are there solely to take out enemies and minion waves quickly so that their team can level up faster than the opposing team. Heroes like Kael'thus, Kerrigan, Zeratul, Valla, Jaina are all high DPS (Damage Per Second) dealers which can wipe out other Heroes at a fast rate. However, the downside to having so much damage potential is the sparse hit points that assassins have. Assassins can be killed quickly on the battlefield if their positioning is poor. They can easily be stunned and mobbed by 2 enemy Heroes and be killed instantaneously. That is why there are other characters in the game to protect assassins from dying quickly.[177]
Warriors: Warriors are vital to a teams success on the battlefield. They are somewhat opposite of the assassin class. Warriors are also known as tanks. They are meant to stay in the front lines of the battlefield. They are the ones who have the most hit points which means that their role is to protect the assassins and other allies from being killed on the battlefield. Warriors try to stay in front of their allies so they can remain healthy and continue to push their lanes. Warriors also have the ability to stun or even slow enemies from escaping from team fights. Warriors would stun the enemy then the assassins would jump in with the kill because the enemy is not able to escape in time before he/she is killed. Heroes like Muradin, ETC, Diablo, and Stitches have stuns that can help teams win team fights if the stuns are properly used. [178]
Support: Supports are Heroes that also protects Allies by healing them, providing them shields and also empower their abilities while slowing the enemy team with different abilities such as slows, stuns, silences, and even damage. Supports are not used for damage dealing. For the most part, they heal their allies to reduce the number of times from having to go back to their respective bases or to fountains to recover their hit points. Support characters can also aid allies by revealing cloaked enemies such as Zeratul and Nova. Support heroes are important to have on your team because they have a multitude of skills that can really aid allies in team fights. A Hero known as Uther can is versatile because he brings so many skills to the table. He has the ability to heal, shield, stun, shrink, cleanse and even make allies and himself Invincible meaning that you or the allied hero takes no damage for a limited amount of time. This gives them the opportunity to escape fights where they may be low on hit points. [179]
Specialists: Specialists are different from the first three classes. They are in a class of their own. Their job is to lanes by destroying cannons and keeps in order to help the team to gain experience. They have skills that are known as AOE( Area of Effect) where they can place a cannon of their own or damage minions, cannons, enemies and keeps at a safe distance. They are also important in a team fight but their main job is to push lanes to gain experience and keep their team ahead of the enemy team in experience.
Diablo is an action role-playing hack and slash video game developed by Blizzard North and released by Blizzard Entertainment on December 31, 1996.[180]
Set in the fictional Kingdom of Khanduras, located in the world of Sanctuary, Diablo has the player take control of a lone hero battling to rid the world of Diablo, the Lord of Terror. Beneath the town of Tristram, the player journeys through sixteen dungeon levels, ultimately entering Hell itself in order to face Diablo.
An expansion pack entitled Diablo: Hellfire, was released in 1997, although it was not created by Blizzard Entertainment. In 1998 Blizzard released Diablo for the PlayStation.[181] this version featured direct control of the main character using the PlayStation controller and was developed by Climax. This was followed by a sequel, Diablo II, in 2000, and a third game, Diablo III, was released on May 15, 2012.
Diablo is an action role-playing, hack and slash video game. The player moves and interacts with the environment primarily by way of a pointing device. Other actions, such as casting a spell, are performed in response to keyboard inputs. The player can acquire items, learn abilities, defeat enemies, and interact with NPCs throughout the entire game. [182]
Diablo has three character classes: the warrior, the rogue, and the sorcerer. Each class has a different set of assigned attributes along with a unique skill. Although each class is capable of using almost all of the same items and spells, a class defined skills and attributes reward play that utilizes them efficiently.
Warrior: The Warrior is the most physically able of the three classes.[183] The Warrior is a close-quarters fighter and can generally take the most physical punishment. The Warrior's primary character attribute is Strength.[184] The Warrior starts with the skill to repair objects in his possession at the cost of overall durability. Rogue: The Rogue is a master of ranged weapons. While not as strong as the Warrior, the rogue is very effective at attacking enemies from a distance. The Rogue's primary character attribute is Dexterity.[185] The Rogue's unique starting skill is the ability to disarm traps.[186] Sorcerer: The Sorcerer is a spellcaster. The sorcerers is the most physically weak of the three classes but can learn the most spells at the highest levels. The Sorcerer's primary character attribute is Magic. The Sorcerer's unique starting skill is the ability to recharge some magical weapons.[187]
In the expansion set, Diablo: Hellfire, the Monk was added. Two other characters, the Bard and Barbarian', were hidden characters in Diablo: Hellfire. [188]
Redfox is a software developing company formed in Belize. They host many online pc games on their websites which can be downloaded and played on PC. They include well-played games all around the world. Some examples would be Rumble Fighter, Cloud 9, Battle for the Throne, and Legend of Ares. They serve as a way to rebirth games that are dying or died out. They take the games and add new updates to it making it more exquisitely fun to play.
Rumble Fighter
Rumble fighter was a former ogplanet game but after it died out then Redfox bought the game and rebooted it. Rumble fighter is a 3-dimensional game that consists of gameplay with other users playing at the same time from different places of the world. It gives users and players to connect together through this new media. The game includes fighting scrolls based on real life-fighting styles like Muay Thai, Boxing, and Karate. The game also includes exocores which are special powers you can use. For example, a player can transform into a wolf. The games are based on different maps and game play.
Rockstar Games
Rockstar Games is a video game company that produces innovative and interactive content. They were founded in 1998. Rockstar Games is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, INC. Their most famous creations include the Grand Theft Auto series, Red Dead Redemption series, Max Payne series, Midnight Club series, L.A. Noire, and Bully [189]. They continue to make updates to current games and work on future title releases.
Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto, which is known as GTA. It was first created and developed by DMA Design and published by Windows. It simulates reality, which gives users a new experience playing video games. GTA mainly gives the user a character to stray from the guiding mission structure. You could fight, steal a car, shoot at other non-player characters. Basically, you can do whatever you want in this game. This game makes everything real and alive. For instance, Pedestrians wander around the street, cars obediently follow the traffic light. [190] In addition, non-player characters will ask you question sometimes. Meanwhile, you can go to a higher level by completing the mission. It game was very successful. It was created for single-player and played in PC. Then, users can play GTA series 2 and 3 in PSP and other devices. After GTA 3 was published, it was sold over 10 million units. It was on the top 15 million sales around the world, which now exceed 65 million copies. This game is one of the earliest games that used virtual reality element in gaming. Due to advanced technology in 1990s and early 2000s, the qualify was not as good as today. However, it was innovative to use reality’s environment in the game. It was a breaking point.
The most recent version, GTA 5, combines single player and online mode, which enable players to interact with other players. The goal of this game is the same, which is completing heist or other missions to earn money in order to buy or modify weapons, cars, garage, and houses. The more difficult the heist mission, the more money they can earn, but it requires more unique skills in order to complete the mission. [191] In single-player mode, user can control three characters, Michael De Santa, Trevor Philips and Franklin Clinton. Those three characters are criminals who interconnect when the user is completing missions. [192] While when players are not in the mission whether it’s single-player mode or online mode, they can do whatever they want in this virtual city.
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a Western-themed action-adventure game developed and published by Rockstar Games. It is a prequel to the 2010 game Red Dead Redemption. The story of Red Dead Redemption began in 1911 which the protagonist John Marston was forced by federal authorities to capture or kill members of his old crew, Dutch’s Gang. Red Dead Redemption 2 follows the story of outlaw Arthur Morgan, a member of the Van der Linde gang, and also details the time of a younger John Marston in the same gang and his eventual departure. [193]
Red Dead Redemption 2 was released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 26, 2018. It was universally acclaimed by critics and gamers, who praised the story, characters, open world, and considerable level of detail. The game generated $725 million in worldwide retail sell-through over just three days. It also set PlayStation Network records for full game pre-orders, day-one sales, and three-day sales. [194]
Activision is also a well known American video game publisher. It currently serves as the publishing business for its parent company, Activision Blizzard, and consists of several subsidiary studios. Activision is one of the largest third-party video game publishers in the world and was the top United States publisher in 2016. It was founded on October 1, 1979 by David Crane, Larry Kaplan, Alan Miller, Bob Whitehead, and Jim Levy.
Call of Duty
Call of Duty is a first-person shooter video game franchise published by Activision. Starting out in 2003, it first focused on games set in World War II. Over time, the series has seen games set in the midst of the Cold War, futuristic worlds, and outer space. The games were first developed by Infinity Ward, then also by Treyarch and Sledgehammer Games. Several spin-off and handheld games were made by other developers. The most recent title, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, was released on November 13, 2020. The Call of Duty franchise has such a huge impact on the gaming community and is one of the most reputable games on the market. There's tons of fans who love the Call of Duty series and there are pro-players who compete for prizes and championships.
Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts, Inc. (EA), also known as EA Games, is an American developer, marketer, publisher and distributor of video games headquartered in Redwood City, California. Founded and incorporated on May 28, 1982, by Trip Hawkins, the company was a pioneer of the early home computer games industry and was notable for promoting the designers and programmers responsible for its games. In 2011, Electronic Arts was the world's third-largest gaming company by revenue after Nintendo, Activision, and Blizzard.
Battlefield Series
Battlefield is a series of first-person shooter video games that started out on Microsoft Windows and OS X with its debut video game, Battlefield 1942, which was released in 2002. The series is developed by Swedish company EA Digital Illusions CE (DICE) and is published by American company Electronic Arts. The series features a particular focus on large maps, teamwork and vehicle warfare than most other first-person shooters. The PC games in the series are mainly focused on online multiplayer. The Battlefield series has been played by more than 50 million players worldwide as of 2012, across 11 games and 12 expansion packs released since its inception in 2002. The series' music has a recognizable 6-beat sting.
Battlefield series games usually focus on large, online multiplayer battles, but the series will contain a new Cops-vs-Robbers theme with the release of Battlefield Hardline. This new title will likely not have nearly the emphasis on piloting vehicles as previous titles have, yet there will still be a number of vehicles as well as team-based infantry combat. Playing in squads has also become a major element of games in the series.
With the release of Battlefield 1 in 2016, the game will have more of a focus of having a World War 1 theme, multiplayer, and single-player campaign. This has a much more different feel to it considering it is unlike any other Battlefield game before. The games, maps, and guns will feature those of World War 1. A multiplayer game can feature up to 64 players in one game which is a jump from a previous 32 maximum player games in the previous years.
Mass Effect Series
Mass Effect is a science fiction action role-playing third-person shooter video game series developed by the Canadian company BioWare and released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Microsoft Windows, with the third installment also released on the Wii U. The original trilogy largely revolves around a soldier named Commander Shepard, whose mission is to save the galaxy from a race of powerful mechanical beings known as the Reapers and their agents, including the first game's antagonist Saren Arterius. The first game sees Shepard investigating Saren, whom Shepard slowly comes to understand is operating under the guidance of Sovereign, a Reaper left behind in the Milky Way tens of thousands of years before, when the Reapers exterminated virtually all sentient organic life in the galaxy as part of a recurrent cycle of genocide for an unknown purpose. Sovereign's purpose is to trigger the imminent return of the Reaper fleet hibernating in extra-galactic dark space, restarting the process of extermination. The second game takes place two years later, and sees Shepard battling the Collectors, an alien race abducting entire human colonies in a plan to help the Reapers return to the Milky Way. The final game of Shepard's trilogy centers on the war waging against the Reapers.
The next installment will take place in the Andromeda Galaxy and feature a new cast of characters.
All of the first three major installments of the Mass Effect series have been met with commercial success as well as critical acclaim. The series is highly regarded for its narrative, character development, voice acting, universe and emphasis on player choice affecting the experience.
The Sims
The Sims is a life simulation video game series, developed by EA Maxis and published by Electronic Arts. It is one of the best-selling video games series of all time. As of September 2013, the franchise has sold more than 175 million copies worldwide.[1]
The series was created by Maxis before the series moved to The Sims Studio between 2006 and 2008. The Sims Studio then reintegrated into the new EA Maxis label in 2012.
The games in The Sims series are largely sandbox games, in that they lack any defined goals (except for some later expansion packs and console versions which introduced this gameplay style). The player creates virtual people called "Sims" and places them in houses and helps direct their moods and satisfy their desires. Players can either place their Sims in pre-constructed homes or build them themselves. Each successive expansion pack and game in the series augmented what the player could do with their Sims.
Electronic Arts SPORTS
Madden NFL Series
Madden NFL (known as John Madden Football before 1993) is an American football video game series developed by Electronic Arts Tiburon for EA Sports. It is named after Pro Football Hall of Famer John Madden, a well-known former Super Bowl-winning coach of the Oakland Raiders and color commentator. The series has sold more than 100 million copies and influenced many players and coaches of the physical sport. Among the game's realistic features are sophisticated playbooks and player statistics, and voice commentary that allows players to hear the game as if it were a real TV broadcast.
Electronic Arts founder Trip Hawkins conceived the series and approached Madden in 1984 for his endorsement and expertise. Because of Madden's insistence that the game be as realistic as possible, the first version of John Madden Football did not appear until 1988. EA has released annual versions since 1990, and the series' name changed to Madden NFL in 1993 after EA acquired the rights to use NFL teams and players. Despite Madden's retirement as a broadcaster in 2009, he continues to lend his name to and provide expertise for the game. The most current update of the game, Madden NFL 19, has sold over 130 million copies since the game debuted in 1988, setting a record. [195]
New Media in Madden NFL
The application of new media is extremely versatile as new features of the game have been added which implement uses of chat-boxes among players that are online as well as being able to play online with strangers with a possibility to add them as "friends" in hopes of connecting once again for a re-match. features such as friend requests through gaming devices like X-Box and PS4 allow users to interact with one another as well as build their teams from scratch to compete against one another and hopefully emerge victorious. Online modes and special limited-time features also allow for players to create a community online with other players of similar skillset or team interests as themselves and this interaction strengthens their loyalty to the game as well as the sport. A positive aspect of online gaming of e-sports like Madden is that it allows anyone of any demographic to experience the journey of players on the field and supports a digital experience of being in a real NFL game with the lights, the crowds, and the fans cheering all while you push your team to victory.
Madden Curse
The Madden curse is widely known as the Madden cover jinx. It basically states that the cover athlete that appears on the cover for that year will have a bad performance due to poor play or injuries the season after. Players including Michael Vick, Brett Farve, Shaun Alexander, and Donovan McNabb have been struck by this curse as a result of their injuries and poor play the subsequent season after the covers to the Madden games are released. Only a few players have been able to avoid this curse with the likes of Calvin Johnson from Madden 13 and Odell Bechkham Jr, from Madden 16. They had monstrous seasons after their covers released. The cover of the newest Madden 17 is Rob Gronkowski. He also has been plagued by injuries to start the season and is another victim of the Madden Curse. We have to wait and find out if the Madden curse lives on in the upcoming years. [196]
FIFA Series
The EA Sports FIFA series was developed by Electronic Arts Canada and to this day it is still developed by EA Canada. The FIFA series started in 1993 with its first title called FIFA International Soccer. During its early stages, the game primary market was Europe. Ever since 1993 EA has released a FIFA game each year. It wasn't until 1995 when EA Sports released FIFA 96 with authentic league, teams, and even player name. It was a breakthrough for the FIFA series. By having authenticity it attracts more players. Everyone wanted to play as their favorite team and EA Sport enabled games to do so. By FIFA 2000 the official North America League (MLS) was in the game. This also attracted to gamers especially gamers in the western hemisphere. As technology became better the producers of the FIFA series have been able to improve the games each year. It wasn't until FIFA 11 when the series skyrocketed. Just in 2010, FIFA 11 was able to sell over 100 million of units.[197]The following year, FIFA 12 became the fastest game sold within a week.[198] As each year goes the franchise has been setting record year after year.
FIFA Game Modes
At its beginning stage, the FIFA series had few teams in its game. When EA finally got FIFpro license they had the right to start including official teams and official player names. With that capacity, it started to grow more and more as the year passed by. Currently, in FIFA 17 they have over 30 playable leagues and over 650 playable teams.[199]With so many leagues, teams, and players to pick from, EA Sports has let the user play different modes like Career Mode, Pro Club, Online mode, and much more. These playable modes have enabled users to interact, create, decide, play with people around the world.
Career Mode
During its early stage, EA didn't include many teams like in today's game. They didn't game mode they just had 1vs1. Ever since EA received the licensing deal and they have been able to create different game modes. One being Career mode. If the gamer decides to play career mode they had two different ways to play career mode. You had the option to either play as a Manager or play as a player. If the user decided to go through the player career mode, they had the option to pick a real player or create its own player. The gamer has a lot of different ways to customize their player. They are able to choose different hairstyles, accessories, and even the position you most desire to play. EA sport even allowed gamers to upload pictures of their face from a different angle and then later it will be doing this by using a system call GameFace. It was a unique system but for its latest establishment (FIFA 17) it has been taken down.
If you decided to go and play as a manager you had the opportunity to choose any team from around the world and manage them to glory. As a manager, you had the opportunity to buy/sell a player. Send scouts out and look for future stars, manage the youth system, control the finance of the team. Most importantly you chose the team and how to play against the opposition. The gave even let you pick from many different formations and even give specific direction to certain players.
Pro Club
Pro Club is a unique mode in the FIFA series. It allows you to create a player and play with other FIFA players. EA gave gamers the opportunity to even create your own team or join an existing team created by other FIFA players. The goal was to have a player for all 11 positions. Even if you didn't have all 11 players you were still able to play online with other teams from around the world. The goal of the mode was to become the best team in the world. EA SPORTS even hold a tournament for the best-ranked team from around the world. This mode was really unique because you never knew who was your ally or enemies. The user was playing and communicating with people from the UK, Mexico, and even Asian countries.
In 2020, EA Sports introduced new feature on FIFA, Volta, the Portuguese word for 'return'. The latest innovation allows players to move from traditional soccer and take it back to the streets, away from the familiar arenas of big clubs. EA previously published the game "FIFA Street" that was played on Xbox 360 and quickly reached the success among the soccer lovers. Many years later the return to street soccer for the FIFA franchise brought back the authenticity, creativity, and culture for the gamers. FIFA Volta mode is powered with "ignite" game engine similar to the same sort of engine that can be found on normal mode, but there are small tweaks made to enhance the street football experience. Once you enter to the Volta game mode, you will be able to create your own unique player, and customize it with new hairstyles, clothing, tattoos and celebrations that you unlock as you progress in the Volta world. Compared to Pro Clubs, you are able to choose a female character in the Volta. There are five different game types that were inspired from the professional futsal that includes 3v3 Rush, 4v4, 4v4 Rush, 5v5, and professional futsal. With the unique storyline, there are number of different arenas available to play in, that includes a neighbourhood cage in London, an underpass in Amsterdam, a rooftop in Tokyo, Brazil Favelas and many more. There are 17 different venues that is spread across five continents that offers diversity, authenticity and realism. Players will have ability to visit Miami, New York, Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo and lot more great places to fully maximize their experience. [200]
In 2010 EA Sports created a new mode for the release of FIFA 11. It was Ultimate Team. the most anticipated mode gave FIFA 11 rave reviews and it made FIFA 11 one of the best-selling titles of all time. Ultimate Team was basically a card game. You collected the best cards out there and create a squad that can compete with others. It was a trading game where the user would go to the transfer market to sell or buy players card. In order to buy the player card, you had to bid for them or "buy it now" to whatever price the owner had it on. FIFA Ultimate became a smash hit. Most of its player are on the ultimate team most of the time. It was so successful for the FIFA series that EA Sports started to implement the game mode to other franchises like the Madden series. For EA Sport the Ultimate Team mode is it most important one and even negelect other mode. It was even reported that Ultimate Team gave EA an earning around $650 million a year.[201]
EA Sports are systematically improving Ultimate Team as they create more features and provide daily content for the players. As of 2020, EA generated a total of $1.49 billion through the Ultimate Team platform alone that is $120 million increase compared to last year's revenue. With the new launch of Fifa 21, revenue is expected to grow even more. However, the concept of opening packs could be potentially classified as "Gambling" in certain countries. There is a fear that the FIFA franchise could potentially be regulated under gambling laws that could damage the company financially. In fact, Belgium took action against loot boxes in 2018 and banned the games including Fifa. Ea Sports has come under fire for the use of microtransactions in the popular FIFA franchise. There have been multiple lawsuits launched against Electronic Arts but as it stands, more than 10 million players are actively playing Fifa, about 75% play Ultimate Team. [202]
Riot Games
Riot Games is an American video game publisher that was established in 2006. Riot Games, Inc was founded as an independent game studio by Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill in Los Angeles. They are known for their only game, League of Legends, which was released in North America and Europe on October 27, 2009. [203] Their main office is located in Santa Monica, California and have additional offices located in Saint Louis, Dublin, Seoul, Sao Paulo, Istanbul, Moscow, Sydney, and Taipei.
League of Legends
Streaming Platforms and Social Media
League of Legends is one very popular and successful online game that is integrated with streaming platforms and online video platforms. Other than being known as a game, League of Legends is also considered an e-sports due to its tournaments with a large monetary reward and competitive gameplay with the highest level of teams that offer hours of entertainment for viewers.
There are also videos on demand that are available for viewers who want to watch videos after a live broadcast for a game has ended. YouTube, Twitch.TV, and Azubu.TV are three popular video platform examples that have live broadcasts of League of Legend tournaments, as well as broadcasts and VODs of competitive games from League of Legend players.
There are many things that have been incorporated into League of Legend’s success, and new media is definitely one of them. League of Legends has its own site,, that features schedules about upcoming games and more information about competing teams. When it is a day for a scheduled game, viewership will rise on the popular video streaming platforms and peak even higher for the most awaited game of the day. Also, social media is another thing that has helped the League of Legends community become more successful. For instance, League of Legends players on well-known teams will often have social media pages such as Twitter and Facebook, or their own team website, to give updates to the community about all sort of news—ranging from posts about food to posts about when a streamer will be “live” on a streaming platform. Yet on another popular social media website, Reddit, there is also important, funny, or popular news that reaches the top of the page concerning League-related topics on the League of Legends thread. Every day, every hour, and at any minute, there will be new updates that provide yet more entertainment for League of Legend enthusiasts.
Most recently, a professional League of Legends player, Hai “Hai” Du lam, had suffered a collapsed lung and was rushed to the hospital. However, this didn’t stop him from playing the game and streaming on Twitch.TV. The news about his emergency (as well as his live streaming of League of Legends gameplay in the hospital) was shared on his social media website to inform the community about his change in plans for his upcoming tournament games due to his critical condition.[204]
League of Legends is still an immensely popular game, as of today. How much popular? Well this past June 2016 NBA finals, mega superstar LeBron James delivered a compelling performance for Cleveland to win their first NBA title. It has been reported the game draw in nearly 31 million people to watch, having the highest viewership for an NBA finals on ABC in the last 18 years.[205] It may be great for the NBA, but compared to last year’s League of Legends world finals, it doesn’t come close. Around 36 million viewers tuned in for the last year’s finals in Berlin, Germany, through various streaming sites such as Twitch and Youtube, according to from Riot Gaming. The viewership numbers are huge, as streaming helps esports rivaling and even surpassing some of the largest sports events in the world.
Different Type Of Game Modes
League of Legends consists of currently two traditional maps that players can play in. The first map is called "Summoner's Rift" and the second is called "Aram". The Summoner's Rift map has four game options to choose from which are blind pick, draft pick, ranked solo/duo, or ranked flex and they are all 5 players against 5 players. When you are a beginner in the game you would usually play Summoner's Rift in blind pick. Blind pick allows players to play a champion(in-game character) even if the enemy team already chose him or her. On the other hand, draft pick, ranked solo/duo and ranked flex disables you from choosing a champion that has already been chosen by the opposing team. To play ranked games, you have to reach level 30. Ranked games are what a majority of players in League of Legend play due to its competitiveness. There is a new season annually and in every season there is a soft-reset where your rank resets to unranked. A Summoner's Rift game usually takes around 30-40 minutes to complete. On the other hand, Aram only takes 15-20 minutes to complete and it is also a 5 player vs 5 player game on a different map. Unlike Summoner's Rift, Aram is a more relaxed game mode so there is no ranked mode for it. Years ago, there was one more map called, Twisted Treeline, a 3 player vs 3 player map. However, the game-mode has been taken away as it wasn't played enough.
One of the more recent League of Legend map that released on June 26, 2019, is called "Teamfight Tactics" or "TFT". League of Legends is known to be the most popular MOBA game or multiplayer online battle arena game. However, teamfight tactics is different because it is an auto chess game or auto-battle game. Teamfight tactics is a strategy game much like chess, where it is 1 player against another. The champions originally played in Summoners Rift or Aram are resembled as playing cards in Teamfight tactics. This game-mode has been very popular and there is also a ranked game mode option. Teamfight tactics hit 33 million players on Sep 25, 2019 a few months after its release. Much like the rank resets in Summoner's Rift, there is also a rank reset for TFT players. In addition, there are different sets which contain a whole new set of playable characters and compositions. Each set has a theme. Currently, TFT is in Set 3.
Set 3
In Set 3, there are 23 unique compositions. They are the following: Blademaster, Blaster, Brawler, Demolitionist, Infiltrator, Mana-Reaver, Mercenary, Mystic, Protector, Sniper, Sorcerer, Starship, Vanguard, Celestial, Chrono, Cybernetic, Dark Star, Mech-Pilot, Rebel, Space-Pirate, Star Guardian, Valkyrie, and Void. There are 51 total Champions in TFT Set 3. All Champions have a combination of two of the compositions. Set 3's theme revolves around galaxies. There are 8 different galaxies that players have a chance in playing in. These galaxies are Treasure Trove (12.5% chance), Star Cluster (12.5% chance), the Neekoverse (7.5% chance), Lilac Nebula (7.5% chance), Medium Legends (7.5% chance), Superdense Galaxy (7.5% chance), Trade Sector (10% chance), and Normal (35% chance). Just like previous sets, Set 3 is subject to updates and patches that fix bugs, rework champions, and apply buffs/nerfs.
Bethesda Softworks, LLC is an American video game publisher. A subsidiary of ZeniMax Media, the company was originally based in Bethesda, Maryland, and eventually moved to its current location in Rockville, Maryland. Consisting of a broad portfolio of games in role-playing, racing, simulation, and sports, Bethesda Softworks' major franchises are distributed worldwide. [206]
Bethesda has been a developer and publisher of interactive entertainment content for over two decades. In 2001 Bethesda Softworks became a publisher only and the newly formed Bethesda Game Studios became the developer of their games. Founded in 1986 by Christopher Weaver in Bethesda, Maryland, and moved to Rockville, Maryland in 1990, the company has a long history of PC and console games. In 1999, Christopher Weaver and Robert Altman founded ZeniMax Media, Inc. Bethesda is credited with the creation of the first physics-based sports simulation (Gridiron!) in 1986 for the Atari ST, Commodore Amiga and Commodore 64/128. Early games scored respectably in the gaming press.[207] The company is best known for creating The Elder Scrolls RPG series, based upon the original programming of Julian Lefay. The first chapter of the series, entitled The Elder Scrolls: Arena, was released in 1994. Since that time, numerous other chapters have been released. The game's direct sequels, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim were released in 1996, 2002, 2006 and 2011, respectively. Additionally, the game has had three spin-offs: Battlespire (1997), Redguard (1998), and The Elder Scrolls Travels series.[208]
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Released in 11/11/11, Skyrim was perhaps Bethesda's most profitable title to date. It is the 5th installment in the Elder Scrolls saga, preceding Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. Three expansions came out with the game, extending the quest line and adding additional gameplay; Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. Skyrim's main story revolves around the player character's efforts to defeat Alduin the World-Eater, a dragon who is prophesied to destroy the world. The game is set two hundred years after the events of Oblivion and takes place in the fictional province of Skyrim. Over the course of the game, the player completes quests and develops the character by improving skills. Unlike previous Elder Scrolls games, Skyrim does not require the player to select a character class at the beginning of the game, negating a problem which the development team felt that previous entries had by forcing the player into a rigid play-style too early into the game. Skyrim continues the open world tradition of its predecessors by allowing the player to travel anywhere in the game world at any time, and to ignore or postpone the main storyline indefinitely.[209]
Bethesda's approach to Skyrim has been a very profitable model. They allow and encourage users/amateur developers to mod their games. This is one of the reasons that Skyrim has been so profitable and played for so long.
Skyrim Special Edition was released on October 27, 2016. [210] The game was released with graphical updates and mod support for console versions.
Skyrim is an open world, single player RPG, Role Playing Game playable in first/third person. The player may freely roam over the land of Skyrim, which is an open world environment consisting of wilderness expanses, dungeons, cities, towns, and villages.[211] Players may navigate the game world more quickly by riding horses, or by utilizing a fast-travel system which allows them to warp to previously discovered locations. The game's main quest can be completed or ignored at the player's preference after the first stage of the quest is finished. Non-player characters (NPCs) populate the world and can be interacted with in a number of ways; the player may engage them in conversation, marry an eligible NPC, or kill them. As in previous Elder Scrolls games, killing certain NPCs can make some quests or items unobtainable. Some NPCs cannot be killed. If witnessed, crimes like murder and theft accrue the player bounty points in each of the world's nine districts. Should the player be stopped by a guard, they may wipe their bounty with gold or jail time or may resist an arrest which will trigger an aggressive pursuit. NPCs may allocate the player additional side-quests, and some side-quests have parameters adjusted based on nearby dungeons which the player has yet to explore.[212] Some NPCs who are befriended or hired by the player may act as companions who will accompany the player and provide aid in combat. The player may choose to join factions, which are organized groups of NPCs -- such as the Dark Brotherhood, a band of assassins -- or the player may choose to destroy them. Each of the factions has an associated quest path to progress through. Each city and town in the game world each have an economy which the player can stimulate by completing jobs such as farming. [213]
In the beginning of the game, players can choose from 10 races: Brentons, Imperials, Redguards, Nords, Altmers, Bosmers, Dunmers, Orcs, Khajiits, and Argonians- all of which can be categorized into humans, elves or wild-kin. The player soon finds out that he/she is the last descendant of the Dovahkiin, or Dragonborn. Dragonborns are powerful beings that appear when the world is in catastrophic chaos and threatened with annihilation from dragons. The beginning cut scene reveals the arch enemy you must face, Alduin the Destroyer of Worlds, a dragon that controls all other dragons. Over the course of the game, players will improve their character skill and increase perk abilities, ranging from combat, magic or stealth. The main combatant categories are melee with or without shield, ranged, rogue dual wields, or magic casting. Players are presented with a mana pool called magicka. Unlike other RPG games in which the player respawns from a graveyard after death, you will have to reload from a save point in Skyrim, as it is a single player game. Buffs and debuffs are present in Skyrim, as in other RPG's. Potions, crafted items or food regenerates magicka, health points, give status effects, etc... Crafting also plays a major role in the game, as it provides the player with his/her primary defensive capabilities. The three main crafting professions are leatherworking, smithing, and alchemy, which are accompanied by the gathering talents of skinning, mining and herb gathering.
Though the journey, the player will encounter many wildlife along with essential bandits, wizards, warriors and enigmatic beings in dungeons and quest lines. Skyrim is the first Elder Scroll title to incorporate Dragons as a wild creature the player can approach. They have random spawn locations and are usually timed based, ranging from a few in-game hours to a few days. Dragons are hostile and will attack anything on sight, including civilians in a nearby town, companions, guards, or other wild creatures as well. Dragons scale with the level of the player, so it is not impossible for lower level players to kill one; although they are supposed to be the most difficult enemy in the game. Each dragon has an element and is able to either breath out fire or frost. Of course, the player can wield equipment that reduces fire or frost damage accordingly to gain the upper hand in the fight, as is usually recommended to do so. Each dragon also posses a Thu'um, or a dragon shout, which is a unique power only dragons and dragonborns can use. The player automatically absorbs the dragon's soul upon slaying a dragon, which is used for leveling dragon shouts obtained from storyline progression. The first dragon shout the player gets is the Fus-Ro-Dah, which became an internet phenomenon among the gaming community. This shout allows the dragonborn to push or stagger any creature in the game, including Alduin himself.
The Elder Scrolls Online
Square Enix
Square Enix Holdings Co. is a Japanese video game developer, publisher, and distribution company that is best known for its role-playing video game franchises, which include the Final Fantasy series, the Dragon Quest series, and the Kingdom Hearts action RPG series. Its headquarters are located in the Shinjuku Eastside Square Building in Shinjuku, Tokyo.[214]
The company also owns Taito Corporation, best known for arcade games such as Space Invaders and Bubble Bobble, and former game publisher Eidos Interactive, which has been absorbed into Square Enix Europe. Square Enix now publishes all of Eidos's IPs and runs Eidos's development studios. Eidos was most well known for publishing the Tomb Raider, Hitman, Deus Ex, Legacy of Kain, and Thief series of games.[215]
Final Fantasy Series
Final Fantasy is a media franchise created by Hironobu Sakaguchi and is developed and owned by Square Enix. The franchise centers on a series of fantasy and science fantasy role-playing video games (RPGs), but includes motion pictures, anime, printed media, and other merchandise. The first game in the series, published in 1987, was conceived by Sakaguchi as his last-ditch effort in the game industry; the title was a success and spawned sequels. The video game series has since branched into other genres such as tactical role-playing, action role-playing, massively multiplayer online role-playing, racing, third-person shooter, fighting, and rhythm. Although most Final Fantasy installments are stand-alone stories with different settings and main characters, they feature identical elements that define the franchise. Recurring elements include plot themes, character names, and game mechanics. Plots center on a group of heroes battling a great evil while exploring the characters' internal struggles and relationships. Character names are frequently derived from the history, languages, pop culture, and mythologies of cultures worldwide. The series has been commercially and critically successful; it is Square Enix's best selling video game franchise, with more than 110 million units sold, and is one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time. It was awarded a star on the Walk of Game in 2006 and holds seven Guinness World Records in the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2008. The series is well known for its innovation, visuals, and music, such as the inclusion of full motion videos, photo-realistic character models, and orchestrated music by Nobuo Uematsu. Final Fantasy has been a driving force in the video game industry, and the series has affected Square Enix's business practices and its relationships with other video game developers. It has also introduced many features now common in role-playing video games and has been credited with helping to popularize console-based RPGs in markets outside Japan.[216]
There are a total of 15 main Final Fantasy gaming titles, ranging from I to XV excluding the rhythm and handheld applications. Final Fantasy is a semi-free roam single player RPG. The general storyline throughout the series consists of a protagonist who recruits a team, which then unfurls into a romantic love quarrel, and ultimately saves humanity from a big boss monster that threatens to destroy the world. Each title is a standalone, consisting of protagonists, plots and settings completely separate from previous titles. (A new storyline with new characters, but keeping the core mechanics of the game similar) They are not sequels and have no connection whatsoever to their previous titles. However, expansion sequels were released but are considered an extension to the same title. (ie. Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns) The majority of the gameplay is a free roam game, but not the open world; meaning that each city, town or dungeon has their own separate loading screens, and will render the amount of non-playable characters on screen as was designed. In combat, the fighting mechanics revolve around a turn-based attacking system, similar to the popular Pokemon series by Nintendo. The player would have to encounter a creature by walking next to it manually to initiate a fighting scenario, which then prompts a different loading screen where the fighting takes place separately. Depending on speed status and bonuses, either the enemy attacks first or the player goes first. After that, the player can choose to use a wide variety of physical or magical attacks, heals or buffs. Players also retain an EX gauge which will fill up slowly, making use for powerful special finisher moves. Unlike open world RPG's, training professions such as crafting and resource gathering is very limited.
Final Fantasy is heavily based on strict storytelling and text reading. Accompanied with the harmonic orchestra musical pieces in the background regardless of whether in combat or simply cruising, Final Fantasy offers an extravagant experience of casual gaming. It is not reaction intensive and is more meant to be played for the story. The romance and endless depths of character development, eternal love, hatred, revenge, and betrayals all contribute to the novelty of this series. Be prepared to delve in a spiraling abyss of the symphony!
As the franchise grows, the amount of effort and detail put into the new and upcoming Final Fantasy games exceed their predecessors. Starting from 8-bit graphics, The Final Fantasy franchise evolved drastically. The aesthetic features of the games compliment the story lines along with orchestrated music soundtracks making Final Fantasy one of the most popular and favorite games in video gaming history.
Kingdom Hearts Series
Kingdom Hearts is one of the franchises that Square Enix is proud of. This series is a crossover role-playing game that was made with the collaboration of Square Enix and Disney. The first game in this series was released in March of 2002 and was created by Tetsuya Nomura and has sold over 20 million copies and is the 10th best selling PlayStation 2 game of all time. What makes this game a marvel of its time is that it was one of the first incorporations of Final Fantasy role-playing style with Disney characters and the various different storylines.[217] the franchise not only delves into the history of Final Fantasy and the Disney universe which allowed gamers to see decades of the storyline in 1 single franchise.
The gameplay of Kingdom Hearts Centers around the hero, Sora, and with the help of his companions, Mainly Goofy and Donald Duck, he goes around various worlds saving their inhabitants from the evil that is the heartless or those without a heart. This concept was very big in Disneys inception because it was able to offer an action-packed role playing game with many themes of the real world in a way that kids could understand some of the nature behind it. The game is free to roam and by using a gummy ship you're able to travel through different lands in search of Key Blades and Sora's friends, Riku and Kairi These storylines are interconnected because Sora has been chosen to save the universe and in the midst of it his friends were captured by the heartless. This story arches into the various other Kingdom hearts titles since Kingdom Hearts 1 was actually the ending of Sora's story and the latter implementations of Kingdom Hearts focused on the back-story of the events that occurred. since this franchise was on various gaming platforms the way that a user was able to play the game transformed. After Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories was the adaptation of this on the Game Boy Advance, this changes the way the game was played dramatically since it became turn-based and using cards in order to deviate what attacks you wanted to do. With Kingdom Hearts: Birth by sleep the game play on the Nintendo DS changed back to RPG and free roam similar to how it was on the console.
Kingdom Hearts is heavily based on strict storytelling and text reading as well as Final Fantasy but the main difference is that the characters have been around for decades in the universe. This helped it accomplish mass popularity because not only were gamers involved but Disney fanatics were also interested and the experience that a person can get from this game is breathtaking. The unison of the story, characters and Disney's theme of friendship and unity are perfectly balanced that it has taken over 10 years to create the sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2.
Nexon Co. Ltd. is a South Korean developer and publisher of video games. Founded in Seoul in 1994, Nexon's headquarters is currently located in Tokyo, Japan.[4]
Nexon Co. Ltd. was established in Korea on December 1994 where it published its first title, Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds, in 1996.[7][8] Many title releases followed such as Dark Ages: Online Roleplaying, Elemental Saga, QuizQuiz, KartRider, Elancia, and Shattered Galaxy;[9] some of which are maintained by a company spun off of Nexon, Kru Interactive.[10] In 2003, Nexon developed MapleStory in Korea, which later became its most successful title.[9] The game was localized in many locations such as Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, North America, Europe, Brazil, and Vietnam.[11] Originally founded in Korea, Nexon Co. Ltd. is currently based in Japan.[4] Nexon Co. Ltd. has four corporations running; they are located in Korea,[12] Japan,[13] United States,[14] and Europe.[15] Nexon currently has eleven subsidiaries: Nexon Networks,[16] Nexon Mobile,[17] NeoPle,[18] Nextoric,[19] Nexonova,[20] GameHi,[21] NDoors,[22] CoPersons,[23] Nclipse,[24] ExcGames,[25] and Xeogen.[26] Nexon went public on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on December 13, 2011 in an initial public offering, the largest in Japan for 2011 and the second largest by a technological company for 2011 worldwide.[27][28]
See MapleStory
MapleStory[218] is a free, two-dimensional, side-scrolling Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game developed by Wizet and distributed as several versions by various companies. The game takes place mainly in the "Maple World", where players must fight against monsters while completing quests. As in a typical online game, players can mold their characters to their liking by increasing their abilities and skills. Interaction between users is encouraged in a variety of ways, including chatting, trading, marriage and playing mini-games. Though the game is free to play, players may purchase various enhancements and upgrades in the Cash Shop using real money converted into the in-game currency.
Combat Arms
See Combat Arms
Combat Arms is a multiplayer game, a free-to-play modern first-person shooter developed by the South Korea-based developer Jeff VanLier Studios, and published in Modesto, Ca by Nexon. The game was released in many other countries over the years, North America shortly after Korea in 2008, Europe in 2009, Brazil in 2010, and Russia in 2011. In July 2012, Combat Arms was also released on Steam and can be downloaded for free from the steam store. The first person shooter game is free but in-game purchases are available for karma Koins that can be purchased in various chain stores like CVS, Duane Reade, and many more. Karma Koins are used to obtain "NX" which can be used to purchased upgrades and higher graded weapons.
King, a company created in August of 2003, is the founder of the very popular game, Candy Crush Saga. This game was released on April 12, 2012, and currently has over 46 million users per month. King has become the maker of many different games and is also beginning to gain popularity in the business world as they have begun to sell the stock for their company. King Digital Entertainment became so profitable from its hit games that it made millions a day in revenue. As a result of its success, the company decided to go public. In 2014 the company went public and traded in the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker KING. [219].
Candy Crush Saga
Candy Crush Saga is a type of puzzle game that consists of matching similar colored candies to clear the board and obtain points. Special candies can be formed by matching a combination of 4 or 5 horizontally, vertically, or in a T shape. This creates either a striped candy that clears entire rows/columns, a wrapped candy clearing 8 surrounding candies, or a color bomb that removes all candies of the same color it was matched with. Special Candies can also be matched together. Matching a color bomb with a striped candy turns all candies of its color into striped candies which then clears even more rows/columns. Matching a color bomb with a wrapped candy clears all the jellies that are the same color as the wrapped candy. Matching two color bombs will clear the entire board. [220].
Innersloth is a video game development studio, which is located in Redmond, Washington. This studio creates a game for Windows, macOS, and mobile devices. The developer team was not successful with the game that they released, however it changed when they developed a game called, “Among Us.” This game brings success to the team and rises popularity in 2020. The founder is Innersloth are three developers, whom names are Marcus Bromander, Forest Willard, and a developer going by the username PuffballsUnited. All three founders met in college, and after graduation, they started their own developing gaming company in 2015.
Among Us
Among Us is an online game, which was first released to the public on June 15, 2018. This game was published by an American game studio Innersloth. There are two roles in this game, Crewmates, and Imposters. Crewmates have tasks and their goal is finishing those tasks before their ship reaches home. The Imposter will sabotage the ship, can use vent to go into different rooms, deceive, and will frame other cremates to remain anonymous, so they can kill the other crewmates. Among Us can starts with ten people or more than four people. Once the game is started, people will play their roles, until one will report the dead body that they found, and crewmates will decide in the meeting who is the imposter and eliminates the cremates. To wins, in this game crewmates needs to find the imposter and eliminates them before the imposter kills every crewmate and imposter will win this game by killing everyone before the crewmates finish their tasks or reach home. Among Us is available on Steam [221] and mobile devices.[222] [223]
At the initial release, Among Us was not very well-known, with only a small number of players. However, the game started to gain popularity two years later, with streamers playing the game. On the Steam platform, the average number of players per month drastically increased beginning August 2020.[224] Millions of people are playing the game. Due to its popularity, Innersloth decided to cancel their planned sequel, Among Us 2, and shifted its focus on updating the original game.[225][226][227]
Online Gambling
Online Gambling
Pokerstars is one of the most popular used online poker and mainly it's Texas Hold'em gaming platform. It has over 50 million registered users, the thing that catches most users attention that is free to play unless you want to put your own money into it. It was first founded in 2003 now it's one of the highest revenue generating online Texas Hold'em gaming programs in the world. It is used in many countries such as the U.K., Canada, and the U.S., it will only continue to get poker as online gaming get more popular. It saves the trip for people to the casinos in order to play poker. As poker grows so will online gambling. [228] In April of 2011, the United States federal government, the Department of Justice more specifically, shut down major poker websites such as PokerStars, Fulltilt, 888 Poker, and Party Poker. The main reasons were because of the illegal offshore operations. [229] This was called Black Friday in the poker community and was a major hit to many online professional and recreation players who had their money locked up without a chance of withdrawal. It took time for PokerStars to pay back their players and after a year, FullTilt paid their players when PokerStars bought out the company for approximately $731 million. Jeff Ifrah, an outside counsel who represented Full Tilt against the Department of Justice said in an interview with ESPN, "he objective, and part of my marching orders were to get all of the players paid back. Obviously, there was a big focus on U.S. players … This was a situation that hurt people in a lot of ways throughout the year. A lot of folks who had a lot of money tied up or some folks without as much tied up which would have meant a lot to them … I think the future is looking bright for their reimbursement now" (ESPN). [230].
Future Outlook of Online Gambling
The future of online poker seems to have picked up with some states allowing for online gambling. Las Vegas, Nevada, Delaware, and New Jersey have legalized online poker. State Senator John J. Bonacic supports legalizing online poker in New York. He believes this would provide New York with additional revenue but told MGM Resorts International which is one of the largest casino operators, that it would take time for the legislation to be approved. [231] The big Atlantic City casino, Borgata, created its own poker platform called [232]
The founders of ArenaNet were former employees of Blizzard Entertainment, the company that created popular games like Warcraft, Warcraft 2, Starcraft, and World of Warcraft, the largest Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG). ArenaNet went on to develop their own MMORPG: Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.
Guild Wars 2
See Guild Wars 2
Rocksteady Studios[233] is a video game developing company located in London. It was founded by Sefton Hill and Jamie walker on December 13, 2004. It started off as a relatively small company and had its first video game release, Urban Chaos in 2006. Rocksteady gained a spike in publicity after its release of the critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham Asylum in 2009. Time Warner acquired Rocksteady Studios in 2009. Its success continued on with its release of Batman: Arkham City in 2011 and Batman: Arkham Knight in 2015.
Their latest project was Batman: Arkham VR, a virtual reality game created for the Playstation VR. It was released October 11, 2016.
Batman: Arkham (Series)
The first game of the series was Batman: Arkham Asylum released in 2009. It was a an action-adventure game with versatile style of gameplay including. The game introduced a groundbreaking style of beat-'em up gameplay that was fun and easy to pick up for new comers that influenced many games series' after it such as Assassin's Creed and Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. It gave the player access to a plethora of Batman's gadgets earned as the player progressed through the story and allowed the player the freedom to approach challenges in they way they thought to be most appropriate. The second game in the series was Batman: Arkham City released in 2011. It expanded on the graphics, story, and smoothed the gameplay even further from Arkham Asylum. It was met even higher critical reception. The most current installment was Batman: Arkham Knight was released in 2015, with the groundbreaking addition of a playable batmobile and the entirety of Gotham City as your playground.
Rocksteady's latest project took advantage on the new age virtual reality technology by releasing Batman: Arkham VR on the Playstation VR on October 2016 featuring revolutionary gameplay where the player can interact and touch different things in the virtual environment wrapped around an intense murder mystery.
Iconic voice actors Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill reprised their roles as Batman and The Joker throughout the series.
Epic Games
Epic Games, Inc. is an American video game and software development corporation. The company was founded by Tim Sweeney as Potomac Computer Systems in 1991. [234] The company was founded in Cary, North Carolina in 1991. Epic's unreal engine technology brings high-fidelity, interactive experiences to PC, console, mobile, VR and the web. [235] Unreal engine is a commercially available game engine which powers their developed video games, Fortnite, Gears of War, and Infinity Blade Series. In 2014, Unreal Engine was named the "most successful video game engine" by the Guinness World Records.[236]
Fortnite is a living action building game where you and your teammates lead a group of heroes to reclaim and rebuild a homeland that has been left empty by mysterious darkness only known as "The Storm". People play online to build extravagant forts, find or build insane weapons and traps and protect their towns from strange monsters that emerge from the storm. This part of the game is pay to play. However, there is a free to play part of this game as well.Fortnite is also a battle royale game where 100 players drop onto the same map to collect weapons and materials to be the last man standing. It is a mixture of both minecraft and the hunger games. Players are allowed to build ramps, and platforms to better than chances of winning the game. Fortnite keeps their players on their feet everyday with new challenges and updates. It can currently be played on the PS4, xbox, and computer games. They have recently told the world that Fortnite will be coming to our mobile devices, allowing for cross-console gaming. This means people on the PS4,xbox, and computers can play against those on the phones![237]
Fortnite's Success
Fortnite released on July 25th, 2017 which was an early access, unfinished game. The game itself hasn't even been out a year and still is not complete and yet it is still being nominated and wining awards for gaming. It's been nominated for Best Multiplayer in The Game Awards 2017, Outstanding Achievement in Online Gameplay in the D.I.C.E Awards, and even won Best Multiplayer/Competitive Game in the 22nd Annual Webby Awards.[238] With over 3 million people playing the game at one time, Fortnite has become the leader in most people playing at one time. A lot of its success can be attributed to the spread of this game across all social media platforms. One of its biggest accolades is when rapper Drake teamed up with pro-gamer Tyler "Ninja" Blevins, NFL rookie JuJu Smith-Schuster, and rapper Travis Scott to play Fortnite together. This online play was streamed live which amassed 628,000 concurrent viewers, almost doubling the previous record of 388,000 viewers. This entire night took over the internet, also breaking Twitter's record for the most tweeted event in a night.[239]. Ever since this day Fortnite has exploded, with millions of new players joining the new video game that isn't even finished yet. Since then, Ninja has also played with other artists such as Diplo, RL Grime, Lil Yachty and more. More recently, Fortnite saw an influx of new players and media attention after a crossover event with Marvel's Avengers. It just so happened that the directors of the Avengers were big Fortnite fans. They would play a couple of games every night during post production[240]. In this special event, players can play as Thanos, the main villain in Avengers: Infinity War.
What is next for Fortnite?
Many are quick to question what exactly Epic Games will come up with next to keep the Fortnite crowd involved with the game. As many game developers know, gamers stay connected to a game as long as there continues to be new content and the game does not crash. Unlike most games, Fornite has been one that does not have frequent server crashes. This proves to be key in maintaining a loyal fan base as there is always availability to play. Also, Epic Games has done many events to keep the community involved. As stated by the lead systems designer for the Fortnite Battle Royal game mode, Eric Williamson, listening to the player base, continuing to iterate on the core game and releasing new content are the priorities that they have.[241] By constantly monitoring their social media sites and their blog posts to see the creative ideas some of their best gamers have, Epic has included some of these ideas in-game. There is no greater feeling than knowing you can be able to contribute to such a popular game. In recent events, Epic Games set out a competition for gamers to submit an idea for a new game "emote", an in-game dance that is mostly used to communicate with other players and to show off when one has won the game. Hundreds of thousands submitted their dance idea, with a couple being the lucky winners. Moving forward, Epic can expect to have gamers from different gaming platforms to want to play with one another. Currently, Xbox players can only play with Xbox friends, PS4 only with PS4 and so on. The continuous success of this game will not depend on whether or not they can attract more players, but whether or not Epic Games is able to retain their current assets, or their current gamers.
Player Unknown Battlegrounds Corporation
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Corporation is led by Director Brendan Greene and Producer Chang Han Kim and is supported by Bluehole Studio Inc. Bluehole Studio Inc. is a South Korean game developer company that aims to create masterful MMORPG games.[242] Starting within Bluehole Studio Inc., Brendan Greene formed a team and developed the battle royale game he always envisioned.[243] Brendan Greene started this unique genre by creating a custom mod of Arma 2 that would feature the rough draft of what would become PUBG; 100 players would be drop down into an isolated island and fight with weapons and gear until one remains.[244] After the custom version continuously gained popularity, Brendan Greene licensed his concept to H1Z1 from Sony Online Entertainment or Daybreak Games. Eventually, Brendan Greene received an invitation from Bluehole executive producer Chang Han Kim and they created PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds together and moving out but still receiving support from their parent company Bluehole Studio Inc. PUBG Corp. is focusing on maintaining, further developing, and servicing few games rather than focus on developing multiple games. [245]
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, or PUBG, was released as an Early Access game on Steam on March 24, 2017 and officially launched on December 21, 2017. [245] PUBG was released on Steam, Xbox One, and on mobile platforms. PUBG is an online multiplayer battle royale game where up to 100 players fight against each other until one individual or one team remains. PUBG offers two game-modes where players can either fight against each other individually or join with up to 4 other players and play in teams. When the game session begins, players start off in a plane flying over an island where they parachute off the plane and choose a location to find loot from. With limited weapons and gear provided, players have to strategize and be flexible to use the items they come across, cautiously get more, and survive against other players with what they have. To speed up the session, as time passes, the play zone steadily shrinks so that players out of bounds will increasingly suffer damage until they stay in the play zone. PUBG is continuously improved and developed on as the developers work hard to fix bugs or issues from players and add new features and maps to play on. PUBG also allows modding, or custom modifications to the game. [243]
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Competition
PUBG has over 30 million sales from their unique battle royale genre. However, because of their popularity, there is a rising threat of new entrants as well as fierce competition from Fortnite. As mentioned above, Fortnite is a free online multiplayer battle royale game that has different features such as crafting. Even receiving similar awards, Fornite would surpass end up surpassing in popularity as players have free access to the game and video platforms like Youtube and, a streaming platform, would increasingly feature users sharing their experiences to their viewers. [246] With new updates, PUBG works hard on retaining their loyal users as well as try to attract new users.
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile
This is just a mobile version of PUBG with the same concept of battling other players plus some additional features. There are 4 modes classic, arcade, Evo ground, and arena. During classic mode, a player can either fight individually, in a duo, or be in a squad. There are five maps Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, Vikendi, and Livik (Beta). Comparing to PUBG, this mobile version has a visual audio cue. When a player shoots and walks near an enemy, this will be shown on their minimaps that way players can locate enemies. PUBG Mobile has much more customization compared to PUBG. Players can customize their clothes, weapons, vehicles, parachutes, and even grenades skin.
Video Games
At first video games were a part of the gaming system and they were one piece of gaming. But after the separation of video gaming platforms and video games happened and it never went back to the one system games. This gave both the developers and gamers the flexibility of using a console for many other games. The top ten games published in March 2014 by was World of Warcraft, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Last of Us, Super Mario World, BioShock, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Shadow of the Colossus, Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger, and Portal. [247]
Call of Duty- Black Ops III
Is a military science first person shooter game and was created and developed by Treyarch. This marks the 12th entry in the Call of Duty series. It is playable on Microsoft windows, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. Gamespot gave this game a rating of 7 out of 10. What makes this games multiplayer mode new and different is it offers a feature called "specialists." This allows you to choose between 9 different types of soldiers who all have a unique feature with a weapon special to them.
Open Source Video Games
Open source video games are generally developed by hobbyists. Many of them are clones or modified versions of other games. They have been criticized for having lesser quality than proprietary or commercial games. Nevertheless, many open source games have had success.
Oftentimes open source video games will be based on previously proprietary games because the developers of the original games have released their source code after a certain period of time.
Indie Gaming
In the mid to late 2000s, digital distribution became a major way for consumers to obtain video games and the percentage of total game sales that are digital has been steadily growing each year. In particular, over 92% of PC game sales are now digital sales [248]. One of the major side effects of this was that it became much easier for developers to distribute games, as there was now less need to gain financial backing from a publisher who would distribute the game to physical game stores. This has caused a surge in independent video game developers creating and self-distributing video games. This rise in independent developers creating and essentially self-publishing their games has coined the term "Indie Gaming".
There are disadvantages and advantages for going independent. Indie developers lack the financial support large companies have and must self-fund and often develop lower budget title with small teams of by themselves [249]. Low budget also mean that they use low 3D graphic mdoels or simple 2D graphic styles, and often have no voice acting or limited scale of scope.
However, the advantage that most developer turn to the independent industry is creative control. Large companies invest money in games that do not present significant financial risk. Thus, they would want come creative control, to make sure the game is less experiment more conforming to their genre standards. Such example would be making a sequel to a highly successful game/series (ex. Resident evil 1,2,3), or rehashing an old concept with a few new ideas (annual releases of Call of Duty games).
By going independent, developers can try new innovative, original, or nonmainstream ideas in their games. Because of this, indie games are seen as catering to niche interests, innovation, and stepping out of the comfort zone for game development in the industry. Since the teams are small, some argue that the attention to detail and motivation to make a high-quality game (both in technical and artistic design standpoint) are higher in indie developers.
Softwares for the Creation of Indie Gaming
In today's games industry the tools needed for game development has been easier in creating indie games, allowing individuals to become gaming developers without a formal education. None the less, it does not mean that it is easier to become a success game developer, but it has been easier to make games that people enjoy. If one does want to become a game developer, the individual should pursue it in a more traditional means, but success stories have proven otherwise that it is possible to do it without the traditional ways.
The following are the best software for making indie games [250]
10) Quest
Quest is a great text based game creator. It is usually the undertaking of first game creations. Quest involves the creation of games that allows the creator to choose their own adventure stories. This software does not rely on heavy graphics and lots of programming. So the creator can create a lot of in-depth dialogue trees and choices.
9) Flixel
Flixel is one of the most flexible game software for a creator to use. Flixel is designed to make 2D flash games. It also designed to be an easy to use and learn. For those who are experienced in C+ programming language will have a higher understand in creating games using Flixel, but it is not completely necessary to learn it in order to run Flixel.
8) Adventure games studio
Adventure games studio is a software that allows game developers to create games that falls on the biggest genre of games. Adventure games studio opens the door for game developers to create adventure filled indle games that gives a mystic feel to each game. It could be said that the adventure games studio develop text based games that has a developed graphic presentation to each game it creates.
7) Stencyl
Stencyl has a more versatile game designing in mind. Stencyl is geared to designing mobile based games and offers experience for those who wants to get started in making games for mobile devices. The software offers difference menus and button function to make the game that is being developed super easy to play and navigate. Their is an upgraded version of this software that supports fully publishing f the game that has been created.
6) Construction 2
Construction 2 has been known for having well made and successful games under its belt. Construction 2 is known for making platform games and HTML5 development. The softwares has a versaile election of items for the game and music packs made from community members who have used Construction 2 to make games.
5) RPG Maker VX Ace
RPG Maker VX Ace is known to be a powerful and flexible program that is used the most in today's industry. The software is designed with tones of menus and areas for the setting of the game. The software is easy to use making it easy to master and learn quickly. However, the game developer needs to invest a significant amount of time on the software if the person is going to make a valuable game to play. The existence of RPG maker popularity is because of the fact RPG maker can make fun interactive story based games.
4) Twine
Twine is a great software for game developers to increase their skills. Twine offers the development of interactive story based games. The reason that it increases a game developers skill in making games is because it helps visualize alot of processes. For example, in a dialogue tree, it is difficult to keep track on which part of the dialogue the game developer is positioned, to signify where the story is taken place. Twine helps the game developer keep track of the dialogue trees so that the game developer can know which part of the story his/she is up to, to write the correct dialogue. Twine teaches a method of keeping track of the dialogue trees thus teaching a new way to keep track of the dialogues. Increasing the game developers skills of creating games.
3) Game Salad
Much like Construction 2 Game Salad is quick and easy to use. It allows the game developer to make all sorts of games. Game Salad provides educational materials for it's users. The user does not require any coding knowledge in order to use game salad. However, for those who are using game salad without any code knowledge may feel restricted in using game sald to create games.
2) Unity
Unity is the software for the more experienced game developers. This means that unity are not for absolute beginners who have no coding knowledge what so ever. However, Unity is still one of the best known game developing softwares in the market. Reason being Unity is not the number one in the market is because it is not user friendly to absolute beginner. Unity is ranked number one in being the most powerful and flexible game developing software in the market. It has tons of support and built in platform to use. Enabling the software to create both 2D and 3D games.
1) Game Maker Studio
Game Maker Studios is ranked number one in the market because follows all the criteria needed for a game developer to make a game. It is powerful and flexible, easy to understand and operate. Also, it is the top option for absolute beginners to use. The internal programming language that it uses is easy to understand and learn. Game Maker studios can develop games that is both 2D and 3D. Most of the games that hold under its belt is simple platform games and first person shooter games.
Economics of Video Games
Today, we can see how the growth of this technological art form greatly impacts the economy. According to the ESA, from 2009 to 2012, the U.S. video game industry increased in size by more than 9 percent—four times the growth rate of the U.S economy during the same period. This also impacted the US labor market. ESA also states that direct employment for the industry grew at an annual rate more than 13 times the overall U.S labor market between 2009 to 2012. [251]
However, there was a time when this multi-billion-dollar industry was in serious jeopardy. After the explosive financial and cultural success of the first generation of video games, the industry began to think it was invincible. Companies began to see that there was a market for these video games and started to put more content out. Unfortunately, because of this decision, companies started to put out a lot more mediocre content instead of quality ones. One of the most severe examples of this is shown when Atari partnered with Universal Studios in 1983. This deal consisted of creating a video game of the popular movie during the time, E.T. The Extra Terrestrial. The plan was to release the game before Christmas time, but timing was very limited. With only 5 weeks, Atari rushed to put out over a million copies of their less than mediocre product. The response from the consumers was so outrageous, it caused the industry, including Atari and other companies, to go under. This is known as The Crash of 1983. For a couple of years after the crash, many thought that American video games would be extinct. In 1985, Nintendo released the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), which revived the dying industry. However, no retail stores wanted to purchase anything related to video games. This made Nintendo create add-ons, such as ROB: The Robotic Operating Buddy and the Zapper Gun along with two cartridges to make an entertainment system. During the first initial phase of the NES, Nintendo released Super Mario and created a landmark for video games today. Nintendo understood that there was popularity in games such as Pac-Man and Donkey Kong because people thought that the concept of “immersion” and “being” a character, was very appealing. With the rebirth of the American game industry, a new breed of gamers arises. Simple maze/arcade games were not fulfilling enough anymore. A thirst for an immersive experience was growing. This caused evolution with hardware and software in order to satisfy consumers and lead to a renaissance of new game designers.
Social Issues with Video Games
As with any new form of media, gaming has seen social issues and criticisms emerge. These criticisms have included criticisms from Christians who have viewed the medium as promoting immorality, researchers and advocates who believe that the medium promotes violence, feminist critics who argue that the video game promotes sexist preconceptions about women, and numerous other social critics. [252]
Through the point of view of an individual video games has been considered addictive and people have considered the side affects that an individual faces from the addiction of video games.
Those are addicted to video games has issues to their mental health. These issues include depression, low self esteem, high stress levels, and shyness and social anxiety. For those who suffer the problems of the psychological affects of the may recognize the symptoms may be considered uncontrollable [253]
Physical Health
For does who are addicted to video games do suffer from neglecting personal hygiene. Also, addiction to video games cause a substitution of previously enjoyed outdoor activities. There is an increase of consumption of unhealthy food due to the convince of consuming while playing video games. The rise of poor sleeping habits occurs due to the gaming schedule of the individual.
Violence attributed to Video Games
Violent activity depicted in games has drawn controversy, both as a moral issue and as a psychological one. Some of the earliest criticisms of violence in video games began with Doom due to its apparent involvement in the Columbine massacre. The issue has been a recurring one since. Games that have been criticized for violence include Doom, Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, and many others. Games themselves have often satirized this tendency as well. Spec Ops: The Line prominently critiqued Call of Duty by making an extended reference to Heart of Darkness and directly satirizing Call of Duty's aerial bombardment and airport attack sequences. The psychological debate in the field has been complicated. Some meta-analytic work has found that multiple studies point to an effect on aggressive behavior and cognition. Other meta-analytic studies have found that there is no such effect. There are a lot of variables being analyzed. One study indicates that difficult tasks in general, including difficult video games, can increase aggressive impulses even when there is no actual violence being depicted. Others argue that the aggressive tendencies in video games are only experienced temporarily. Theorists who argue from a catharsis perspective view video games as having a positive effect in clearing out aggressive impulses in a safe environment [254]
Role of Gender in Video Games
Video games have also been criticized for presenting what many view as toxic gender norms. Critics of video games point to the way that female characters in games are often hyper-sexualized; how they may be used as disposable sex objects, such as in the Grand Theft Auto games where one of the few direct interactions with women outside of cutscenes is having sex with prostitutes; are presented as infantilized objects to rescue; and so forth. What critics view as hyper-seualized depictions of women like Mai Shiranui from the King of Fighters series, the female fighters in Dead or Alive, Bayonetta from Bayonetta, the Sorceress in Dragon Crown, and so forth are criticized harshly by these critics as promoting negative gender norms. Anita Sarkeesian has been a prominent critic of the way that video games depict women. She has attracted death threats and has canceled appearances to speak due to these death threats. She criticizes games and female characters in those games ranging from Ms. Pac-Man to Tomb Raider's Lara Croft and Metroid's Samus Aran. She has been the subject of prominent criticism herself. One aspect of video games that receives criticism is the way that nudity and sex is often used as a reward. In the Metroid series, for example, Sarkeesian and Petit argue that the reward of seeing Samus without her armor is a sexualized reward for boys, even as the fact that Samus Aran is a strong female protagonist deserves applause in their view. [255]
Social Aspect of Video Games
Playing video games, including violent shooter games, may boost children's learning, health and social skills, according to a review of research in American Psychologist. The study comes out as debate continues among psychologists and other health professionals regarding the effects of violent media on youth. An APA task force is conducting a comprehensive review of research on violence in video games and interactive media and will release its findings later this year. "Important research has already been conducted for decades on the negative effects of gaming, including addiction, depression and aggression, and we are certainly not suggesting that this should be ignored," says Isabela Granic, PhD, of Radboud University Nijmegen in The Netherlands, lead author of the article. "However, to understand the impact of video games on children's and adolescents' development, a more balanced perspective is needed." While one widely held view maintains that playing video games is intellectually lazy, such play actually may strengthen a range of cognitive skills such as spatial navigation, reasoning, memory and perception, according to several studies reviewed in the article. This is particularly true for shooter video games, which are often violent, the authors found. A 2013 meta-analysis found that playing shooter video games improved a player's capacity to think about objects in three dimensions just as well as academic courses designed to enhance these same skills, according to the study. "This has critical implications for education and career development, as previous research has established the power of spatial skills for achievement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics," Granic says. This enhanced thinking was not found when playing other types of video games, such as puzzles or role-playing games. Playing video games may also help children develop problem-solving skills, the authors said. The more adolescents reported playing strategic video games, such as role-playing games, the more they improved in problem solving and school grades the following year, according to a long-term study published in 2013. Children's creativity was also enhanced by playing any kind of video game, including violent games, but not when the children used other forms of technology, such as a computer or cell phone, other research revealed. Simple games that are easy to access and can be played quickly, such as "Angry Birds," can improve players' moods, promote relaxation and ward off anxiety, the study said. "If playing video games simply makes people happier, this seems to be a fundamental emotional benefit to consider," said Granic. The authors also highlighted the possibility that video games are effective tools for learning resilience in the face of failure. By learning to cope with ongoing failures in games, the authors suggest that children build emotional resilience they can rely upon in their everyday lives. Another stereotype the research challenges is the socially isolated gamer. More than 70 percent of gamers play with a friend, and millions of people worldwide participate in massive virtual worlds through video games such as "Farmville" and "World of Warcraft," the article noted. Multiplayer games become virtual social communities, where decisions need to be made quickly about whom to trust or reject and how to lead a group, the authors said. People who play video games, even if they are violent, that encourage cooperation are more likely to be helpful to others while gaming than those who play the same games competitively, a 2011 study found.
Virtual world gaming can be disadvantageous to the social aspect of an individual's life. Individuals may spend an immense amount of time on these virtual world gaming such as Second Life, causing them to lose their sense of reality. This can be detrimental on their lives because they would stay indoors, on their computers all the time, shutting out socialization and human interaction. This can then lead to changes in behavior, causing them to be depressed and have suicidal thought. Just because you can be and do whatever you want in the virtual world does not mean it's the perfect place/life.
Education and Video Games
When it comes to education, video games have the capacity to immerse children into a learning experience. They allow for children to engage with interactive media to educate themselves in an environment that is neither harmful to them nor to others. Mark Griffiths states in his article The educational benefits of video games, [256] spatial visualization abilities such as manipulating and rotating two and three-dimensional objects are improved while playing video games. He goes on to state that they may be useful in developing spatial skill performance in children who are born with a poor skill set. This can also refer to adolescents who have developmental problems such as autism or those who are severely retarded. These games provide patterns that work together to make a storyline which aid in the immersion of the child and ultimately provides them with basic developmental skills such as social, mathematics, reading, and language.
The days of blowing on old cartridges and foraging on eBay for ancient video game tech are over. Emulated video game consoles are now as widespread as some of those old consoles were in their heyday. With a few clicks, and a hunger for nostalgia, you can find a digital version of your favorite old video game console and every single game that you could have possibly played. In most cases, these emulators are free.
Emulators raise major questions of copyright infringement due to the fact that just about every game that you can walk into GameStop and buy, can also be acquired for absolutely nothing. This issue used to be limited to very old systems (Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, etc) because their hardware requirements were extremely low. Even systems as late as Nintendo 64 only required less than 100 megabytes of data space to hold entire games. This wasn't an issue for game creators because they were most likely not making any additional revenue from these titles anyway.
In recent years, however, the availability of performance graphics cards has made emulation of closer to current generation consoles a breeze. In some cases, specifically the PlayStation 3, it is possible to download an entire library of pirated games and run them directly from a PS3 console for free. Now, games that were previously still generating revenue for game designers have become freeware.
This problem rings surprisingly similar to the music industries woes with pirated content. Perhaps it is time to follow suit and begin to find new ways to generate revenue aside from creating games for sale and distribution. Many musicians were forced to start giving away their music for free, could this possibly be what the gaming industry will look like in a few years?
However, nothing is ever free. Although advertised to be free, there may be advertisements attached to the download links or files that are compatible with the emulator. Likewise, there can also be viruses or malware that can endanger a person's computer and potentially corrupt personal data.
iOS Gameboy Emulators
Users can now download an emulator which can play Gameboy games straight from their Apple products such as iPhones and iPads. Emulators are completely free to download and are constantly updated with new features to keep the applications alive. Players will have access to every single game that was ever released for the GameBoy free of charge. There are a variety of games which include The Legend of Zelda for the GameBoy, Tetris, Super Mario, Mega Man, and of course every single Pokemon game released before and during the GameBoys debut such as Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Red, and Blue.
Mobile Gaming
Creation of new technology has changed the gaming world. Gaming no longer only applies to traditional gaming consoles but can now be hand held. Phones are becoming rich with features because of their improved hardware capabilities. This allowed phones to be used to play so many different kinds of games. For more than 17 years, mobile gaming has turned into a favorite past time for many people. One of the first mobile games that came out was called “Snake”. According to PhoneArena, “There were mobile games before Snake, but the true origin of mobile gaming can be traced back to a Nokia handset released in 1997.” [257]
Creations such as portable gaming devices have been made, but recently mobile gaming has been growing in popularity. In a generation of smart phones, phones now have multiple functions, one of these functions include playing games on the go. Now everywhere a person's goes, they can have their favorite game with them. This has created a new industry for game developers. Since the industry of mobile gaming is growing fast, more and more developers are creating more and more gaming application. Applications are created for smart phones and placed in online stores such as Apple's App Store and Android's Google Play Store. Some of these games can be purchased and downloaded through these online stores. People can download a free demo of other games through these online stores as well; eventually they will have to buy the game later on. Other games are just completely free to the public.
Game Developers
With mobile gaming becoming more popular, more game developers became focused on creating popular games from smart phone users to play. Some of these games can be purchased for a few dollars, while others from free of charge but include in app purchases. Some notable mobile game developers include:
Supercell was established in 2010 and started developing games for the tablet in 2011. They focus on games that can easily travel in your pocket. Their goal was to create games by taking the factors that made computer games and games on gaming consoles to popular, and putting all of those deciding factors into a mobile game. Their hit game Clash of Clans is currently the top grossing application on Apple's App Store. Clash of Clans is a game that focuses and attacking and defending a home base owned by users. This game allows users to create usernames and find other existing. A new feature that was added onto this game later on in its life was the ability to create clans with existing users. In addition to hit titles such as Clash of Clans and Boom Beach, Supercell has entered the market for the RTS PVP genre of games with their new title Clash Royale. [258]
King Digital Entertainment plc (Ticker: King (NYSE)), is a game developer that focuses on interactive mobile gaming. Although King's focus is on mobile gaming, its games can also be accessed through its website: and also via sources like Facebook. They currently operate more than 190 games. King's Candy Crush currently holds spot two on the App Store's list of Top Grossing Applications. King describes themselves as an interactive entertainment company. [259]
Zynga is a game developer that focuses on social gaming. Games that Zynga produced include Farmville, Cityville, Words with Friends, Hanging with friends and many more. Zynga's main focus is on social interaction with other users. Many of Zynga's games allow users to connect the application to Facebook. This creates communities of people who use the same application. Games such as Words with Friends rely heavily on Facebook connection as its purpose is to compete against others. Zynga's games are free of charge to users and generate revenue through in game advertisements. [260]
Rovio was founded in 2003 and describes itself as an entertainment media company. Rovio is the creator of the hit game Angry Birds, which is the number one downloaded game. After the success of Angry Birds, Rovio created spin-off versions of their game such as Angry Birds Rio and Angry Birds Space. [261]
Jam City
Jam City is a video game industry founded by the co-founders of Myspace, Chris Dewolfe and Aber Whitcomb.[262] The company was founded in 2010 and hosts some of the most popular mobile games known by many. Examples of games include: Cookie Jam, Panda Pop and more recently Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
Originally known as MindJolt, in 2012 they got a new name and were known as Social Gaming Network (SGN)[263] It wasn’t until September 2016 that they rebranded as “Jam City” [264]
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is a mobile game that was officially released on ios and Android systems April 25, 2018. The game allows you to create a character and give them a name. The story follows your character on an adventure to uncover a mystery plaguing Hogwarts.
Esports, also known as electronic sports, is competitive, tournament-leveling gaming. Similar to physical sports, E-Sports has professional teams and players, compete for a prize pool and has recently been acknowledged as a professional sport.
Side Effects of Gaming
Video Game Addiction
Although media and society may not show the darker side of gaming, may adolescents and adults deal with video game addiction. Gamers who play excessively and don't manage their time tend to have increased levels of laziness and aggression. The mental state and development of children becomes harmed. Individuals can experience hallucinations, enuresis, encopresis, depression and anxiety. [265] Many children and young teens cannot accept the fact of losing and go on a rampage. They break controllers, monitors, consoles and even non-gaming objects. Some of these miscreants even curse and insult their friends and family. Other children lack the motivation for completing their chores and duties at home. Parents become worried and are not able to control these furious delinquents. Gaming can put children and adults into a delusional world where only temporary happiness exists.
Gaming has shown to have negative impacts on the physical health of an individual. Excessive gaming can cause eye pain, neck pain, wrist pain, repetitive strain injuries, sleep disorder, peripheral neuropathy and obesity. [266] Many of these problems are caused due to the lack of movement and activity of parts of the body over several hours.
The negative effects of gaming can be comprehended and prevented through moderate use of electronics and limitations. Parents need to be more strict and use any means necessary to have a strong grasp on their kids. Additionally, gaming education can help youngsters and adults recognize the potential hazards of gaming and become more aware. Finding healthier means of activity and pleasure such as sports can lead people farther from gaming addiction.
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