Computer Aided Design
Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Drafting or even CAD for short, is a way of creating and modifying a design utilizing a special software on a computer. The software helps create designs that are scalable, These designs can range from the zippers on jackets to parts for bulldozers and buildings. The software helps achieve maximal accuracy as well by creating super detailed drawing that are checked by software to be error proof and meet certain standards. These files which are called CAD output files are then sent to companies to be produced by 3D Printers, CNC Machines and other types of machinery. The image [1] on the right shows a detailed AutoCAD drawing of an intricate part of a moving mechanism.
Most Famous Softwares
AutoCAD is a software developed by a worldwide company called Autodesk. They have been the leaders in computer aided drafting since the late 1900s and have a multitude of different CAD softwares that help plumbers, electricians, mechanical engineers and many more prototype their ideas before actually putting them into production. Thus saving a lot of money and a lot of time for many organizations. The company has recently begun making "lite" versions of their software available on iPhones, iPads and Android devices called AutoCAD 360. This allows professional in the field to make changes in real time and ultimately reduce cost.
Rhinoceros is a program that is used as a 3D modeling tool for people like designers and architects. This program is so beneficial because it allows you to, "Start with a sketch, drawing, physical model, scan data, or only an idea—Rhino provides the tools to accurately model and document your designs ready for rendering, animation, drafting, engineering, analysis, and manufacturing or construction"[3]