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Social Media Slang

New York Accent
Lowkey - "Not obvious"

Ex. If you sneaking out of the house, you gotta be lowkey

Highkey - "Very obvious"

Ex. Dude, you got caught cheating. You were being mad highkey.

Mad - "very"

Ex. I didn't eat all day, I'm mad hungry.

I'm dead - "That was funny/amusing"

Ex. You heard about Nate Robinson getting knocked out? The fight had me dead.

Beef - "To have a confliction with someone"

Ex. I heard Jacky got hella beef with John because he took his girl.

Lit - "Amazing/super awesome/cool"

Ex. Bro the concert was mad lit.

Cop - "Buy or shop"

Ex. Ima cop some chips at the deli, you want any?

Brick Weather
Brick - "Very Cold, freezing"

Ex. Its mad brick outside I don't feel like going out

Deadass - "Seriously, no kidding"

Ex. I deadass need some new Timbs, B

Wylin - "Acting crazy or out of control"

Ex. Bro the riots got everybody Aylin outside

Tight - "Upset, mad"

Ex. Bro, I'm tight I dirtied my timbs

Troll - "Someone who takes pleasure in starting disagreements and annoying people"

Ex. He is just trolling you on your Instagram comments

Shade - "An insult or diss"

Ex. She threw shade at her best friend on Twitter

Fam - "Group of friends or a reference to one person in a tight-knit group "

Ex. Hey fam, you want to grab dinner?

Turnt - "To get excited and hype"

Ex. We can get turned up at that party tomorrow

Front - "Lie"

Ex. I can't even front, I didn't know anything on that test

Thirsty - "To eager or desperate for something"

Ex. She is thirsty to get his attention

Savage - "To speak without thinking properly; brutally honest"

Ex: He is a savage with his comebacks

Salty - "Someone who is acting bitter"

Ex: She was so salty when I asked for her help

Woke - "To be knowledgable; to be aware"

Ex: He wakes about the protests happening in NYC

Sus - "Short for suspicious"

Ex: They are so sus just standing there by the pool

Shook - "Surprised or shocked"

Ex: I am so shook that you bought that bag

Flex - "To show off"

Ex: She is flexing her new purse all over social media

Mood - "Relatable"

Ex. That is such a mood

Extra - "Unnecessarily dramatic/excessive"

Ex. She made her entire bedroom glittery. She's so extra.

Bye, Felicia - "Rude way of dismissing someone"

Ex. How dare you disrespect me! Bye, Felicia!

Tea - "Gossiping"

Ex. Oh my god! No way she did that. Girl, spill the tea!

Ghost - "Cut off communication/contact with someone"

Ex. Wow, she ghosted me after our first date. I wonder what went wrong.

Beat - "Apply makeup"

Ex. I'm meeting my boyfriend's parents for the first time today. I'm going to beat my face beforehand.

No cap - "For real/Im not lying"

Ex. You look good! No cap.

Slaps - "Very good (usually for food)"

Ex. Wow, this food slaps.

Gucci - "Good"

Ex. How are you? I'm gucci.

Buggin - "Tripping out"

Ex. You buggin, I'm not going outside when there's Covid-19

Grill - "Stare Down"

Ex. To stare at someone in a judgmental or angry way; to look at another person for a long period of time

Guap/Bread - "Money"

Ex: This Gucci jacket is mad guap! I don't have the bread for this

Whip - "Car/Ride"

Ex: Yo, you got a whip to go to the movies?

Scoop - Pick Up

Ex: Yo! Can you scoop me from the mall?

Ratchet - Abnoxious and rude person (usually female)

Ex: This girl at the club was mad ratchet, dancing all over the place and spilling drinks on people

Dumb - very (similar to mad)

Ex: This sandwich is dumb good.

Bodega - Deli/Corner store

Ex: This bodega got all the fires.

Spaz - To become aggressive

Ex: Yo, you better not mess with me, or I swear on everything I'ma spaz out on you bro.

Ice - Jewelry

Ex: Yo my neck is dead iced out!

Crusty - Gross/Unclean/Messy

Ex: Yo, I barely slept last night, I feel mad crusty.

Snuff - To Punch

Ex: Yo, I dead snuffed this guy cause he was talking smack about my girl.

Deep - Far

Ex: Yo, you wanna go to the mall in Philly? Nah man, that mad deep.

Bev - Beverage

Ex: Yo, you need a bev with that bacon egg and cheese boy

Brolic - Someone who is strong.

Ex: That dude benches 3 plates he's brolic.

Thot - A woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships.

Ex: Damn she cheated on you bro, she's a thot!

Grimey - Someone who is very selfish or inconsiderate.

Ex: Damn you can't spare me a dollar for my Arizona? You grimey!

Word - An agreement with someone, can also mean "well said".

Ex: "The Knicks are never going to win a championship" "Word."

Bet - A way to tell someone you understood what they said or you agree with what they said.

Ex: Wanna go to the deli? Bet.

Chattin - Someone who is talking too much.

Ex: Why is he chattin at 8 in the morning?

Facts - confirming that something is true or agreeing with someone.

Ex: Drake was speaking straight facts in his Grammy speech.

Dub - to no longer pay attention to something.

Ex: I guess I am a dub to her now.