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Human Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence refers to any human-like intelligence exhibited by a computer, robot, or other machine [1] as opposed to natural intelligence presented by humans and animals. AI consists of the capability of machines to imitate natural intelligence abilities such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making in topics of statistics, geometry, and linguistics, among others.

Artificial Intelligence shouldn't be seen as only other machines having human-like features but it is possible for humans to internally carry Artificial Intelligence such as Elon Musk's new invention: The Neuralink.


During the years between 1940 and 1960, especially with the Second World War, many advancements and developments in technology were made to increase performance of mathematical tasks and assist humans in obtaining important information. Two significant researchers of that time were John Van Neumann and Alan Turing. Although they did not coin the term Artificial Intelligence, there were behind formalizing computational logic and concepts that contributed to what AI and technology in general is today. Alan Turing published the Turing test in his paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”. This test checks the machine’s ability to show intelligent behavior similar to what a human would show. [2]

In the summer of 1956, the word "Artificial Intelligence" first adopted by American Computer scientist John McCarthy at the Dartmouth Conference. For the first time, AI coined as an academic field and the enthusiasm for AI was very high. [3] Researchers developed algorithms to solve complicated mathematical problems and also created the first chatbot, ELIZA, in 1966. However, between the years of 1974 and 1980, due to shortage on government funding, research was slowed down, and the period became referred to as AI Winter. During this time, specifically in 1968 Stanley Kubrick directed the film "2001 Space Odyssey" which started conversations and questions about whether AI will be a good or danger to humanity.

IBM computer Deep Blue that beat world chess champion in 1997.

The field of AI started to rise again in 1970 when the first microprocessors were introduced. This led universities such as MIT and Stanford to develop expert systems specializing in the medical field. Their systems programmed to be a logical mirror of human reasoning. By entering data, the engine provided answers of a high level of expertise. [4] However, shortly after, during the later 1980s, the field went into another AI Winter in which funding for the high cost of research were stopped.

The emergence of intelligent agents sparked again in the 1990s. In 1997, IBM's expert system Deep Blue became the first computer to beat world chess champion. In 2002, AI in a form of a vacuum cleaner named Roomba. Starting in 2010 and up to modern day there has been a boom in the field with new topics being introduced to technological developments such as deep learning, neural networks, data mining, and big data. In the year 2011, IBM's Watson won jeopardy, a quiz show, where it had to solve the complex questions as well as riddles. [5] In the year 2014, Chatbot "Eugene Goostman" won a competition in the infamous "Turing test." In the year. [6]. In addition, popular devices such as Amazon Alexa and Apple’s Siri are prime examples of modern AI applications.

Companies such as IBM, Google, Facebook, and Amazon, are all working with AI technologies to create new devices to assist people in performing a variety of tasks. In addition, universities and research facilities are working on using AI to provide enhanced medical, environmental, and educational technology. The field is promising and will continue to be for many years.


Artificial Intelligence can be applied to a diverse set of industries such as medical, financial, education, marketing, agriculture, space exploration, gaming, and many other areas. It is revolutionizing all aspects of society.

A few examples are stated below:

  • Image recognition: AI technology can be used to scan images or videos and detect and classify things, text, people, and actions,among others, by identifying characteristics and patterns. This is used for fingerprint ID systems and facial recognition.
  • Speech recognition: A technology that detects vocal patterns and converts them to digital text. This is what allows voice control for applications such as Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa.
  • Natural language processing: Automatic translators such as Google Translate use an AI-driven algorithm to detect, process, and translate text from one language to another.
Self driving cars such as Teslas use AI technology.
  • Computer virus and malware prevention: Anti-virus software and other computer security software use AI technology such as deep neural networks to learn to detect new types of virus and therefore alert the system and prevent these threats.
  • Transportation Apps: Uber and Lyft are examples of ride-share apps that use artificial intelligence to match potential passengers with the nearest drivers to taking into consideration ETA and traffic.
  • Automatic vehicles: A set of AI technologies such as image recognition, GPS technology, robotics, and machine learning are used to guide the vehicle safely through the configured route.


Cleverbot is a chatterbot that was developed by Rollo Carpenter, and released publicly in 1997. Cleverbot repeatedly collects data through conversations with humans, and learns from that data to converse with more humans. Since its launch in 1997, Cleverbot has had more than 150 million conversations with humans.

Neuralink Implant

Elon Musk, co-founder and CEO of Tesla has developed an implantable brain-machine interface which started in 2016 and was first publicly reported in March 2017. With a vast amount of funding of $158 million, 90 of Musk's employees have created a very thing device (4 to 6 μm in width) which threads into the brain.[7] Neuralink This similar artificial intelligence device will help the human brains perform in such ways: 1) Help paraplegics uses technology devices by making no physical movements. Like using and I-phone. 2) Transfer messages from one Link device to another. 3) Be able to immediately capture instant thoughts and transcribe them into instant communication.
